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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    100+ Club

    Hi Lisa - Congrats on your loss. I think the fact that you didn't give up on your 100 lb. loss means alot ... so what if you didn't make it by the date first set - at least you didn't say "screw it" and keep eating the wrong things. Consider it a learning lesson and move on ... and I believe you'll reach you goal... just take it one day at a time!
  2. Malaika

    Lap Band vs Sleeve

    I feel great considering I had major surgery 2 weeks ago. There is no pain at any of the incision points. I am back to work. I am tired and I can only attribute that to the fact that I've yet to find anytype of Protein I can tolerate - everything is so sweet I can't stand more than a sip or two. I think that will change when I am able to begin mushies and eat cottage cheese and such. My fiance has decided to have the surgery, too, and so I believe we'll be heading back down to Mexicali on 7/10.
  3. Malaika

    I'm New Here

    WELCOME, WELCOME WELCOME!!! I had my surgery on 6/12/09 - so 2 weeks ago today. My surgeon was Albeto Aceves in Mexicali, Mexico and don't believe that I could have picked a better surgeon or location. The entire procedure was wonderful. The pain from the surgery is minimal - right after surgery I had pain in my left shoulder blade from the gas - then the next day it was under my left boob ... and then it was gone. Other than that the only other "pain" I had - if you can truly call it that - was where the drain was -- and it wasn't truly pain, more of a tenderness. As for the gas - a heating pad helped alot ... And think about it ... it's a time in your life when everyone is really HAPPY when you fart and belch :lol0: The past two weeks have been good. I was released from the hospital after 3 nights and each day is better. I went back to work 1 week after my surgery and have been there every day since. The only thing I struggle with at this time is getting in all of the required Protein (60-70 gms) and fluids. Since the surgery, everything is so sickening sweet, that I can only tolerate about 2 sips of anything. I have found that I am able to tolerate tomato Soup and tonight I am having reduced sodium cream of chicken and while it still tastes a bit salty, it does taste good. If you have any other questions, as away.
  4. Malaika

    Non Scale Victory (NSV)

    Sleep is a wonderful thing ... so glad I'm sleeping through the night again, finally! I read it as a NSV ... so maybe my brain isnt fully functioning yet. Good thing it's Friday.
  5. How exciting for her - and you -- she will be happy to have you there ... all will be well. She'll be in great hands and at a great hospital. I will keep you in my prayers. I think the reason Dr. Aceves is doing surgery on a Sunday is that he was attending a conference in Texas, so I am sure he has a backlog of surgeries that people want to get done. We'll look for your posts -- tell "Jaffa's wife" to enjoy her last meal :lol0:
  6. Malaika

    Michael Jackson - Dead

    I work with a gal who had encounters with MJ in New York ... she said he was very paranoid about his privacy; however was nice and soft spoken ... and loved to spend money. Welcome to our "pad" -- it's very nice if I must say so myself.
  7. Malaika

    Rate your liquids

    I'm lucky in that regard, I've got my choice of a Costco or Sam's both within about 4 miles from my house. Sam's is closer so I generally go there; sometimes I travel to Costco. DF won't go to Costco with me, though, as it's always too crowded for his liking.
  8. Malaika

    Love this site ... BUT

    Yes, that's true - you've got a good point -- we do need the site to be fed so it doesn't go belly up ... *sigh* okay fine, I'll just be more careful and not let my little point fall on the hyperlink. *head down ... shuffling out of here now *:lol0:
  9. Malaika

    LInk at bottom of page

    I'm sure Alex will take care of the problem PDQ
  10. Malaika

    Something I read on that other board

    Sorry - my daughter-in-law and grandson were over for dinner and play time and didn't leave until 9; then I had to read all the posts, after cleaning up the kitchen, loading the dishwasher -- and I'm going to bed very soon. I had a really rough day today - felt like I was going to through up all day and nothing I did got rid of the feeling. I walked in the front door, kissed DF and said I'm going to bed, please wake me up at 6:15 (company was to be here at 6:30), climbed into bed and I was out ... I'm not ready to go back to bed and hope that tomorrow is a better day!
  11. They didn't hit me until 2 days after I was home -- Wednesday & Thursday -- and that was the only issues I had. I think you'll probably be okay for the flight ... just if you feel the need to pass gas - you might want to go to the restroom just in case you make the "wrong" decision, if you know what I mean.
  12. Malaika

    Something I read on that other board

    I'm sorry ... what was your question? I forgot .... LOL - just kidding. I've heard that the effects of anesthesia can cause temporary memory loss ... me, I just feel a bit ditzy, but not any more forgetful than I was before the surgery.
  13. Malaika

    Lap Band vs Sleeve

    Eyfura has a fear of needles -- she would be able to tell you of her experience. As for the IV - mine was put in in the OR and I wasn't "there" for it ... the pills they give you beforehand are very nice. I have no memory of any of it. I will say that the gal who drew my blood did the best job of anyone who has ever taken blood -- I always bruise -- heck, after she took out the needle, you couldn't even see where the puncture was ... that was just amazing to me.
  14. Malaika

    Hello all!

    :biggrin0: that's if we could all decide on the same soup! That's too funny -- but oh so true! I think Cyates is venturing off to Lebanon in the near future aren't you?
  15. Malaika

    I've been sleeved

    It's like 17 carbs for 1/2 the can and I can usually get 4 servings out of each can, so I don't think that it's that bad -- especially since it seems be the only thing that doesn't taste nasty to me at this point in time. I also buy the low sodium so I don't swell up.
  16. Malaika

    Dr. Aceves :-)

    I don't know the statistics; however, I do know that Ruthi, Bob and I went out walking around the evening before our surgeries and we walked several blocks and no one bothered us, heckled us, stared at us or anything ... we walked by a park-like area and it was very clean and did not appear to have any homeless people sleeping or milling about ... I didn't feel unsafe at all. We also walked around the hospital alot and again, never felt the least bit worried for my safety.
  17. I was told 15 - however, I've found that I'm very bad at quessing what things weigh -- I know both my dogs are over 15 so cannot lift them -- which really ticks Riley off because he has such short little legs (Shitzu) that he isn't able to get on the bed by himself. If I think it's going to be too heavy, I just ask someone to help me with it - so far everyone has been great.
  18. It must have been really bad for you to smell it. I seem to have developed superheroic smelling since my surgery ... I hope it returns more to normal down the road.
  19. Malaika

    Hello all!

    YAY!!!!!! So happy you posted!!! You, Rosebud and I need to get together sometime -- she lives down in 7Hills area. Rosebud was sleeved by Dr. Aceves, too! Welcome!!!
  20. Malaika

    Non Scale Victory (NSV)

    That's awesome Elisabeth - I'm so happy for you and that you now know your hard work is paying off and people are taking notice. That has to feel good.
  21. Malaika

    Michael Jackson - Dead

    I heard about both of them at work this morning -- Farrah's death, althoug it didn't come as a surpise, was still sad. Michael's death was a total shock. I agree with you on his upbringing. And, I, too immediately wondered what would happen to his children and what major changes would be coming in their lives.
  22. Malaika

    Come in and chat with me!

    sure you can - just open the chat in a separate window - log in - and voila - you can read posts and chat by switching between the two windows. This is the only way I can get that chat room to open so I have no choice, but I enjoy being able to switch between the two.
  23. Holy HECK - 4 weeks??? I figured that's about what you took off for a TT, not a sleeve. I'd be out of my mind being off work for 4 weeks ... unless of course I was doing something really fun!
  24. Malaika

    My Weird Food

    THAT would be pretty bad (and sad, too) ... HA!
  25. Malaika

    Two questions

    I think the nerves are normal and if you are sure as sure can be then you just have to bite the bullet and "do it"! As for so many going to Mexico, in my situation, my insurance has an exemption and will not pay for ANY WLS, so I was self-pay if I wanted to get this surgery done. And I did. The only surgeon here in Las Vegas that I would have considered going to charges about $25,000 for the sleeve and that does not include any of the pre-op testing, the anesthesiologist, the hospital stay or any post-op testing. My price of $9500 with Dr. Alberto Aceves, who is more qualified than the LV surgeon, included absolutely EVERYTHING except the cost of getting to Mexicali and home (which was minimal considering we live close enough to drive.) It included pre-op testing, one night in a lovely resort, the surgery, anesthesia, 3 days in the hospital, and post-op testing. The only real "follow-up" is in 3 months when they recommend you have an upper GI and a full panel of blood work. I will probably go back down to Mexicali to have this performed, because I have such a high opinion and tremendous respect for Dr. Aceves and his staff. I discussed this surgery with my PCP before havingt it performed and he recommended that I proceed. He also said that he would be more than happy to take care of me following the surgery. So, if I don't go to Mexicali for the follow-up in 3 months, I can always go to see him. Although it does have something to do with the money, for me it had more to do with the experience of my surgeon. Money did play a factor, but it wasn't the main reason for traveling to Mexicali. I value my health much more than getting a bargain. Hope this helps.

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