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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    Vitalady.com samples...

    I ordered some on Saturday - 6/27 -- I'll let you know when I receive them. I think my S/H was $10.95 -- I ordered more samples I think than Tiff did. I figured it was worth the s/h if I can find even ONE flavor I like and can drink to get my protein in.! I don't think that's a crazy question at all -- I am very sensitive to smells since my surgery and can't stand anything that even has the slightest nasty smell.
  2. Malaika

    Editing Posts

    Not a big deal - was just a typo I saw when I was reading a thread ... I can live with it ... Thanks though -- will teach me to proofread better in the future before posting.
  3. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have -- someone will unlikely have an answer for you.
  4. Malaika

    WOW--so happy!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!! I know how happy you must be with the weight loss. I also know how you feel about wanting to be able to "chew" ... liquids aren't any fun; however it also doesn't last forever (thank God!) Also, great name I must say so myself :001_tt2: (I'm a Susan too!)
  5. My PCP was exactly the opposite - he supported me, told me he would be happy to continue treating me and would be anxious to hear about the entire experience. Perhaps this is because he is from India originally and doesn't have hang-ups about doctors outside of the US? I don't know, don't care, just happy to have his support. As for hiring a trainer and "getting fit" - sure that might work -- right up until you quit having a trainer ... then you'd be back to square one and out 2x the amount of money because you'd still be paying Dr. Aceves. Hang in there, know that you've made the right choice for you and to heck with those who don't understand it. And if your pcp won't take care of you, find one who will.
  6. I did for about 2 days after I got home -- surgery was on Friday and diarrhea hit me Wed/Thurs. Haven't had any issues since. I don't go everyday; however when I do, it's soft but formed.
  7. Malaika

    Scars and remedies

    Yes, I scar very very easily As for keeping them out of the sun, well that shouldn't be a problem. Although DF and I do belong to a nudist group (sorry if TMI) and there is a party on the 4th, I don't intend to be barring all this time. And when I am out in the sun, I use an SPF of 45 ... don't laugh ... it's what I need ...
  8. Okay - so I am VERY fair skinned. My paternal grandmother was an albino. My heritage is scottish/irish/german/french ... so very fair skinned and thus, bruise and scar very easily. I researched a bit on remedies to help fade scars and one of the items that came up and, surprisingly had good reviews, was PreferOn (you know by the same people who have those obnoxious commercials about headon?) Anyway, I purchased a stick of it last night - looks like a jumbo chapstick. It was $10.69 at Wal-Greens. It says it's for old and new scars, no matter how old. I'm to apply it to the scars 3-4 times a day for 3-5 months. So, I started last night and will follow-through with the process and let everyone know if it works. Anyone else have any other tried and true suggestions? Inquiring minds want to know. :001_tt2:
  9. My DF says the food in the cafeteria is great and very reasonable - he got a club sandwich with fries for $3 and a hamburger and fries for about the same. He said the food was great. I used my debit card at the pharmacy and was charged $.12 on a $12.31 purchase. dinner at the resort - full dinner with desert and drink and tip was about $28.00. and it was more food that I could eat.
  10. Malaika

    Dr. Aceves :-)

    Take the shots for the sickness, no need to feel miserable and fight it -- I only got sick once and after that, I asked for the shot. It must have worked, as I didn't ever feel sick again. As for the soreness, the only place I was really sore was where the drain was and that remained sore for quite some time -- not debilating sore, but enough to let you know you'd had surgery and there was an incision there. That lasted until about a week after surgery. Keep walking, it will get better. Take the sleeping medication at night - that will help you feel rested.
  11. Malaika

    A couple cool web sites

    You're too funny ... I like eggfaces website - she's got tons of great recipes and I have it as a favorite on my toolbar so it's always readily accesible. I'll have to check out the other one.
  12. Malaika

    Surgery date set

    Congratulations on finally deciding on your surgery -- I am sure it was a difficult choice and probably more difficult than now waiting for the surgery. I'll look forward to hearing about your experiences as I know little to nothing about the rny.
  13. Malaika

    CDC Reports on Obesity by State

    Better than Nevada - 62.6 in the bad categories :laugh0:
  14. Malaika

    Two questions

    I agree with you Elisabeth 100%. My experience was absolutely awesome and we're headed back down there in July so my DF can have the surgery too!
  15. Malaika

    I'm failing

    You're on solids now right? So you could have PB and apples? That sounds heavenly right now -- something crunchy and something smooth ... I love PB and the apples would probably be easier to digest than celery - although more carbs.
  16. Malaika

    I'm failing

    and there's no guarantee what you like pre-op you will like post-op. My tastes changed substantially. Tiffykins says the carribbean cooler is very very good and goes down very smooth -- gave it a 5 out of 5 stars. Might want to try that. I ordered a variety pack from Vitalady.com and hope to get it this week so I can finally find something that will help me get in my Proteins on a daily basis. When mixing your protein powder with SF pudding mix - how much milk do you use?
  17. Yeah, what she said ....:001_tt2: Bob is set for 7/11/09
  18. Do you remember the number? Did it have a couch to sleep on? or a chair?
  19. Works for me - that would be so cool ... I only have one guest room -- but there's a TON of hotels around. That would be so much fun.
  20. Good point -- I'll have to see what's available.
  21. I think so - because when they moved us to the last room on the right by the double doors, our reception went to nearly nil. Wonder if I can "choose" our room when Bob goes for his surgery ... LOL
  22. I would think so. And posting obviously feeds mine ... :-)
  23. Malaika

    I'm failing

    I have to buy some yogurt - I haven't had any since my surgery.
  24. Yes, it is very addictive and helpful. And some of us even know one another - had surgery at the same time or within a day of one another. That's cool too. Glad you're here and feel at home :confused1:
  25. That sounds exactly like Ruthi and I .... hmmm ... maybe it has something to do with who goes first and who goes second? I was first like Kathy ... Ruthi after me. Just kidding .. totally coincidental, but I feel for her. Did you bring a heating pad? It helped me a lot with the gas pain the left shoulder and the next day under the left boob ... after that it didn't hurt at all ... I think the heat and the walking helped alot. What room are you in? I know the first night we were in the first room as you walk onto the unit and had great reception - then they moved us so Bob would have a couch to sleep on instead of a chair that made into a twin bed and the reception was very iffy. You could probably go into an empty room and see if the wi-fi is any better in one of them .. they weren't all full when I was there. Just a thought.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
