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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    i am struggling here

    Yes it is very addicting -- however, keeps your fingers out of the cookie jar so to speak... Just think Daisy, pretty soon we won't be the 'babies' anymore -- we'll be TEENAGERS on this WLS path. How cool!:wink0:[/size][/font]
  2. Malaika

    I did it, i did it, i did it

    Dr. Aceves recommends walking as soon as possible - fast walking - not the walking you do after surgery -- and other exercise as you can tolerate it - however, nothing which requires lifting anything over 15 lbs. for 6 weeks. I walk, ride bikes and will start using my Malibu pilates chair this weekend when I can get DF to move it to the middle of the room for me. Walking is a great place to start. My PCP says that walking is actually the best exercise one can do.
  3. Malaika


    Yep this is true .... "necessity" is the mother of invention so they say ... and if you want it bad enough you'll figure it out!:wink0:
  4. Malaika

    Clear Liquids Only Stage?

    Tiffykins can explain all about it to you -- she was on one for awhile. Didn't sound like fun to me; however, one has to do what one has to do. As for reading posts post-op -- just hold a pillow to your tummy ... or put your hand on the drain incision -- that is the only one that hurt me.:wink0:
  5. Malaika

    3rd Aug is my turn

    Congratulations! Have fun opening pandora's box :wink0:
  6. Best of luck with your decision. And I see no reason why your doctor should lie to you. You could check the Medical Board to see if he's had any lawsuits filed again him. Also, you could check the civil court system to see if there have been complaints against him and read the complaint to see what the charges were. This is what I do for any doctor recommended to me in Nevada. Research is your best weapon. Also, keep in mind that the cost of the surgery and all related expenses are tax deductible.
  7. I didn't lose much weight on my pre-op diet either ... however, my liver was in wonderful shape at the time of surgery. I don't know if it was of the pre-op diet or because I basically had cut out all sugar and flour - basically anything white many many months before I started the pre-op diet. Stick with it - any little bit helps.
  8. Welcome. Congrats on making a decision and choosing to change your life. WASa is right about the pre/post -op diets -- it may seem as though they will never end, but they do ... and everyday things get better and better and better ... you'll be happy with your choice. Ask any questions you want, someone will have an answer for you !
  9. Malaika

    I did it, i did it, i did it

    WAY TO GO GIRL -- I'm so proud of you!! Bob and I are trying to walk every day; however, it's getting so hot here - even at 6:30 in the morning it's in the 90s. We also went bike riding the other night and I did okay with that except for my knees, but that's always a problem due to the bone-on-bone issue. Keep up the good work - you may never like it - but it may become a habit!
  10. I was a "virgin" sleever and yes, after doing all of the research that I did, even if my insurance would have paid for my sleeve surgery, I would have gone to Dr. Aceves. Three days in the hospital is awesome. Dr. Aceves comes and see you at least 3x a day. The hospital was immaculate. Everything was 100% better than you get in the US and the cost to me out of pocket would not have been that much less than what I paid to Dr. Aceves.
  11. Malaika

    Got my date!

    This was my first surgery, too, and it wasn't bad at all ... you'll be fine!
  12. EVERYTHING seems to taste different to me. I can't stand the taste of my coffee anymore. If it's the least bit sweet to others, it's sickening sweet to me. SF pudding is almost too sweet. I can eat the Crystal Lite popsicles, the others are almost too sweet. I really liked Propel Strawberry-Kiwi in my Water and I tried it yesterday and it was too sweet too -- I'll have to try it again in more water. I've noticed these changes since my surgery which was 6/12/09. I also seem to have super-sonic smelling - which I could live without.
  13. Malaika

    Noodles -

    HAHAHA - almost-real-food ... I love it. I'm going to look for these - I was thinking today how I would have liked to have eaten the noodles in the Top Ramen ... this will fit the bill me thinks.
  14. Malaika

    Egg Drop Soup

    I don't even really like eggs -- however, I was able to eat more of this soup than I have been able to eat of anything else. I can eat one sm. egg yoke with cottage cheese - and can eat about 1/3 of 1/2 cup. I find that I simply don't enjoy eating anything, no matter what it is -- I hope this passes when I'm on solid foods. Now I get told to be careful how much tofu I do eat as it has a lot of estrogen in it !~ I can't win for losing.
  15. So who is going to be in Mexicali from July 10th through July 13th? It seems there are going to be alot of us ... I know Eyfura's sister is going to be there and so is she. And I know my fiance is getting sleeved on the 11th, so I'll be there with him too. Now, Eyfura and I were sleeved within a day of each other, so we already know each other ... we need to be sure to get to know any of you who are going to be down there during that time frame. So SPEAK up (relatively speaking) so we have a head count and know who to look for while we're there...we'll have a big ole VST Party. :Cry::party4:
  16. Malaika

    Got my date!

    I believe you have to mix it when the item is cold and then heat it up - it will clump if you try to add it to warm/hot items.
  17. Malaika


    When I asked my doctor that he said "Not here, please!" LOL And then explained anytime in which it was not painful to do so...TMI here perhaps, but I believe we waited about 1-1/2 weeks.
  18. Malaika

    Blue Hills of Kentucky

    I'm from Indianapolis - about 2 hours from Louisville ... Bearded is my "other half" and trust me, if he's around people with the accent, he slips back into it without a blink of the eye. His Sis still lives in Louisville. I miss the green of the midwest, but not the humid summers and the cold winters that Indy had.
  19. Malaika

    Dijon-Bacon Dip

    Man how I miss a garden and fresh veggies -- especially tomatoes ... the ones here in the store have no flavor ... I found a farmers market today - going to stop by there tomorrow after work -- hopefully they'll have good fresh garden veggies...
  20. ABSOULTELY FANTASTIC STEVE~~ Thanks for letting us all know. Keep us posted on how Kathy is doing once you get home too. Hugs to her.
  21. Malaika

    I'm New Here

    My jaws pop whenever I chew -- I didn't think anything of it, until apparently it became louder over time and people started commenting on it. On top of that, I started getting massive headaches - debilitating at times - that woudn't go away. I was surfing the net one evening and thought I'd check it 0ut -- I seemed to have a lot of the indicators for TMJ. So, since I see my chiro weekly, I asked him if he could adjust my jaw and why. He said sure and he did -- he said it was way out ... and within 20 minutes, the headache was gone. So I made an appt. with my dentist, who took some x-rays and did some prodding around with his fingers - and raised me right out of my seat - and said "yep, you have TMJ" So I was fitted for a mouth piece, which took about 3 weeks (and $300) and in the interim, I saw my chiro 2x a week to keep the headaches at bay. Now I wear the mouthpiece to bed everynight (let me tell you, it's SEXY) and still see my chiro once a week and that seems to keep it at bay. I did have trouble around surgery time I guess from really clenching my teeth (go figure) and saw my chiro on Tuesday after getting home on Monday and again, within 30 minutes, headache was gone. If you think you may have it, I would suggest starting with a chiro and then going to see your dentist ... the two work hand in hand.
  22. Malaika

    Still struggling

    Thanks Sassie - I know it's only been 2 weeks and I need to be patient, it's that at times it's frustrating. I decided to do what I could do and not stress over it anymore -- I can tell, now, that everyday it is getting better. Thank goodness!
  23. Okay all, as most of you know, my surgery was on 6/12. That was 2 weeks ago this past Friday. I am still struggling to get in all my Protein and fluids. Did anyone else - or is anyone else- still getting a feeling of everything getting 'stuck' - even fluids (inasmuch as that is all I am on at this time) - right about the spot between your boobs? I don't understand how things get stuck when they are liquid ... however, it happens. Sometimes, when I have that stuck feeling and I brush my teeth, I start to gag. Almost like you might do if you were pregnant -- WHICH I AM NOT. Then I get very nauseaus and break out in a cold sweat and have to lay down with a fan on me until it passes. I'm just wondering if something is wrong with me or if others have/had this issue. I'm afraid the gagging will cause a leak, aside from the fact that it hurts and is no fun. Thanks for your input/advice.
  24. Malaika

    date set!!

    I love you to death; however, I am not going to be as loving as Jaffa Steve and go through the clear liquid stage with you like he is doing with his wife. Heck at this rate, I may very well still be on full liquids while we're down there. If not, mushies then, but sorry babe - NO more Clear Liquids for me!!:thumbdown:
  25. Malaika

    Bougie prosthetic?

    Glad you got an explanation and seems to me if you're paying $2K for the darn thing, you should have a right to keep it. Afterall, you're keeping the staples, so why not the gun too!:tongue_smilie:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
