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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Most everyone I know, except for 2 or 3, travelled with a companion - they can stay in your room with you the entire time -there are very comfy couches in each room. I am sure if you have to travel alone, you'll be just fine as Ernesto picks you up in San Diego - takes you to the hospital for your pre-ops- takes you the resort - where you can eat right there on the premises or order room service - then he picks you up the next morning, back to the hospital until you're released and then he takes you back to San Diego to catch your flight. You're never alone unless you choose to be. If you do go by yourself, take things to entertain you as it does get rather boring after a bit.
  2. Malaika

    B.C. Pills

    OH SoCal - I am SO VERY SORRY you're having to go through this -- have you called your doctor to let him know you're having these issues? Maybe you might want to go to his office so he can see for himself? How horrible that you're experiencing this!
  3. Malaika

    RNY now VSG?

    Thanks Shanda ... the scale finally moved after 2 weeks ... it didn't budge - not even .1 ... I was happy to see it move this morning!
  4. Welcome Newmom ... you've selected an AWESOME surgeon - you won't be disappointed. Here is the information for Nina at Dr. A's office -- she will work with you in seeing if you are eligible for surgery, getting you scheduled, etc. -- she's a wealth of information ... her infor is: Nina Eguia Patient Coordinator, Dr. Aceves 1888 344 3916 cell 760 646 1828 nina@mexicalibariatirccenter.com If you don't want to call her, you can email her. I would say you would have a response today or tomorrow. She'll have you fill out paperwork for the doctor to review and then he'll make the determination if you are eligible for surgery. Then you can schedule it. At your pre-op you will have a complete panel of blood work, an EKG and a chest x-ray, and whatever other tests he might deem necessary. I see no problems with you having your surgery in November - sooner if you want - if all is okay with Dr. A. Any other questions, please ask. LOTS of us here have used Dr. Aceves and we all love him and his staff!
  5. Malaika

    RNY now VSG?

    Welcome Seattlecat. I don't know much about the RNY other than you experience malabsorption and you don't have that issue with the sleeve. From the little I do know, I would have chosen the sleeve over the RNY - they don't have to reroute your intestines with the sleeve. As for the weight loss, I had surgery on 6/12 and have lost 31.8 lbs.
  6. Malaika

    What do you take for lunch?

    SOUNDS YUMMY - and something I will make when the weather cools down a little in LV ... something about eating chili when it's 113 outside ... not too refreshing ... but I will DEFINITELY make this up - I love chili! So start a thread with that title and post away -- I know I would be interested - the easier the better -- especially once Bearded gets on to solids - quick and easy would be GREAT. I am sure I am not the only one who would be interested!
  7. Malaika

    What's on your mind?

    Me either -- and I'd especially think they wouldn't have them in Oregon where there is so much moisture already. Sorry you had to have that experience Daisy. Hope the rest of the weekend was more fun and enjoyable for you.
  8. Ryansgirl - the only real follow-up that is required is 3 months after surgery - you need a complete blood panel and an upper GI - at least that is what Dr. Aceves recommends ... there are no fills, etc. I don't see why your PCP would be adverse to ordering those 2 tests for you - it's not like she has to pay for them afterall.
  9. Malaika

    New to the sleeve

    Try putting a heating pad on your back in the shoulder area where the pain is and if necessary move it around to the front and lower abdomen area -- for some reason the heat helps dissipate the pain from the gas. I took my heating pad to the hospital and used it while I was there - by the time I was discharged, I had no issues with gas pains.
  10. I couldn't tolerate the crushed medication, so I bought a pill-cutter and cut it into tiny pieces - I was able to swallow the tine pieces and you don't get that nasty medicine taste -- just a thought -you might want to try it that way.
  11. It's your life, your body and if your PCP is worth anything, he will not judge you and will do everything he can to support you and be happy to handle your follow-up .. tell him this is what you are going to do and you hope he will be willing to continue to have you as a patient. IF not, find another PCP. As for telling others, I chose not to - there are very very few that know the entire story. Others I told I had a hiatal hernia repaired - which is the truth. I just didn't mention the surgery. That is a personal choice as well. Congratulations on finding a surgeon and scheduling your surgery. Who is your doctor?
  12. Malaika

    Compulsive Worrier

    I was on Nexium for quiet a while and went off it without any "weaning" off .. I then just took Zantac or a Nexium or both if I had an episode of acid reflux, but those were few and far between ... I figure after my 3 months on nexium is complete, I will see how I do without it and take it on an as-needed basis.
  13. Malaika

    Social Networking Sites

    LOL .. no need to worry Daisy - that was this weekend and no, we won't be having any events while you are here ... we'll be dressed while you are here as well. You'll be SAFE...
  14. Malaika

    Introducing myself to YOU!

    WELCOME HYCHAP. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I'm glad you found us and hope that all of us are able to offer you any support/encouragement and answers to any questions you may have. We look forward to following you on your journey!
  15. Research - lots of research - the experience of the surgeon, the % of complications, the location, the cost ... I was a self-pay, Dr. Aceves had fantastic credentials and in over 600 sleeves had not had any leaks, his cost was significantly less than it would cost in the US, and he was only 5-6 hours from home. After the entire experience, I would recommend him to anyone regardless of where they live.
  16. Malaika

    100+ Pound Club

    I want one of those cards -- just as soon as I reach that goal - how cool!
  17. Malaika

    Home!! SO HAPPY

    So glad you made it home Penny. That had to be an exhausting trip. As for the incision where the drain tube was, I was told to take the gauze off when I showered, use anti-bacterial soap on it and all the other incisions (over the tape) and after showering, pat the area dry and reapply some gauze. I was told to do that for 14 days; however, the incision closed up long before then. I think I actually kept it covered for about 7 days -- the tapes took awhile to fall off -- I would pat them dry with a towel and then take a blowdryer on cool/low and blow them until they were dry before I got dressed. Some drainage and redness at the site where the drain was located is normal for a few days so I wouldn't be too overly concerned. I was told NOT to put anything on the incision such as neosporin ... just be sure to wash it well with the anitbacterial soap. You will be tired for a while and the dizzyness (which I felt more like fogginess) will dissipate over time as you are able to get in more liquids/protein. Sounds like you're doing awesome -- keep us posted!
  18. Malaika

    Just hit Onederland!!

    Congrats Chancie -- that is great -- one pound at a time you'll be there before you know it. Susan - 6 lbs! - wow, I'm jealous -- that's a great weight loss for one week - CONGRATS! As for goal weight, my doctor hasn't really set a goal weight for me, I set it for myself and as I get closer to it (I've a ways to go yet), if I feel healthier and happier at a weight 5 lbs or so over it, then maybe I will quit trying to lose and try to maintain. Same goes for my goal weight, if I think I need to lose more, then I will. I think it all depends on how YOU feel at what weight you want to maintain. Whatever weight it is, it's going to be less than when you started the WL journey and you're going to be healthier than you were.
  19. I agree with you as long as the scale keeps moving down and not up, I am content. The weight didn't come on overnight and so it's not going to come off overnight either (darn it!). I tell Bearded, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon and we'll both be winners (losers) in the end!
  20. Malaika

    Social Networking Sites

    I have no doubt whatsoever Mac that you will achieve the ironman!
  21. Malaika

    What do you take for lunch?

    I'm not as far out from surgery as you are Susan, so you are probably able to eat more 'solid' foods than I; however, I pack things like the 3 oz can of tuna that comes with reduced mayonnaise and relish, sometimes I nuke a small potatoe and put cheese on it; I take deli turkey, spread laughing cow cheese on it, a slice of avacodo, roll it up and cut it into slices, string cheese, SF Jello, sometimes low sodium Soup. That's about it, or at least all I can think of ATM. I'll be interested to see other responses as well as it may give me some new ideas.
  22. Malaika

    My New Beginning

    Welcome Renee and thanks for sharing your story!
  23. How long does the need for so much sleep last? I have never needed more than 5 hours of sleep in years; and since the surgery (6/12) I seem to need at least 8 hours - sometimes more. I went to bed last night at 10 and had my alarm set for 5:30 to get up and exercise -- there was no way - it was all I could do to hit the snooze button, let alone get up and start exercising! I HATE being so tired all the time and having no energy -- it's so unlike me-- I used to be go go go and now I have no energy for anything and have to push myself to do everything. Anyone have any idea how much longer I'm going to feel this way? :lol0::sleep0::yawn:
  24. Malaika

    Social Networking Sites

    I'll give it some thought - however the first thing that came to mind was a rainbow with a fat leprechaun at one end and a skinny leprechaun and a pot of gold at the other end.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
