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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. KayKay - I am 2 months and 1 week out and up until this week, I wasn't able to eat very much at a time and felt as though I was eating about every hour or two - however the amount I was eating was very little. This week I am finding that I am able to eat a bit more and am not hungry every hour or two like before ... I think with time he will find he is able to eat more and won't be hungry as often.
  2. Malaika

    I'm so HAPPY with the SLEEVE!!!

    Congratulations babygirl -- I am sure you must be ecstatic - as well you should be ... keep up the good work!!
  3. Malaika


    And for Bearded not to have energy for sex you KNOW he's either really tired or really sick!:001_rolleyes:
  4. Yes, I had "tape burn" -- if fact you can still see where I put a large bandage over the drain site incision and that was 2 months ago!
  5. Malaika

    Bloating? Help!

    Hey AJWatson, welcome to the forum and our family. I had some bloating the first few days; however, it doesn't seem to be that much of a problem now ... you aren't drinking anything carbonated are you?
  6. Malaika

    Ipod giveaway

    LOL .. Socal you are so funny ... maybe you can lift it from him like Mac's phone? :biggrin2:
  7. It's my understanding that the sleeve removes a protion of your stomach and the gastric bypass they make your stomach smaller and reroute your intestines somehow ... I'm sure someone will explain it much better than me.:001_rolleyes:
  8. Malaika


    Now - taking several youngsters to the library is something I would worry about -- especially a 2 year old ... and it's not that DON'T ever worry -- I just don't worry about every little thing -- don't sweat the small stuff! It's a habit that takes years to break Daisy -- I used to worry about everything - would I wake up in the morning, would I make it to work without having an accident, etc., etc., etc. I was raised in a "worrying" environment, so I don't say it lightly when I say "Don't worry." It took years to break the habit and that is all it is a habit ... you can break it if you choose too. It's good that you are becoming more aware of it and trying to change ... life is just too damn short to be a chronic worrier. I have a quote I found that I believe to be so true -- and it is: I believe that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are; however, WE are responsible for the person we become. Trust me, my childhood was not all that great and I could blame everything on my childhood; however, I have chosen to become responsible for the type of person I am today.
  9. Malaika

    Do we always have to talk about the sleeve?

    Rosey - believe it or not I am a D cup ... for years I thought I was a B cup ... went to a bra store where they fit you and the woman took the tape measure and tightened it up and said "44D" and I said "NO WAY I can fill a D cup." She said "just watch" ....she got a 44D hooked that puppy up in the back til I didn't think I'd be able to breath and then proceeded to tell me how to correctly place the girls in the cups ... and low and behold ... I filled them up ... I had been wearing a 48B ... so too big around and too small a cup -- I couldn't believe the difference -- the girls were perky, no back bacon and after a few days, I actually found I didn't notice how tight it felt and that I could breath ... so go get fitted at a bra store and see what surprises you get!
  10. Malaika

    My greatest new discovery

    64 oz of fluid is what my surgeon recommended ... SF popsicles and ice cubes are a good way to get in liquids, propel water, special k water ... sip sip sip or suck suck suck all day long. It's tough at first, but it will get easier.
  11. Malaika

    Do we always have to talk about the sleeve?

    Me, me - I am ... I am planning on a tummy tuck and a boob lift/implants (depending on what happens to the girls during my weight loss). Those are the 2 major things I want to have done -- If I have a turkey neck, then I'll have a face lift or neck lift or whatever they call it. Guess I'd better start playing megabucks to pay for it all.
  12. Hope I helped somewhat - am sure others will respond as well. Welcome!
  13. Malaika


    so you emailed Gaby to be sure - but you didn't give it a second thought huh? Seriously Jenn - what good does worrying do - does it change anything? It only makes you miserable from the worry - and those around you suffer as well. The best piece of advice I was given, years ago - and I remember this when I start to regress is: "DON'T WORRY ABOUT THOSE THINGS WHICH YOU CAN NOT CONTROL" (Yes, you can control eating popcorn; however, you worry about things that you can't control or change - so why worry about them?)
  14. Malaika

    Post Op Vitamins?

    I've just started taking vitamins again as my surgeon (Dr. Aceves) didn't want me to take any vitamins until I was on solid foods. I started about 2 weeks ago and am taking 2 children's gummi multi-vitamins with Iron. Today I am going to start adding in the calcium citrate. Once I get my blood work back, if I am deficient in anything, then I will add in that Vitamin as well. I would ask your surgeon what he recommends for you post op as every doctor is different.
  15. Malaika

    Unbelievable that I did this!!

    OMG - you at 1 cookie -- OMG - call in the firing squad!!! Seriously, you need to lighten up and quit worrying so much. This is a lifelong journey you are on and you are going to eat things that may not be the healthiest decision; however, you're not going to die from them. You need to eat like a normal person - you are being way too strict on yourself and if you keep it up I can see you doing a total binge ... it is OKAY to have a cookie now and again. That is what the sleeve does- helps you to eat like a NORMAL person -- do you think normal people never eat cookies or anything bad? Just accept that you ate the cookie, that it tasted GREAT and congratulate yourself on the fact that you only ate 1. We had a babyshower at the office the other day and I had a piece of cake -- it was much smaller than I normally would have had and I didn't go back for seconds. However, I had NO GUILTY whatsoever -- normal people eat cake too! QUIT WORRYING ABOUT EVERY LITTLE THING - WORRYING is negative energy and it's wasted energy -- it doesn't change a thing!!!! Worrying CHANGES nothing - so focus on the positive (you didn't eat all of the cookies before your guests even got to your house) and move forward!
  16. Malaika

    My greatest new discovery

    I bought a steel one; however it wasn't insulated, so I put it in an insulated container that I had for water bottles. I fill mine with filtered water about 1/2 way and put it in the freezer overnight, then add cold water in the morning, slip it into the insulated sleeve and it will stay cold all day, until about 9 at night - so over 12 hours. I paid $9.99 for mine at Target.
  17. Congrats Cajun on making your decision and on the great weight loss already -- you'll do great with the sleeve and keep the exercise going - it will help alot!
  18. Malaika


    It's my understanding that once you start on solid foods you are supposed to be able to eat anything you would have before, just less of it -- that we have a fully functional stomach, just a smaller one than before. So seems to me that you should be allowed to eat popcorn at 6.5 weeks as you are on solids. I am not an expert or a doctor, but it also seems to me that if you were going to have problems, you would have had them by now. Quit worrying - quit borrowing trouble - worrying is just wasted energy - worrying changes nothing -- spend your energy on something positive!
  19. Malaika

    I luv my sleeve

    Congrats Size7 - what a great feeling ... you're doing wonderful. As for the fish moving you have to go into your signature - edit signature - click on the ticker in the top box - it will take you to the site where you set up your ticker - put in the new numbers and then go back to your signature and click save signature. Hope that helps.
  20. Hey CYATES -- glad to see you posting again ... how was Israel (that is where you went isn't it)?
  21. Malaika

    Complications after Sleeve Surgery

    Hayley - good luck with your surgery, I'm sure all will be good ... and I hope you are able to enjoy lots of ice tea with splenda!
  22. I didn't experience that thank goodness. I hope it passes for you (and others around you) soon.
  23. I am sure the surgery in general will help as you won't be getting in as much fluids in the beginning and by the time you are able to get in lots of fluids, you will have lost weight so that will help as well. I was only on the 7.5 mg and it did the job, so I never had to increase it -- if I start to have the problem again down the road, I will definitely get back on it - it really helped. Good luck I hope the surgery works for you!
  24. You might look into seeing how much it would be to have someone move you -- I used a place here in LV called Cheap Cheap Movers -- they were GREAT and it cost be about $200. There is also a group called Starving Students ... I'm sure there must be something in your area like that -- they do all the moving-- up and down stairs, load it the truck and unload it - up and down stairs as needed. I did all the packing. They even put the boxes in the rooms as they were labeled.
  25. Malaika

    Sugar free hard candy

    I have the sugar free lifesavers and they keep your mouth moist and I haven't noticed any extra gas from them

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
