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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. He gives you the Nexim Mups in the hospital and sends you home with a box of 20 mg. 14/ct. which is good for 2 weeks. I am sure he will give you a script if you ask if that will make you feel more comfortable.
  2. I would strongly suggest not stocking up on any Protein drinks -- those that I loved before surgery, I still can't drink today - they are too too sweet and some of them are too thick and make me sick. The SF Jell-O, chicken broth, etc. are good ideas. Also, the packets from Ramen noodles are really good and flavorful when you get tired of the chicken broth. Propel Water is good too as it helps to level out your blood sugar. I would order sample packets of nectar by Syntrax and the Chike and try them after your surgery to see how you like them -- many people's tastes have changed after surgery - I know mine did, if it's "normal" sweet to most, it's too sweet for me. If it's "not sweet enough" to most, then it's tolerable for me. Don't waste a lot of money on lots of drinks beforehand -- unless your fiance will drink them (I'm lucky in the regard, Bearded likes them all so it wasn't money wasted) I will look forward to hearing about your journey!
  3. OH OH OH -- I just had a GREAT idea -- Judy, instead of dropping off the jars of pickles on your way over LV - you could give them to GonnaLoseWeight while you are in Mexicali and then she can give them to me when she gets together with Rosebud2 and I on 9/19 ... AREN'T I BRILLIANT??? (Remember, I prefer sweet) :glare:
  4. Remember - less is more - you don't want your suitcase to be too heavy, especially going home. Of course, it will be much lighter after you drop those jars of sweet pickles off in Las Vegas!
  5. Malaika

    Help me with a plan...

    Start looking for a new doctor NOW- you should be able to get in about the same time as your appt. with Dr. Moron. Once you have a confirmed appt. with Dr. New, then call and cancel with Dr. Moron. If you absolutely CAN'T get an appt. with Dr. New before your appt. with Dr. Moron, then either keep the appt. with Dr. Moron, or call at the last minute and say there's been an emergency and you can't make it in on xx date; however, could they call you in an RX for another month - and reschedule with their office - then get an appt. with Dr. New and cancel the appt. with Dr. Moron. Hope that makes sense to you!
  6. Malaika

    Anyone selling a house?

    Nope, not selling. We have a condo right now and couldn't sell it for what we owe on it the way the property values are right now so we're going to hang onto it and try to rent it. We have put an offer in on a house - however, it's a short sale (should be called a deficit sale as the process definitly isn't short) and it takes a long time for approval on those - minimum of 3 months. Good luck Jenn - I hope you get what you want for the house and find something you really like to rent.
  7. Hey guys- Almater Hospital doesn't have the same HIPAA requirements as we do in the US so when you get to your room before surgery, just ask one of the nurses What room is Trudy in? They'll tell you -- that or just look at the patient charts on the desk, they have the names on the outside. The unit you will be on is all Dr Aceves (unless they have an emergency and that's the only rooms available) and it's only about 6-8 rooms so trust me if you want to find one another, you will, it's a very small unit. It's so cool you'll all be there together - special bond - Ruthi, Eyfura and I all had our surgery the same time and Bearded, SoontobeSkinny and Rosey all had theirs at the same time too. It's nice to "know" someone else while you're there. Congrats to all of you:thumbup:
  8. Malaika

    Free Chike Protein Samples

    Does it indicate a serving size on the label? or how many servings per bag? Might give some indication as to how they are labeling it. I'd give them a call to calrify - you may be right that they just use the same label as they do for the full size servings. I'd call to be sure.
  9. Hi Lizzy and welcome to the forum - you might want to check out the September Sleevesters and see if anyone has posted in there about having their surgery in Mexicali with Dr. Aceves. YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM AND HIS STAFF - YOU WILL BE IN GREAT HANDS!
  10. Malaika


    I made the one that you bake and then I put some Bertolini tomatoe and olive sauce over it (I put it on individual portions, not the entire thing) it was delicious -Bearded really liked it too - and I ate on it for several days. I haven't tried the dessert one yet - will probably do so after the cruise - hoping it won't be too sweet.
  11. Malaika

    August Sleevers

    No need to apologize at all, I was just curious. If you hit "quote" the person to whom you are responding post will appear above your reply -- like I have done with you - then we'll all know who your talking too! You'll get the swing of it, it takes time, trust me, I know!
  12. Great weight loss Mac - thanks for sharing. It's definitely inspirational.
  13. Malaika


    Oh I had forgotten about this recipe - I will definitely try it. I did the ricotta bake and it was delicious - I will definitely be making it again!
  14. My first trip down there, I bought about 9 boxes - some were for others on this forum that I mailed to them (yes, probably against the law, not sure, but oh well - all went fine) and I wasn't questioned by border security. When we went down in July for Bearded's surgery, we bought about 6 boxes, again no questions. I agree that it is probably better to be safe than sorry and I am sure Dr. Aceves would write you a script if you're concerned; otherwise, I think you'd probably be okay too. Maybe there is a difference between coming out of Tijuana and Mexicali - border patrol at Mexicali seemed pretty relaxed and laid back - more so than those at Tijuana/US border.
  15. Malaika

    Yaaaaaaay vsg!

    Yeah, yeah, yeah ... you will, just like we all do, and that will be okay - we'll let you and we'll encourage you ...that's what we're here for!:001_smile:
  16. Malaika

    This is what I am eating at 1 month out

    Hi Stimpy - how long do you have to stay on mushies? Everything you're eating looks pretty good and soft - you might want to try the ricotta bake recipe that someone posted - I made it the other night and it is GREAT and lots of protein. Keep up the good work!
  17. Cajun - Dr. Aceves will give you a 2-weeks supply of 20 mg Nexium mups (means you can dissolve it in water). If you buy the 40 mg. at the pharmacy in Mexicali, then you can break them in 1/2 and that will give you 28 days - it's also less expensive to buy the 40 mg than buying 2x as much as the 20 mg. We purchased our Nexium at 2 different places and another gal that I walked to the pharmacy across the street got her's there. From what I could tell, no matter where you got it, it was a set price - $488.00 pesos (you can divide pesos by whatever xchange rate is - eg $488.00 divided by $13.40 = $36.42 USD). If you have one, carry a calculator with you so you can figure out the exchange yourself. I am not sure if they take travelers checks, I don't see why not. Be aware your change will be given back in Pesos. We used our charge cards -- you get the exchange rate still. I also used my debit card once and was charged a small fee by my bank (like .17cents) You might email Nina or Renee and ask them if they can find out for you about the traveler's checks.
  18. Malaika

    Yaaaaaaay vsg!

    WOO HOO -- that is AWESOME Ash - keep up the GREAT work! See, we told you that stall would pass. Now don't get so down on yourself when the next one hits.
  19. Malaika

    August Sleevers

    Donna - Who is your question directed to?
  20. Malaika

    Serious question

    I think it's wise of you to seek someone else - pills are not going to cure your food addictions - it is better to find ways to deal with them aside from pills, IMO. Other than being tiring really easy for about the first month, I felt fine 5 days out ...with the exception of the spasming - but everything else was good - incisions pretty much healed, just tired - I slept whenever I was able. If you follow your surgeon's orders, you'll do great.
  21. Malaika

    Surgery on Monday

    Best wishes for a great day - I said a prayer for you. Keep us posted when you're able --- see you on the losing side Sista!
  22. If you have the discipline to stick to what is working for you now, then I say leave things the way they are. I only weight 1x a day, but I know there are others who weigh several times daily -- I don't see the sense in it as your weight is going to fluctuate daily due to Water if nothing else. I haven't been taking my measurements - however, I can tell it in my clothes and that is very rewarding. I would ask your counselor/therapist what she/he thinks and follow their advice as they know you better than any of us.
  23. Malaika

    My Rebirth

    AWESOME Poem and so right on ... I wish I had your talent.
  24. Malaika

    August Sleevers

    Get some ice cubes and let them sort of melt and when they are "crunchable" pop one in your mouth - you get to "crunch" without violating your liquid stage. Plus this is one way I get "cold" Water because I can't drink iced water without spasming.
  25. Malaika

    Complications after Sleeve Surgery

    I think I have that flavor left in the fridge, so I will give it a try. The mango melon was good - but too sweet - maybe I'll try diluting that too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
