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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. What type of post-op diet does your surgeon have you do? Is it 2 weeks of liquids? If so, trust me, you'll be SICK SICK SICK of liquids by the time you get to move to mushies if you do 2 weeks liquid diet pre-op too ... you may not think so at this time, but trust me, one week or so into it you're going to be so sick of liquid you would rather not eat. A low carb/high Protein diet will also shrink your liver and you actually get to eat - if you watch what you eat and keep your calories lower you should be able to lose weight before the surgery. Keep in mind, this is my opinion only and others may disagree.
  2. Malaika

    Yaaaaaaay vsg!

    I so know what you mean about the comments - Bearded is very generous with them and I still don't see it when I look at myself - I can see a huge difference in him. You're doing good and it shows! We're all gonna get there, it's just gonna take time is all.
  3. Malaika

    How much more can I take?

    Daisy -that's GREAT about the meetup group - and the Ballroom dancing, too - keep it up girl. Please don't think I was trying to negate the passing of your father or your puppy - I've lost my mother and my cat of 21 years that I'd had since his birth, so I can relate to what you are going through. I held Sam in my arms as he passed too, through an injection, and it was so difficult -- having another pet doesn't replace the one you lost; however, it does help to bring joy to your life. Keep up with your counseling and improving your social life and you'll find happiness again in your life.
  4. Malaika


    Welcome to the family Cindy - congrats on your surgery date, too -- your new life is going to be beginning soon and you'll be on the path to a new, healthy life! In addition to what Tiff told you about the ticker -most importantly remember to SAVE YOUR SIGNATURE (it's towards the bottom of the page) or you'll have to start all over again. Any questions - ask away - someone will have an answer or opinion for you - we're all here for the same reason so don't think it's a stupid question or whatever - if you need an answer, ask the question!
  5. They are all on Bearded's camera, so I am hoping he gets them downloaded today as I haven't even seen all of them - promise to post as soon as I have access to them! You lady, btw, are looking GREAT -- John is going to be in for one heck of a pleasant surprise in a few weeks!
  6. Malaika

    Paid Posters and Other annoying people

    I have a very strong suspicion that this is the reason that WASA and Elisabethsew resigned their positions and no longer post on VST - they are strongly against the paid posters - and so now we have lost 2 of the most knowledgeable people we had on our forum - I miss them ALOT!
  7. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I too pray that God will lay his healing hands upon you and heal your body and take away your pain.
  8. Malaika

    How much more can I take?

    So sorry for your losses Daisy. Although it's difficult now, try to look on the positive side -- you got to have 90 years with your dad - that's a long time! You got 13 years with your baby and for a small dog that, too, is a long time - and you were with her when she passed over to the Rainbow Bridge -- she is no longer in pain and will be there waiting for you one day. Eventually, with time, you may want to get another pet - it won't replace her; however, it will add happiness and joy to your life. The thing with the BF - it's an indication that he is not the right one for you at this time in your life. Mourn your losses, definitely; yet don't let them take over your life.
  9. Malaika


    I've never been a big drinker - however we were on a cruise last week and I decided to get a drink one evening -- it burned all the way down - I thought - probably just the first drink - so I had another - same result - then I added some water to it - didn't help - I gave up. I had the same results with some "rum punch" on one of our excursions - one sip and that was it! Guess drinking is off the list for me entirely now - which doesn't bother me all that much as it's just wasted calories anyway.
  10. Awesome news Shanda - you will be in my thoughts and prayers and you will be in God's hands - no better place to be. Keep us posted on your progress ... and speedy recovery!
  11. I'd STRONGLY suggest going and getting properly measured/fitted at a bra store before going out and spending a lot of money at VS or anywhere else -- if you're not wearing the right size bra - and they say 4 out of 5 women are in the wrong size - then they are not going to be comfortable no matter what ... granted, even if they are the right size, they still may be uncomfortable, but at least you'll know it's not because it's the wrong size.
  12. Malaika

    Egg Drop Soup

    Glad you enjoyed it - it definitely beats chicken broth that's for sure!
  13. Malaika

    Lack of interest in food

    I'm 3 months out of surgery and still can't do eggs very well - poached better than anything else. Try the ricotta bake for lots of good protein and great flavor -- I'm going to make it tonight with chicken and asparagus ... mmmmmmmmmmm
  14. Malaika

    Rate your liquids

    I didn't like any of the nectar flavors - they were all too too sweet - but that isn't unusual for me since surgery - everything is too sweet.
  15. Malaika

    Anyone else belong here?

    I can relate to that too Susan -- 20? Heck, my youngest son is 1/2 through his 20's ... enjoy ladies!
  16. I'm like you Daisy - I remember taking the "happy pills" in my room and the next thing I remember is waking up in recovery with a dry throat and pain in my left shoulder and Dan-0 (who had a tummy tuck) next to me saying "you were in the van with me". I also remember the nurses (or someone) asking me if I could move my legs and me kicking them wildly saying "Yes, why?" The only side effect I had was when the morphine was wearing off I itched - not all the time and not intolerably -- I thought it was from the antiseptic stuff they bathed me in - a nice bright pink that stains things, btw! I was up and walking within an hour or so of being back in my room and never had any intolerable pain at all. I recommend the spinal -- I liked it much better than the epidural I had with the birth of my first son.
  17. Malaika

    Has Dr. Alvarez had any VSG Leaks?

    Me too! Me too!!!!!
  18. Malaika

    Pre-op diet day 3

    The stall in the weight loss is normal - everyone seems to hit it about week 3 or 4 -- don't worry - you'll start losing again. As for the water thing - I still have trouble at times getting it all in so I suck on ice cubes all the time - SF popsicles are good to get fluids into you too. Just experiment with what works for you and you'll figure out a good regiment and be getting in all your liquids before you know it.
  19. Malaika

    Yaaaaaaay vsg!

    WOO HOO You are looking so good girl -- and -51 WHOA! That's awesome. Keep up the good work and keep posting those pics! I bet your husband is ecstatic eh?
  20. Malaika

    Hi from Louisiana

    Congratulations on your surgery date - Oct. 7th - great day - that is my youngest son's birthday - you'll do GREAT I know!
  21. I am almost 3 months out and JUST in the last couple of weeks do I feel as though my energy level is (almost) back to normal -- there were times when it was all I could do to stay awake until 9 and then had to force myself to get up at 6 (and I used to go to bed at midnight and be up at 5:30) ... I literally could (and did) fall asleep sitting up -- I think it is normal - you've been thorugh major surgery and your body needs time to adjust, plus you're taking in less calories, so less energy reserve.
  22. Wow, I didn't even give it any thought -- I just put all my pills in a 7-day pill box - one for each day that I took at the time and put it in my suitcase. Coming home I had all the nexium mups I had purchased at the Pharmacy, along with some soradol and put them in my suitcase and never gave it another stop -- they don't care what you bring into Mexico and I really don't think they care what you take out of Mexico as long as you declare it - i.e., fruit, meats, narcotics. Nexium Mups isn't a narcotic so I truthfully don't think customs in Mexicali is going to care what you're taking out -- when we drove into Mexicali ourselves - we had to go back to Calexico to mail something and othe rthan sitting in line to get out of Mexicali for over an hour (it was early in the morning) we had no trouble going through customs. On the trip home the line wasn't as long - and the only thing the customs officer did was look in our back window and said have a great day. When I had my surgery, and Ernesto was driving, all they did was ask for all of our passports and then called our name out one-by-one and gave us the passports back -- they didn't even look in the windows. Ernesto goes back and forth every single day and they know him and who he is transporting. Do what makes you comfortable; however, I think you're stressing out about it way too much.
  23. Malaika

    August Sleevers

    Doing awesome hotchocolate - keep it up!
  24. Thanks for sharing Stephie!
  25. Malaika

    Pre-op diet day 3

    Thanks Nanna - we plan on having a GREAT time ... I had to have a hiatal hernia repaired, so that is how I get around the weird eating and the weight loss -- as I eat lunch with the same people pretty much every day, too. So you might try that route --mine isn't a total lie, just an omission of the VSG surgery -- I truly did have a hiatal hernia repaired and it is really what is causing me the problems with my eating - more so than the sleeve. I also have the belching - sometimes with no warning - quite embarrassing.

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