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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Welcome Jennifer and Happy Birthday - what a great gift to give yourself. We'll look forward to hearing your story and your progress.
  2. Malaika

    Hello :)

    Welcome Josephine. Glad to hear you'll be getting your band out and revising to the sleeve. Who is your surgeon and where is your surgery being performed? I had mine done in Mexicali, Mexico by Dr. Aceves. He's AWESOME. He uses a 32 boughie and then oversews. I am almost 4 months out and can eat about 3 oz. -- I can't even imagine being able to eat 10 oz - that is ALOT. A healthy portion of meat at a meal is 4 oz, so that leaves 6 oz for other fillers -- that seems like way too much to me; but then again, I'm not a bariatric surgeon. I think you will have to be VERY careful with what you eat - I am sure it will be much more than you've been able to eat with the band. Mac is one year out and is only able to eat, I believe she said, 6 oz. and she had a US surgeon. Good luck!
  3. Malaika

    1 week post op

    Glad to hear you are both doing so well -- keep it up!
  4. You've got 2 weeks - get on it and STAY on it -- my doc had me do the pre-op for 2 weeks so you have enough time to make a difference -- the choice is up to you -- how important is this surgery to you? Enough to stick with the pre-op for the next 2 weeks to ensure your liver isn't too fatty? Your choice. You control what you put in your mouth! Two weeks is long enough to make a difference.
  5. That is absolutely AWESOME Shanda - keep up the great work and you'll be in onderland before you know it ... I've got 13 more lbs to be there and I think the scale gremlin is on my scale because I haven't lost anything in a week - hoping things change tomorrow morning!
  6. Daisy, the 2 oz. every 20 minutes is only for the first 3 or 4 days, not forever.
  7. Malaika

    Sexuality and the sleeve

    I don't find it tacky or inappropriate at all Bob - I think you posted it quite tactfully. In response to your question; yes, both Bearded and I have noticed that things are different (in a very nice way) now that we have both lost weight and are getting thinner. I don't know if it's an increase in libido, or just the fact that we feel better about our bodies and have more energy because there's less fat and our self-esteem has improved as each pound comes off. Those are my thoughts -- I am sure Bearded will have more to post once he reads this thread as well. Interested to hear others take on the issue.
  8. Yes. I don't see anything like that listed on the TSA Restrictions (check it out at TSA: Prohibited Items)

  9. Welcome NikSki and congratulations on your surgery -- everyday is gets better and better -- we look forward to hearing about your experiences and feel free to ask any questions you may have and share any tips you come up with!
  10. Welcome to the family MDGibbs. Day 2 post-op was my worst day - but it wasn't totally awful. Everyday after that just gets better and better.
  11. Mine was $9500. We drove from LV to Calexico and Ernesto picked us up there - we left our car in a 24/7 gated parking lot - it was $3/day. Dr. Aceves' cost includes one night for you and a companion at the Lucerne Resort after your pre-testing. They do not cover meals. It also pays for all of your pre-testing, surgery, anesthesia, 3 days in the hospital, and your post op tests. Your companion is allowed to stay in your room - they have very comfy couches and will give you the sheets/blankets/ pillows to make it into a bed at night. It does not cover food for your companion; however, there is a cafeteria in the hospital that has GREAT food and the prices are extremely reasonable and you get a lot of food. I know some people pay more if they are a revision from band/sleeve; and some paid less as Dr. Aceves had a special price during the summer. Hope this helps.
  12. Malaika

    Homecoming date set

    Tiff - that is WONDERFUL news. :cheer2: I'm glad he's out of Afghanistan, that's a positive sign for sure. :plane: You are going to be walking on Cloud 9 this week I am sure ... we will look forward to hearing from you that John made it home safely, his reaction to the "new" you and seeing the homecoming pics!:cheer2: Tell him Thank You for all he has done from all of us -- and Thank You too for being such a supportive AF Wife!:patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot:
  13. Malaika

    don't make this mistake

    Sure Jenn, if you say so. I've tried them a few times and have just never been able to develop a taste for them; no matter how they are fixed.
  14. NO Suz I wouldn't gain the extra weight either - it was just an attempt to get you to look at all the options and not just throw in the towel. And January will be here before you know it, so get your ducks in a row an dbe ready when January gets here!
  15. Malaika

    i'm sleeved!

    Dr. Aceves had me do Clear liquids for 10 days; full liquids (tomato Soup, Protein shakes with milk (very thin); oatmeal (thinned), SF pudding, etc. for 10 days, then mushies for 10 days, then soft solids ... because of the issue I have with a spasming esophogus, he had me stay on mushies even longer. So I think you'll be fine to start on full liquids next week - probably now actually -- 10 days on clears for me started the day after my surgery. If you had your surgery on 9/15, then 9/16 + 10 is 9/26. You'll feel better once you're on full liquids.
  16. Malaika

    hospital gown size?

    I am sure they will have a hospital gown to fit you -- may be long on you - but I am sure it will fit. Yes, the hospital can be cold - however, it also can be hot ... take a warm robe and you can ask for extra blankets. If it gets hot - don't hesitate to ask for a fan - they will bring you one.
  17. Malaika

    Dr. Aceves week of Sept 28th!

    Trudy - are you leaving Sun or Mon? If you're not leaving until Mon. and want to get together tomorrow afternoon sometime, let me know.
  18. You will be able to drink more down the road -- truly I'm impressed you can drink an entire glass in 5 minutes -- I am 3+ months out and I can't do that. As for drinking with your meals - that is a definite NO-NO ... you can drink up until you eat and then you are supposed to wait 45 minutes after you eat to drink anything ... and the reason is exactly as you state - you don't chew your food as well because you're used to washing it down ... and when you wash it down, your stomach empties out faster and you'll be hungry sooner and then you'll end up eating more. When I was growing up, we were NEVER allowed to drink with our meals - my dad wouldn't allow it - for the same reason -- he said we wouldn't chew our food as well and would just wash it down with whatever we had to drink. I didn't even drink with my meals for like the 1st year of my marriage, but then that changed over time. Since the surgery, I just leave my beverage in the other room while I am eating so I am not even tempted to take a drink/sip while I am eating. You might try that and see if it helps with the drinking while you eat ... that's a habit you're going to have to break!
  19. Are there options? Self-pay? Appeal? Gaining more weight (or putting weights in your pockets to up your weight?
  20. Malaika

    Ipod giveaway

    Yes, it was Ky.Hen (Judy)
  21. Malaika

    New Addiction?

    I can't drink wine - it gives me a horrible headache - almost instantly. I did try a drink while I was on the cruise, and was only able to tolerate 2-3 swallows as it burned all the way down. I finally gave up and dumped it out.
  22. So far I have lost any hair - my hairdresser and I do notice that it isn't growing nearly as fast as it used to; however, neither of us have noticed any of it falling out -- so if I have a choice between it falling out or not growing as fast, I'll take the not growing as fast!
  23. Malaika

    Dehydration Issues.

    I LOVE the fuji apple pear - it's the only one that isn't sickening sweet tasting to me.
  24. Malaika

    Trail Mix murder!

    Everyone slips now and again ... I'm just amazed you were able to eat that much at one time. There's no way I could get down 2-3 cups of anything, especially something that has to be chewed so well. Mark it up to a learning experience, let it go, and move forward!
  25. Malaika

    Weekend Social Club

    Thanks Mac ~!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
