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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. I wasn't able to eat too much when I first started on mushies - so I tried to be sure that what I did eat was very high in protein - it took me almost an hour to eat 2 oz. - luckily, I have a desk job, so I could just "graze" on my 2 oz until it was gone. I don't really know what to tell you Shanda, just do the best you can and as your stomach adjusts to something other than liquids, you'll be able to get down more than 4 tsp. -- try to be sure that any liquid you drink as protein in it - add it to your water or whatever you are drinking that isn't a protein drink. Hopefully someone will have more information/suggestions than I seem to have for you right now.
  2. Stoongal - glad to hear you had such an awesome experience and are doing so well -- keep up the good work.
  3. Malaika

    Weekend Social Club

    Four - California, Connecticut, Indiana and Nevada
  4. Malaika

    Food issues, now in reverse.

    Knowledge is power :svengo:
  5. I don't think I'll ever look at a coconut the same way again -- and I definitely won't be eating one!
  6. Malaika

    Emotional eating, mixed emotions

    Thin - so so sorry for your loss. I have lost pets - and it is so very difficult; however, I find that I love having pets, and so I continue to get them, knowing one day they will leave me to go to the Rainbow Bridge to wait for me to join them. I love them while they are here and the unconditional love they give in return is nothing that can be compared to anything else. I never try to replace a pet I have lost, each is different and special in their own way.
  7. Oh yeah, you're right about that - Nexium works the best; however, my insurance won't cover it, it also won't cover Prevacid, that's why I'm on Prilosec. I will stay on it until I see my doc on 10/15 and then talk to him about it at that time ... I'll just take the zantac along with it as that seems to alleviate any acid.
  8. Malaika

    Hello :)

    You're in our thoughts and prayers - will be looking forward to hearing how you are doing once you're able to post.
  9. Malaika

    I'm Fixin' To Be Sleeved!!!!!

    Congratulations Thin - I would say January 19th is a GREAT day for surgery (that's my b-day:biggrin0:) although I'm sure you'd like to have it much sooner)
  10. Malaika

    New VST Team Member

    Again, thank you to everyone for your well wishes and I hope I don't let anyone down!
  11. Malaika

    For all you newbies

    Thank you for the information Cajun -- I may have to check it out -- I quit visiting OH because I just found it too difficult to navigate -- however, this sounds easy enough.
  12. You're fine to drink that Protein drink - they recommend not drinking coffee; however, there are some on here that started 6 days after surgery -- I waited until I was on mushies before I started drinking coffee -- and then it was about 1/4 cup -- now I can drink an entire cup between 6 and 8 am and don't seem to have any issues with it. I would definitely watch the carbs though - that's a lot if you drink the entire thing.
  13. Malaika

    Hello :)

    34 sounds good - ask him if he oversews?
  14. Try some papaya pills - they're chewable and tasty - and they are an enzyme that helps in digestion ... so maybe it will help with your bezoar? Certainly worth a try - and it won't hurt anything to give them a try. I got mine at GNC.
  15. You will be able to eat a bagel again, too -- maybe not the entire bagel, but at least 1/4 or 1/2 of one ... I've had a bagel - toasted works better than not for sure - with a bit of cream cheese or PB or lite laughing cow for protein. So hang in there - remember -you have a fully functioning stomach; however it's just smaller now.
  16. Malaika

    Amazing news ! ! !

    Wonderful news Tiff -- thanks for sharing - wish we could have seen his face at the second he realized it was you! I bet he's totally estactic! and I am sure you are too ... glad all your worries were for nil~
  17. Malaika

    Food issues, now in reverse.

    SoCal - take care of yourself and be sure to stay hydrated!
  18. I don't think it's going to work for me -- I've been on 40 mg. since 9/25 and I'm still having problems and having to take Zantac during the day - thinking I might just switch to Zantac and see how it works. I have worse acid reflux now than I did when I had GERD and before my hiatal hernia was repaired -- does that make sense?
  19. Malaika

    ky.hen et all

    Thanks for the update Trudy on Judy ... so glad to hear she's is up and going ... and glad to hear you'll be home tomorrow -- give me a call - I'll PM you the CORRECT work number - I'll be anxious to hear how you're doing and your thoughts about the surgery, etc.!
  20. Malaika

    Made my decsision

    Diane - that is wonderful news - what a great way to start 2010 and you're right - what a great birthday gift to yourself. Hang in there and if you have any questions, ASK!
  21. Malaika

    Am I the only one?

    No Jenn you are not the only one - I want to be there NOW. I am almost 4 months out and down 47 lbs and several sizes - and since I started working out, the inches are disappearing; however, I am at a stall now - for 2 weeks and it's getting to me - even though I had to pull more clothes out of my closet because they are hanging on me like a gunny sack, I still feel I'm not progressing fast enough ... it's very frustrating and not sure what to do about it except keep on keeping on!
  22. I was told that too; however Mac has posted research that shows it doesn't matter if you drink up until the time you eat - doesn't seem to change anything, so I haven't stuck so much with the rule as before eating but definitely stick to the rule of nothing to drink for 45 minutes AFTER eating - one time I forgot and it made me very nauseaus.
  23. Malaika

    ky.hen et all

    Millie - rere posted that Stoongal was doing great - was actually ahead of schedule as to being up and going -- haven't heard anything in the past few days though.
  24. Wow Natalie - that is very SCARY indeed -- I have never heard of a bezoar before. I'm so sorry you had to go through that - and I know now I'll stay away from coconut and pumpkin seeds ... I've had celery several times since surgery and no issues -- but I will definitely be more careful when eating it - and pull off all the strings beforehand. I hope you are feeling better and that the coke works for the bezoar - makes sense to me - and it surely can't hurt to give it a try given the pain you are in. Keep us posted, PLEASE!
  25. Malaika

    Super personal BUT I have to know. . .

    LOL - Susan you're too funny ... but you are oh so right -- I think it may be a few days before we get that answer!

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