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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    UHC - Now Approves VSG!!!!!

    Tomandlu - welcome to the forum and that is FANTASTIC news - thank you for sharing -- I have UHC; unfortunately they have a restriction of not covering anytime of WLS - so I was a self pay and ended up going to Dr. Aceves in Mexicali because he was less expensive (and probably better than any surgeon here in LV). Hopefully one day all companies will chose not to have a WLS restriction on their policies. Baby steps I guess. Let us know when your surgery is !
  2. Malaika


    Welcome home Ivy - glad to hear you're doing so well - keep up the good work, you'll be feeling 100% in not time!
  3. Cajun - I was told by the pharmacist as long as it isn't an extended release capsule, like effexor that it can be opened and mixed with something like applesauce or yogurt.
  4. Snates - welcome to our family and congratulations on your surgery tomorrow - let us know how it all goes and keep us posted on your progress. I am sure you will do great!
  5. Malaika

    VSG at Scripps Clinic

    Welcome to the family Zafiro - happy to have you here. Your apprhension is normal, we've all gone through it or are going through it. I am almost 4 months out and I can say now that I am not the least bit sorry that I had the surgery -- now, if you'd ask me about month 2, I'd have had a hard time saying that. My worst post-op issue has been esophogeal spasming and the surgeon believes that is caused by the fact that I had a hiatal hernia repaired and also believes it will dissipate by 6 months out -- I can tell you it has definitely gotten better from where I was at 1 month. There are a lot of people on this forum who have revised from the band to the sleeve -- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read their stories before settling on the band. ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS - SOMEONE HERE WILL ANSWER YOU!
  6. Malaika


    I always take a glass of water to bed with me - I've done that for as long as I can remember and it hasn't changed since my surgery. I also keep some SF lifesavers and Halls Cough drops in a jar on my nightstand -- sometimes I get that throat tickle and water doesn't do the trick - so if I pop in a SF lifesaver or cough drop and suck on it, the tickle goes away and I am able to go back to sleep -- I've done this for years, too, and so far I've never choked on them or have they fallen out of my mouth.:001_unsure:
  7. Ewwwwwwwwwww:svengo: Heck, I'm almost 4 months out and I still have trouble swallowing pills - it's a struggle every morning to get my 40 mg. Prilosec down without it getting stuck in my throat and risking throwing up. The pharmacist did tell me the other day that I could open the capsule and eat it with some applesauce.
  8. Malaika

    Food issues, now in reverse.

    SoCal - I did read your other post - before this one. Guess my words had more meaning that I thought - a little late though! If you want to post your obituary to hunger, then do so - no one is going to think it's stupid and it may help others who are experiencing what you are going through and can't afford counseling. Do what YOU want to do - that's what this forum is here for!
  9. I would email Gaby and ask her - tell her what you've been doing. I don't think it will hurt you -- I know I that everytime I crushed my pills and mixed them with Water, I threw up. I started crumbling them intead of crushing them and taking them with just a tiny bit of yogurt or applesauce (this was about 10 days out). I know others have swallowed their pills since the day after surgery. I think it best to go to the source and ask Gaby (or Nina or Renee) and see what they have to say. Let us know.
  10. Malaika

    Am I the only one?

    Nether - welcome to the forum and thank you SO MUCH for sharing your story -- your weight loss is remarkable - I hope I can do as well as you have done. I love the idea of focusing on the positives - I'm all about positive reinforcement. We look forward to hearing more "words of wisdom" from you!
  11. Yes, we have Gaviscon here in the US - I will look for it when next I'm at the store. Thanks for the suggestion.
  12. Thank you for deciding to share this story SoCal. I am so sorry for what you had to go through and I think you are right about sharing your story to keep others who are hesitant to eat/drink to be sure they stay on track. Your (ALL SLEEVERS) doctor gives a post-op diet to follow for a reason and it's your job to follow it the best you can - and you definitely need to stay hydrated. Heed this unfortunate lesson that SoCal had to endure. I hope you will heal fast and not ever have to go through this again SoCal.
  13. Bookgirl - congratulations on your surgery. Isn't Dr. Aceves awesome? I've had the reaction your talking about to other medications - my doctor called it "flushing" and it lasted about a day or two. As for the naps, I needed them for a while after surgery until I was getting in more Protein ... having undergone surgery, the anesthesia and the drop in calories/ protein, it's not uncommon to run out of steam before you run out of day! Keep us posted on your progress -- you're going to be THRILLED!
  14. Malaika

    I'm not a virgin..............

    I think if you're insurance will pay for it, I'd go that route first - if that doesn't work, or you don't have insurance - then I'd go to Dr. Aceves - and yes, he will remove the band and perform the sleeve in one surgery and he's wonderful. I doubt you would have any complications - and he keeps you in the hospital 4 days/3 nights and performs 3 leak tests to help insure that there are no problems before sending you home.
  15. Malaika

    One Month out

    You are doing GREAT ... I am jealous - I am almost 4 months out and have lost 47 ... you're ahead of me in 1 month ... will be great to see where you are in 4 months. Glad to hear you are doing so well - keep us posted!
  16. OF course it will be better --choose to let it be better - don't focus on the negatives - focus on the positives - stay as busy as you can and try not to think about your tummy ... you ARE going to be FINE!!!
  17. Malaika

    Am I the only one?

    Jenn - I don't think patience is any of our fortes - I know it's not mine where my WL is concerned. I am at another stall - going on 3 weeks now - however, I am working out 3-4x a week and I can tell the inches are coming off (bought some size 16W slacks 2 weeks ago - they were snug - wore them this week and they're loose). As for the stomach - I recently read that once you lose your weight you should give your body up to a year to tighten up any extra skin before having a tummy tuck - so you're 3 months out, not yet at goal (but damn close) - so give your tummy time and you may be surprised at what happens!
  18. Malaika

    not losing anymore!

    Skinny - Welcom to your 1st STALL -- it generally happens about this time (not to everyone, but to most) so just keep on doing what you're doing and the scale will start moving again - don't get depressed, it happens and will happen along your WL journey - it's just part of the process. You are NOT alone!
  19. Malaika

    Movie Reviews

    I LOVE Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the one with Michael Douglas where he's President and Annette Bening - can't recall the name (LOVE IT); Gran Torino, all of the Borne movies, De ja vu, Double Jeopardy. There are so many, I can't think of them -- will try to post here as they come to mind!
  20. Malaika

    Made my decsision

    WOW - never knew that - always go to USER CP and then click send message -- this is SO much faster! Learned something new today - will go to bed less stupid tonight!
  21. Daisy - when I see my doc on 10/15, I'll ask him about it. Lan2K - Everything you're going through is normal - everyone experiences these feelings - you need to find a way to quit worrying about everything - stress can stall your weight loss- and then you'll be worrying that you're not losing weight. Stop - BREATH - count to 10 - RELAX! (BTW - I LOVE Scrabble!)
  22. Malaika


    I've been really hesitant about trying pasta or rice ... I've had a few bites - I mean like 2 or 3 and chewed the heck out of it and I didn't seem to have any problems with it, but I haven't sat down and had an entire meal involving pasta -- and not sure I will anytime soon.
  23. Malaika

    Done and done!

    Sounds like you're doing well ... hang in there, every day gets easier ... and we'll be here anytime you need us -- just ask!
  24. Malaika

    NSV - Closet Clean Out

    I did that before our cruise - actually tried on EVERYTHING in my closed and modeled for Bearded -- I, too, have 2 lawn/leaf bags ready to go away. I took some of my slacks to one of the gals I work with. I have another box that I am sending to a friend out of state. Since the first part of September, I've had to pull other pants out because they are too big, and the same with some tops. Two weeks ago I bought 2 pairs of 16W at Kohl's and now that the weather has cooled down, I pulled them out yesterday to wear and they were loose ... luckily I have a friend who sews so she said she will take them in for me. The big thing for me is that I wore the slacks with a new top that was belted and I had to punch extra holes in the belt to make it fit me tight enough! Plus I got a TON of compliments at work. I am so loving the results of the sleeve!
  25. Malaika

    NSV shout outs

    :crying::crying: Yeah, what Cajun said ....:001_wub::001_wub:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
