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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. I saw my PCP last week because I was having trouble with my ears and dizziness -- I think it was BP related (too low). He reduced me from 40 mg (I'd only been taking 20 mg) to 10 mg and wants me to have a several blood tests ... I'm wondering if I need more than what he ordered ... This is what he's ordered: Comp Metabolic Panel (14) Lipid Panel CBC w Diff W Pit TSH, 3rd generation UA w micro serum Vit B12 Folic Acid Vit. D I figure if there are others needed, I'd mark them on the form, too -- after all, I'm paying for them - Any ideas? Thanks!
  2. Malaika


    So maybe members who have clothing to get rid of should post what they have here - and those who are needing smaller clothes, but are still losing and don't want to spend a fortune on new clothes, can post what sizes they are looking for. Then those members can PM each other to work out all the details - e.g., mailing address, postage (who is going to pay), etc., etc. Does that sound like it would work okay?
  3. Malaika

    NSV - Closet Clean Out

    I LOVE KOHLS! Skinny - before you haul them off to the goodwill, you might post under the thread I started about recycling to see if anyone needs the sizes you are getting rid of. I just sent a big box to one of the members here. Others have said they are interested in recycling, too, so I thought I'd suggest it to you if you're interested.
  4. Malaika

    Explain this to me

    Generally that is the very first place I lose - I told the girl she was wrong - but she proved me otherwise. I'm tempted to go back to the bra store and have them measure me now to see what they come up with ...
  5. That was one of my desires, too, which I was able to accomplish on our cruise because I was way under their maximum weight ... it was nice to get up on the horse and not hear him moan from the weight! Keep on keeping on and we'll all make it!
  6. Welcome Tiny to our forum - I am not very far out from surgery (just under 4 months) so I cannot answer your questions about excess skin. I have heard the same thing as Susan - wait a year after reaching goal to see how much things tighten up. That part may be as difficult as reaching goal! If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Keep us posted on your journey~
  7. It was indeed a very strange feeling and you felt like he was a magician with a scarf trick - the tubing just kept coming and coming...LOL
  8. I was told by the pharmacist NOT to open the capsules since they were time released - so I haven't done that - do you notice any difference in the effectiveness of the medication by doing that? Haven't noticed the second issue you talk about.
  9. Malaika

    ky.hen et all

    Glad you made it home safe and sound Judy -- your bed will feel so GREAT - be sure to get plenty of rest and we'll look forward to hearing your story when you're ready.
  10. They will taste NASTY crushed - I would suggest getting a pill cutter and cutting them into the smallest pieces you can and then taking them with applesauce or as Nana said dk. chocolate SF pudding (wish I'd have thought of that).
  11. You are so lucky - I am 4 months out and still struggle with my prilosec and Effexor XR (in fact last night, up it came after I took it). You know you can swallow the mups without dissolving them? That is how Bearded takes his now. Am sure though that if you don't want them, we would buy them from you.
  12. My surgery was about 8 am and I was told nothing to eat/drink after 10 pm the night before, except a little bit of water to take any necessary medication. So I would say 10-12 hours prior to your surgery would be safe.
  13. Welcome to the forum Cristine - I can't expand on what Cajun said. If you want to see who has had surgery with Dr. Aceves and their experiences, search "Aceves" and you will find several threads/forums and members about Dr. Aceves. He also is FACS certified.
  14. Malaika

    Explain this to me

    I had to order them online - Just My Size, Roaman's, Woman Within. Go and get fitted - go to a Lane Bryant and see if they can fit you - I am sure you're probably not wearing the right size and that's why they don't fit properly.
  15. Malaika

    ky.hen et all

    Norma - are you flying in to San Diego? If so, tell your friend's family that you are never alone. Ernesto picks you up at the airport, takes you to the hospital for your pre-tests; takes you to the resort which you never have to leave as they have restaurants on site, picks you up in the morning, takes you to the hospital where you stay for the next 3 nights/4 days and then takes you back to the San Diego airport on the date you are released. It couldn't be safer. Mexicali is not a dangerous city anyway -- when Bearded has his surgery, I drove around trying to find the mall - never found it, but did find a super walmart so wandered around in there for about an hour, then drove back to the hospital -- I never felt threatened or at danger. You can walk all around outside the hospital and no one bothers you - that's if you even see anyone! The ladies who work in the hospital cafeteria are very nice, as is everyone I encountered at the hospital. Your friend's family need not wory about you and your friend's safety.
  16. Malaika


    [quote name=OrchidFan;15702 We should do a Protein swap' date=' I have a ton of different kinds. Ivy[/quote] That sounds like a good idea Ivy - I've got some too - not tons but some that is just sitting around taking up space!
  17. Malaika

    krispy kreme

    Don't feel the least bit gulity - did you at least enjoy it? I would hate that you treated yourself and wasn't able to enjoy it. I treat myself occassionally and don't feel the least bit guilty about it. You shouldn't either. Personally, I don't think you should "plan" when you're going to treat yourself -what if you have a craving before Halloween -- are you going to ignore it - you know that doesn't work - so if you have a craving for something, treat yourself, enjoy it, and move on -- Don't feel guilty about it.
  18. Skinny - The magnesium is probably less expensive at Target than at GNC - I find them to be pretty high - at least here in LV. Bearded had his first salad the other day (one I had made for myself, couldn't eat all of and when I went back to get it - it was gone!) He did well with it - start out very small and be sure to chew, chew, chew. I add some canned chicken and some grated cheese to get in some Protein. I also add tomatoes (I LOVE tomatoes). Hope it all works out for you ... no pun intended!
  19. I can do the good smells without wanting it - we were at the mall last night and they were baking pretzels - I said "man that smells so good" and Bearded said "I'm not even hungry." I said "I'm not the least bit hungry, but it still smells good."
  20. I think that is an awesome idea Judy - thanks!
  21. Skinny - can you eat salad yet? I find that if I eat a salad, I end up going within a few hours of having eaten it - and it doesn't take much - like I got the Soup and salad special at Applebee's - which isn't much salad at all - and I didn't eat it all - within an hour or two I was in the restroom. I've "tested" my theory and it works ... give it a try - natural fiber is better if you can tolerate it. I've also see the benefiber tubes that you can add to your Water now - like crystal light, etc. and thought I might pick up a box of those and see how they taste/work. Also, magnesium pills work great to keep you regular - not MOM but the actual pills - and you can't OD on them, what your body doesn't use, it sloughs off - like Vit. C.
  22. Well it shows up and has numbers so guessing it works.:thumbup:
  23. OH I LOVE THAT IDEA (but then you can tell by my name that I'm a big angel fan -- believe you can't ever have to many of them around you!) ... BUT that is a great idea ... it could be a pink ribbon, too, to help support Breast Cancer Awareness. I VOTE FOR THE ANGEL idea!
  24. And you will be soon -- 10/22 is not that far off. Curious - where in CT do you live? I lived there for 2 years when I was a kid and LOVED it ... we lived in a little town called Danielson.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
