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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    NSV shout outs

    LOL - she's been around off and on -- mostly when John has to report for duty -- but I think starting today he is off for 2 weeks, so we may not see/hear much from her in the next two weeks. If she posts anything on Facebook, I'll be sure and let everyone know.
  2. Malaika

    Lentil Soup

    It would probably be okay on full liquids (according to Dr. Aceves' plan) if you blend it or strained it to remove even the miniscule parts.
  3. Malaika

    Glucerna Shakes

    Judy - It is my understanding from Gaby that clear liquids are basically anything that you can see through - Water, broth, apple juice, herbal tea, etc. It is also my understanding from Gaby that fulls include things made with milk, Soups, etc. I'll post the list that Gaby sent, it may help some: Day 1 thru 5 ( clear liquids Only ) fruit juice ( apple, grape, cranberry ) Propel Broth Jello-O Water Tea Protein Water by Kellogg?s Water popsicles Clear Protein drinks only ( example Isopure, unjury ) Day 6-10 ( thin liquids ) All of the above and: Natural Vegetable Juices ( example Carrot, V-8 juice ) Protein drinks mixed with water ( example Matrix ) whey nectar Protein Mix Day 11 thru 20 ( full liquids ) Cream soups Yogurt Jello-O Boiled pureed fruit ( example apple, pear) applesauce Watermelon, papaya or melon in small pieces Low fat milk 1 or 2% Water, Propel, tea Soy beverages sugar free pudding Protein shakes and protein powders mixed with milk Day 21 thru 30 ( soft food ) Soft food should be the consistency of a thick liquid ( no chunks or solid material ) and it should be chewed very well before swallowing until it is a liquid consistency ) Tofu Low fat cottage cheese Cereal oatmeal Precooked pureed rice Low fat Yogurt Yogurt mixed with fruit very well blended Cream soups eggs Boiled pureed fruit ( example pear, apple ) Watermelon, papaya or melon in small pieces Boiled pureed vegetables Beans Day 31st and beyond ( solid food ) Fish, Chiken meat Turkey Vegetables Fruit
  4. Malaika

    First Procedure

    That is what I am thinking, too - and don't know if I will wait the 1 year after reaching goal as I have been overweight for so long, that I doubt the memory in my skin is even there any longer. Plus I had 2 kids and nursed them both.
  5. Malaika

    30 day shred

    What is it exactly?
  6. Exercise will definitely help to tone the muscle under the skin and the skin has some elasticity, so it will "snap" back some -- who knows how much in a year after you reach goal - maybe you'll need surgery, maybe you won't - it's a wait and see. As for me, if I have to have PS after I reach goal, then it will be worth it to me for finally being healthy. I don't think those on Biggest Loser have PS before the finale - I think clothes hide a lot!
  7. I put canned chicken and grated cheese on my salad -- I would say if I don't eat anything else and generally with a salad I don't that I am able to eat almost a side salad size of salad. If I go out to eat and want a salad, then I get one that has some kind of meat on it -- generally the oriental chicken salad at Applebee's - even the 1/2 size, I am only able to eat about 1/2 of it, if that, although I generally always eat all of the chicken. We have a Sweet Tomatoes here that I loved to eat at; however I always got way too much - now that I've had the sleeve, I can't justify the cost of going for no more than I would be able to eat. Haven't tried the salad bar at Whole Foods yet because I still have a problem with my eyes being bigger than my stomach and I'm sure I'd still get too much! Let me know how it goes for you.
  8. Malaika

    New here

    Eating slow and chewing chewing chewing is difficult to get used to at first - however it's something you REALLY need to focus on -- start now before your surgery. Take small bites, put your fork down in between every meal and chew at least 30 times before swallowing. Also, practice not drinking with your meals or for 45 minutes thereafter. It takes 30 days to become a habit so they say, and since your surgery is more than 30 days away you have time to make it a habit and won't struggle during recovery.
  9. Malaika

    I think I'm convinced....

    Charity Welcome to the forum, we're happy you have found us and I think you will be happier with the sleeve than with the band. I never had the band; however from reading about those on here who did have it and went through a revision to the sleeve, I'm glad I found out about the sleeve before going through with the band. Everything your doctor told you sounds right to me. Keep us posted on how things are going and if you have any other questions, be sure to ask!
  10. Fiber One bars will definitely keep things moving; however, they cause so much gas that Bearded and I call them "fart bars" and quit eating them. Salad still works the best for me.
  11. Malaika

    juice ok?

    In the beginning it should be sipped; once your stomach has healed, you could probably drink it at one time. You'll know if it's too much for you because it will hurt -- not hurt your sleeve, but will cause you some discomfort.
  12. There is NOTHING that is off limits - you have a fully functioning stomach, only smaller, so you can eat anything, only not as much. Now, that being said, if you don't make smart choices and choose to eat bad things, then you will gain weight. But, as far as there being anything that is totally off limits, the answer is no. If that makes sense to you. 1/2 a hamburger isn't bad - I would have eaten the meat, but not the bun, then had some veggies instead.
  13. Malaika


    Thanks for participating Linda - I think in the long run this will really help everyone out - we get rid of the clothes and someone else saves some money on having to buy clothes that they won't be in all that long - then they can pay it forward too!
  14. Malaika

    Explain this to me

    THANK YOU - that makes perfect sense (I've lost my back bacon too and I'm SO GLAD) ... thanks again for the clarification - I was totally baffled!
  15. Malaika

    Lentil Soup

    Under Dr. Aceves post-op it would be okay on full liquids, but not clears. Just be sure there are no chunks - might want to blend it just to be sure - or strain it.
  16. Malaika

    juice ok?

    All juices are way too sweet for me ... and I know a gal from this site who drinks lots and lots of OJ and doesn't seem to have any problems. The acid would kill me!
  17. Gaby, Rene and Nina are on Dr. Aceves staff - Gaby is the nutrionist and Nina and Rene do his scheduling, etc.
  18. Malaika

    Lentil Soup

    Sounds yummy - I don't have all the ingredients required though, so can't make it tonight - I'm not feeling good and it would probably taste good and help soothe my tummy. Thank for sharing!
  19. Is it possible it's allergies? Has it been windy where you are? Anytime the wind blows here in Las Vegas, I always get a runny nose ... start taking AIRBORNE today - double up if you have too ... I believe that really helps - I always take it before I fly so I don't get sick when flying ... give it a try - it surely won't hurt anything.
  20. Well I think starting tonight I'll be taking my little balls with a spoon of applesauce -- I'm tired of it getting stuck and sometimes coming up ... I'll be glad when I can swallow without getting that feeling. THANKS!
  21. Malaika

    New here

    Welcome to our forum Lizabe and thank you for sharing your story. We will be interested to follow your journey and are here for you if you ever have any questions.
  22. Malaika

    NSV - Closet Clean Out

    It's called "RECYCLING" and is in the general sleeve surgery discussion.
  23. Thanks Skinny - I had it all drawn this morning, so if there was something, I wouldn't be able to add it now! So, it's good to know that he's got it all covered - I thought he probably did - he's very conservative and thorough.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
