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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    NSV - Closet Clean Out

    Oh man Ruthi - guess you didn't read my post on recycling! DARN!
  2. Hi and welcome to the forum. I did have to do a pre-op diet; however, it wasn't nearly as strict as the one your doctor is prescribing. I am sure it will be difficult; however, as others have said, keep your eye on the prize...and it will make the post-op diet easier for you I think.
  3. Malaika

    I think I'm convinced....

    I had my surgery done in Mexicali, MX and there was only one surgeon. I think it is done the same in the states, but can't say for sure. I didn't have to have the endoscopy; although I can relate to your fear of being put under anesthesia for it - I had never had surgery that required me to be put out before I had the sleeve. It truly isn't bad at all - it's like you've gone to sleep and then you wake up -- talk to the anesthesiologist about it though and let him know your fears.
  4. Malaika

    Indiana, Ohio or Florida?

    Welcome Chris to the forum. I am from Indiana (Greenwood) and now live in Vegas - I don't know any surgeons in Indiana who do sleeve surgery. I was self-pay and went to Mexicali and had my surgery done by Dr. Aceves. Lots of us on here have used him; however, I am sure there are those who know of surgeons in those states.
  5. Welcome to our forum Claire. You are just 2 weeks out from your surgery - your body may very well be retaining fluid from the IV - hang in there and once you're on mushies, getting in your fluids and your body is adjusting to it's new stomach, your weight will start to drop off. Hang in there and don't compare yourself to your BF - men always lose faster than women!
  6. Malaika

    Lentil Soup

    Lactaid hasn't worked for me in the past; however, I may try the lactaid milk for soups.
  7. Did I forget to mention how wonderful we all are?:thumbup: That is what is so great about this forum - everyone is always there to help. I wouldn't be scared of attending the seminar - you will receive a wealth of knowledge -- let us know how it goes!
  8. Malaika

    Newbee with questions

    Welcome to the forum. I am sure you will find all the answers here you need as well as all the support. Check out this thread - you may find it helpful .... Researching Mexican Sleeve Surgeons If you type that phrase into search posts it should take you to the post with the information. Good luck with your journey!
  9. Bearded and I went out to Applebee's last Saturday -- our total bill was $10.00 ... he had a Raspberry Iced tea, otherwise it would have been like $8...and we had leftovers! Tonight we grilled chicken breasts and have 1/2 left! And we are saving money on groceries now and don't have any junk food in the house ... we do however spend a lot on SF popsicles!
  10. Malaika

    Lentil Soup

    I think it was due to the fact that I tried to drink a Protein drink (again) and my lactose intolerance has just gone nuts since surgery ... plus it was still way to thick and the texture almost made be puke ... so I have now scratched Protein drinks made with milk (which most are) off my list. I'm fine now - once it all got out of my system, I was fine. Thanks for the concern! I will be making that Soup as soon as I get the ingredients!
  11. Malaika

    My VSG Story

    Luckily, I didn't have those issues until I got home - that is what we refer to as the "Peacock Poops" because the blue mixed with the yellow bile turns it a very pretty? peacock green. As Ruthi said - you don't want to trust a "fart" until it passes ...:thumbup:
  12. Is your husband overweight? Has he ever had to lose 128 lbs.? Has he succeeded? Has he kept it off? In my honest opinion, it is your body and your health and if he won't support you, then I would proceed forward without him. I would quit talking to him about it and do what you need to do for YOU. Then after you have the sleeve, you can prove him wrong and show him that this is the tool you needed to be successful in your weight loss. Good luck!
  13. Malaika

    Hi from Louisiana

    Feffers - that is great -- by the time I get up, I imagine you'll be in surgery -- or maybe even recovery...may the grace of God be with your surgeon! We'll be looking forward to hearing how you're doing!
  14. Malaika

    Weekend Social Club

    That's GREAT Mac - congratulations - the important thing is you FINISHED!
  15. Malaika

    First Procedure

    If I have to choose between the boob lift and the tummy tuck, the tummy tuck will be my choice for sure.
  16. Malaika

    Explain this to me

    I'll be glad when I don't have to shop there anymore either - although I may still continue to get my bras there as these that I just purchased make the girls VERY perky - looks like I actually had a "perk" job - it was AMAZING to me how much more support they give than the BALI bras that I had been wearing. If you want a good bra that gives lots of support get the Balconette Bra at LB - just be sure you have someone measure you for the right size first -you'll be amazed at the difference in support!
  17. Malaika


    Thanks for participating Chancie - now I hope others take advantage of the opportunity to receive clothes and contact those offering to provide them ... let me know if you hear from someone (don't give names, just if others take you up on your offer) - same for you Skinny and Linda
  18. Malaika

    Glucerna Shakes

    Try taking some liquid tylenol too. I had a massive headache when I got home - however, I finally figured out it was caused by my TMJ so went to see my chiro and he put my jaw back in alignment and it went away in about 20 minutes. Hope your's get better soon - headaches suck! If it doesn't get better, you should email Gaby about it so she can advise Dr. Aceves and see if he has any other advice.
  19. Malaika

    when do others notice?

    I'm 5'9" so right up there with you guys, too - anyway, I have lost almost 50 lbs. and I still can't really look at myself and see it -- I see that you can now see my breastbone - and my face looks thinner - however, when I look at the rest of me, I don't see it. I only know I've lost weight because the scale shows it and so do my clothes - I've gone from a size 20 pants to a 16 and a 2x top to a 14 and that doesn't happen unless you are losing weight/inches. However, people at work are now commenting on my weight loss on a regular basis. I imagine soon I'll be able to look in the mirror and see that I've lost weight, too. I think it's a common issue.
  20. Yes, it is amazing when you see how much others are eating ... and when it's someone you are living with ... you definitely have to bite your tongue not to say anything. I am also amazed how huge the portion servings are - generally Bearded and I can share a meal and we'll STILL have leftovers - usually enough for at least one more meal, generally two. And people wonder why the US is so FAT!
  21. Malaika

    New here

    Oh I'm so sorry you had that reaction -- maybe 30 times is too much - try 20 and see if that makes things better -- the big thing is is to eat slowly (thus putting the fork down between each bite) eat small bites and chew it alot (but maybe 30 times was too much) sorry my idea made you vomit - that's not pleasant!
  22. Malaika

    My Appeal Draft W/references

    I have the same restriction on my UHC insurance - apparently the premiums are less if they exempt WLS. That's why I was self-pay and went to Dr. Aceves.
  23. Malaika

    NSV shout outs

    Congrats Chancie - that's awesome! Had to make you feel pretty damn good.
  24. Malaika


    To me, bread is wasted calories/carbs. Wasa Crisps are great, although I could do without the red onions!
  25. Bearded and I went to Applebee's on Sat afternoon while we were out running errands. We ordered the cheeseburger sliders - there were 3 on the plate -- I ate about 5 french fries and the slider without the bun and all but 3 bites ... we ended up bringing one home. (If you don't know what slider is, it's a little hamburger - about 2" in diameter - so not very big)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
