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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. I'm with you Tiff - tried again on Sunday - had diarrhea from 7 Sunday evening until about 2 on Monday ... they all have milk in them and I'm so lactose intolerant since the surgery -- noticed all the powders I have in the kitchen also contain milk ... so won't be using those ... wonder if there are any GOOD ones around that don't contain milk ... lactaid doesn't seem to work for me. I'll be interested to see what you think of these Stoongal.
  2. Well you're already in surgery - or maybe out of surgery by now - I am sure you did fine and now you will wonder why you were so scared... we will be looking forward to reading your posts and following your journey to a new YOU!
  3. Malaika

    NSV shout outs

    So ... wore my new teal bra and matching paisley panties (14/16) today ... no one saw them, but I KNEW I had them on and felt "sexy" all day ... silly, I know, but that was one of my goals - matching sexy panties and bra!
  4. Malaika

    NSV shout outs

    WOO HOO -- good for you -- start a RECYCLE Bag (see RECYCLING thread/forum) ... keep up the good work girl!
  5. Malaika

    pre op required tests

    I had: urinanalysis blood work EKG Chest x-ray
  6. I luv the sun -- Dr. Aceves will NOT do the surgery if he doesn't believe you are a good candidate - you have to fill out a form and it takes him a day or two to review and give you a decision. Ruthi wasn't sure when she went for her sleeve whether or not she was going to be able to have it done due to complications from the band a few months before -- he made her go through a barium swallow and other pre-op tests before he agreed she was healed enough to do the surgery. You could call Nina and let her know what is going on and have her send you information for your husband to read - or you could go to Dr. Aceves website and print out his credentials for your husband to read, plus stories from VST. Heck, I would be more than willing to talk to him on the phone about the entire procedure if he would be willing to do so -- PM me if that's a possibility and I'll give you my phone number .. he could talk to both me and Bearded as we both had the surgery with Dr. Aceves. Heck, if you call this weekend, he could talk to both of us and Ruthi too!
  7. Malaika

    Dry cough

    Hmmmmm... I had that when I would lay down at night to go to sleep ... not during the day ... hmmm... I'd email Gaby and ask her. It could be related to the anesthesia - God knows it certainly caused things with my body to go totally wacky:scared0:
  8. Malaika

    Explain this to me

    Yes, that is about the same thing that Linda explained and it does make sense now - it sure as heck didn't at the time she was telling me DD ... in my mind that seemed huge and I'm not - LOL
  9. Malaika

    Thank You Alex!

    I agree - I love "gadgets" Judy if you need help posting pics, let me know - happy to help!
  10. If you're still uncomfortable, ask her to do a barium swallow - if there's any leaks - which I doubt - they will show up. Keep us posted.
  11. Malaika

    I think I'm convinced....

    :thumbup::lol0: that's funny Thin (mine likes to hide on my belly (and doesn't do a very good job)
  12. Malaika

    NSV - Closet Clean Out

    And we'll be right here waiting for your good news! Promise!
  13. Malaika

    My VSG Story

    You'll do GREAT Jenn -- Dr. Aceves and his staff are AAAA++++++
  14. Malaika

    krispy kreme

    Stoongal - I've been to Tim Horton's - everything they have is good -- I find Krispy Kreme way too sweet - and that was BEFORE my surgery, can't even imagine what they'd taste like now! Looking forward to another new recipe from you - I need some good soup recipes -- I find canned Soups WAY to salty.
  15. Malaika

    NSV - Closet Clean Out

    Awww ... I wasn't even thinking about me ... just about recycling for other members here ... but I will definitely take a look-see at what you bring with you !
  16. Susan - I don't know what might be causing our bloating; however I would stay away from the milk products for awhile just in case it is the milk that is causing your troubles; however from Sat. to today seems a bit long. Try the gas-x and see if that makes a difference. I have also found that when I seem to be bloated a heating pad helps relieve the pain and the bloating. Judy - the diarrhea will pass - mine lasted about a week, so it should be dissipating soon ... I don't like apple juice either!
  17. Malaika

    Whatcha' Eating?

    Great idea - I think I can remember (although today wasn't a very good day) (4 months out) 8 oz. cup of coffee with SF hazelnut creamer while getting ready for work 8 oz. cup of hot tea Lunch: 1/2 chicken tamale (loaded with chicken) with grated cheese and sour cream 2 cups of ice cubes 7 pm - 1/2 baked potatoe with about 2 oz. no bean chili and chopped up chicken, grated cheese and sour cream. I'm having a really difficult time getting in my fluids since if I drink anything cold before lunch, I spasm. I try to suck on ice cubes all day long and drink Water when I get home. I'm still struggling, and not sure what to do to get in more fluids.
  18. Malaika

    I'm Fixin' To Be Sleeved!!!!!

    Time-for-me - welcome to the site, I'm sure Stoongal has told you all about us and that we're here for you anytime you need us or if you have any questions.
  19. Malaika

    Missionary hoping to be sleeved soon!

    Welcome to our forum family Charity - we are happy to have you join us. That is awesome about being able to have the surgery right where you live for such an extraordinary price and that your mom is able to help you obtain your goal of living a healthier life for yourself, your husband and your darling daughter. And for all those you are helping in God's work. Keep us posted on your journey - trust that God will not take you anywhere that He won't be right beside you.
  20. Malaika

    First Procedure

    Nope no brothers - sorry Chancie! It is nice though since we're going through this together - it's a learning experience for both of us - and interesting to see how some things work for one, but not the other ... it's nice to have support so close to home that is for sure.
  21. Nancy - I agree it would be so much easier with hubby's support -- and perhaps the idea of having him carry around an extra 130 lbs. for a while will help to convince him that 130 is not 30 ... let him know you are dead set on having this surgery with or without his support; but you'd much rather have his support. Keep working on him, perhaps something you say will change his mind. I will say prayers for you! Keep us posted.
  22. Malaika

    NSV - Closet Clean Out

    GREAT suggestion CYates! Glad to see you posting too and to hear you're doing so well.
  23. Malaika

    First Procedure

    He always says the nicest things - he is probably my biggest supporter in this journey - and I hope I am the same for him ... he's getting hotter and hotter by the day ... this was the best thing both of us could have done!
  24. Malaika

    not losing anymore!

    WOO HOO - congrats Ruthi ... any loss is a loss! See you Thursday!
  25. Malaika

    Any other Canadians out there?

    Welcome to the forum Angela - wow - the patience you must have to have waited 4 years - I am so happy you have a surgery date - we will be looking forward to hearing your journey!

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