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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Well, you probably will -- that is what Dr. Aceves told us - you will overeat and you will suffer a few times -- that is how you will learn your limits. He's been right.
  2. that's normal - I can remember thinking early on - what the hell did I do ... now, though, glad I did it ... am sure lots have had those thoughts early on. Hang in there, it does get easier and easier..liquids are tough, mushies are easier, then it gets iffy when you move to solids - just learning what you can tolerate and how much. Once you learn the "full" feeling, things are so much better.
  3. Malaika

    New from British Columbia

    Judy - your ticker isn't showing up!
  4. Malaika

    Approved for VSG on 2nd Appeal!

    :party4:WOO HOO -- congratulations - I am sure that will definitely make your weekend - time to party!!!!:scared0:
  5. 11 days may have been a bit early to add cheese to your diet - I'd stick with liquids for another 10 days - not necessarily clears, but fulls -- thin cream soups, SF pudding/jello, things like that. Might have just been too early for your tummy to tolerate cheese.
  6. Malaika

    coffee and creamers

    Bill, you're too funny. Also probably right on on the creamer theory - and of course they keep coming out with all these new flavours that we just have to try - keeps us buying!
  7. Malaika

    coffee and creamers

    Good question --- funny I prefer milk in my hot tea; however, have never cared for milk in my coffee. And I don't use just plain ole coffeemate, no, mine have to be flavored. Guess we're just spoiled!
  8. Malaika

    Mexico vs. US surgery

    Aw okay - now rereading your post with that explanation, makes perfect sense. However, on another note, I didn't think it was YOU saying it I thought it was more of your PCP's archaeic thinking.
  9. Malaika

    Whatcha' Eating?

    Steph -- Hope you don't mind that I merged your thred "Whatcha eating today" with DowninSoCal's "Whatcha' eating" - that way everyone's posts are in the same thread and easier for everyone to see what we're eating.
  10. Malaika

    Mexico vs. US surgery

    Your PCP needs to join the 21st century -- when I told my PCP he was all for it and said he would be more than happy to continue treating me afterwards. I never felt like I was "risking my life" to cross the border or that I was anywhere near "desperate" to get medical treatment. Dr. Aceves is FACS certified - as many surgeons in the US. Alamater Hospital was cleaner than any hospital I have ever been in in the US and the treatment received by the nurses and doctors was instantaneous - not push a call button and HOPE a nurse would show up or not push a button more than once and then have a nurse with an attitude show up to "help" you. I know some believe Mexico to be a 3rd world country; however, at least in Mexicali, the medical facilities were top notch, as was the staff.
  11. Malaika

    New from British Columbia

    Angela - WOW - 4 years - that's crazy - you are such a trooper! Welcome to VST and we will look forward to hearing more about your story and your surgery. We are so glad we've been here to answer your questions-- and we will be here after your surgery when you have other questions too!
  12. Thanks Norma -- how can it be lactose free if it contains milk?
  13. you did? Where the heck was i?
  14. Malaika

    Recently sleeved

    Do a search for "Ticker" - Alex made a sticky for a ticker tutorial.
  15. Malaika

    strange Question

    No they remove the cut off part - they don't leave it in there! They suck it right out once it is completely detached from the part of the stomach that is left in tact.
  16. Saw my PCP today after seeing him a couple of weeks ago for dizzyness and something going on with my ears (which I think is all related to my BP) -- he ordered a ton of tests and told me to come back in 2 weeks -- that was today. Findings: BP was 102/66 (same as it was 2 weeks ago). I don't need to take the BP pills anymore - YEAH! All other tests came back good - Cholesterol, WBC & RBC good, glucose good, sodium good, potassium good, folic acide good, Calcium good, Vitamin B12 good, Vitamin D good - he said he couldn't be happier, to keep up the good work and he'd see me in 3 months (unless the dizzyness doesn't go away) He told me to continue taking a Multivitamin and my B12 supplement. So, that's my good news for the week -- Just thought I'd share!
  17. Malaika

    PCP's Determination

    Thanks Shanda - I too thought I had some inner ear thing going on but that was ruled out - so I started paying more attention and believe it's all tied into the lower bp. My PCP said my body has been through so much it's all mixed up trying to adjust to all the changes -- so we'll see what the next weeks bring ... I think I'll be okay once the BP meds are out of my system. Hope you get better too!
  18. Malaika

    Dr. Aceves

    nina@bandgastricbypass.com - that's the email I have ... try .... gaby@bandgastricbypass.com Gaby is the nutrionist - however, you can ask her to forward your email to Nina. Good luck.
  19. Hmmmm... never heard of it - do you order it online or buy it in the stores? Is it really thick? I might want to check it out if I can find it - more info please!
  20. Malaika

    November Sleevers

    This is the list that Nina sent me: Pajamas, the nurses and doctors will be checking your incisions so you might be more comfortable in your own pajamas than the hospital gowns, however, hospital gowns are provided if you prefer. Non skid slippers, thongs, or slip on shoes of some sort. The hospital floors are very clean and waxed, so you'll want non-skid. It will be sore to bend over so you won't want to tie shoe laces so slip on shoes are easier. A favorite robe, many times it is comforting to have a favorite robe. Computer - if you have a laptop you are welcome to bring it. The hospital and hotel are set up with wireless internet connection. Any of Dr. Aceves' staff can give you the password at the hospital. You do not need a password in the hotel. Cell phone - Most cell phones work well in the hospital, if your phone does not work most of the staff will loan you their phone. The electrical system is the same in Mexico as the US so you do not need a converter for your hair dryer, computer, or cell phone charger. Shampoo - this is provided by the hospital but many prefer their own brands so they prefer to bring their own. Book or other reading material. You will not likely feel like reading the day of surgery but you might the day after surgery. Loose fitting clothing to wear coming home. You will likely feel a bit bloated after surgery so bring a sweat suit or something very loose fitting and comfortable for your ride home from the hospital. I do not suggest bringing much cash with you. Unless you want to do a little shopping the day before your surgery there is no need for much cash. You will want to purchase dinner the night before surgery and $25.00 per person will cover that easily, less for most restaurants. If you want to have access to cash then credit cards are a safer alternative. You will not need to convert US dollars to pesos, you can use US dollars for your companion in the hospital cafeteria and all businesses around Mexicali if you choose to do a little shopping I also took my own pillow and am very happy I did - the ones at the hospital are small and hard. Your love can stay with you in your room - the couches are very comfortable - so he might want to bring his own pillow too. The heating pad was very important to me. The gas-x not so much. If you have any other questions, ask away -- there are lots of us on here that had Dr. Aceves as their surgeon and will answer any questions you, your love, or your family may have - you are in for a wonderful experience on your journey to your new healthier life!
  21. Malaika

    Dr. Aceves

    YEA PATTAN -- YOU WILL LOVE DR ACEVES AND HIS ENTIRE STAFF -- HERE'S THE INFO: Nina Eguia Patient Coordinator, Dr. Aceves 1888 344 3916 cell 760 646 1828 nina@mexicalibariatirccenter.com
  22. Malaika

    PCP's Determination

    Thanks DeeDee - me too - it really sucks!
  23. Malaika

    strange Question

    Some surgeons, such as Dr. Aceves, also overstitch the staple lines - and yes, as your stomach heals it forms scar tissue over the staples (which from what I understand are 3 rows of staples extremely close together for added strength and support) and you won't have leaks - the staples are titanium and are with you forever.
  24. Malaika

    I think I'm convinced....

    Sounds right - basically any clear fluids (things you can see through) - juices, water, herbal tea...hang in there, this too shall pass and it will all be worth it down the road.
  25. Malaika

    November Sleevers

    Kris - I wanted to welcome you to VST - and let you know we are happy to have you join the forum and will look forward to following your progress. Best wishes on your surgery in November -- are you having it done by Dr. Aceves?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
