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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    PreOp diet advice

    Hi Anna- Welcome to the "family." I did a pre-op diet for 10 days before surgery - it wasn't bad at all - high protein/low carb. You'll do fine with it and it won't hurt anything - it makes your liver less slimy and easier to move out of the way, in addition to shrinking it if needed. Thin - you got it - all the control is in your hands right up until the surgeon determines whether he can do the surgery or not. I'd suggest doing the pre-op diet, but that's only my suggestion. You can still be not grouchy and do the pre-op -- you just make the choice and think positive that you'll do the pre-op and that you WON'T be grouchy -- keep your ulitmate goal in site - BEING HEALTHY AND THIN
  2. Malaika


    Thanks guys - I've never heard of either of those items, but will check them out in case the salad stops working for me!
  3. Malaika

    Drinking cokes anyone?

    Thin - you will find that you don't want to eat and eat and eat -- as you lose weight, the way you feel gets better and better and you have more energy and you want to keep the weight loss going so you find healthy things to do - walking, bike riding, exercising, etc., when you're bored! Plus the fact that you aren't a junk food junkie and eat mostly healthy - just too much of it - will help alot as you can still eat those things, just not as much of it. In the past 9 years I was never a junk food junkie either - ate very healthy and didn't even eat that much - but couldn't lose the weight -- so having the sleeve isn't that difficult for me as I can still eat what I was eating before, just smaller quantities. Occassionally head hunger gets in the way, but I deal with it and move on - you'll do okay - QUIT doubting yourself!
  4. Malaika

    Explain this to me

    Thanks Susan! You should see Bearded - I'm going to have to beat the women off of him .... I told him last night we really need to post some pics of him - he looks GREAT!
  5. Malaika

    Explain this to me

    Okay - new pics posted - the one of me in the black dress is from Saturday night when we went out with some friends for music and dancing -- all my "club" clothes were too huge ... so I wore this dress (which is actually a long top ... Bearded and my friend Sandy went on and on about how great I looked -- and now seeing the pic, I have to say I didn't look half bad!
  6. Malaika

    My WL Journey

    The "History" of my weight loss - will post every 20 lbs.
  7. Malaika

    Egg Drop Soup

    It is VERY easy to make and tastes good too!
  8. Malaika

    12 days post op, can i eat?

    Snates - here is the post-op diet my surgeon provided to me - hopefully it will help you figure out what to eat when... Day 1 thru 5 ( Clear liquids Only ) fruit juice ( apple, grape, cranberry ) Propel broth Jello-O Water Tea Protein Water by Kellogg?s Water popsicles Clear Protein drinks only ( example Isopure, unjury ) Day 6-10 ( thin liquids ) All of the above and: Natural Vegetable Juices ( example Carrot, V-8 juice ) Protein drinks mixed with water ( example Matrix ) whey nectar Protein Mix Day 11 thru 20 ( full liquids ) Cream Soups Yogurt Jello-O Boiled pureed fruit ( example apple, pear) applesauce Watermelon, papaya or melon in small pieces Low fat milk 1 or 2% Water, Propel, tea Soy beverages sugar free pudding Protein shakes and protein powders mixed with milk Day 21 thru 30 ( soft food ) Soft food should be the consistency of a thick liquid ( no chunks or solid material ) and it should be chewed very well before swallowing until it is a liquid consistency ) Tofu Low fat cottage cheese Cereal oatmeal Precooked pureed rice Low fat Yogurt Yogurt mixed with fruit very well blended Cream soups eggs Boiled pureed fruit ( example pear, apple ) Watermelon, papaya or melon in small pieces Boiled pureed vegetables Beans Day 31st and beyond ( solid food ) Fish, Chiken meat Turkey Vegetables Fruit A diet consisting of 800 calories and 70 grams of protein should be your goal. There is a book called " Weight loss Surgery for Dummies" Authors: Kurian, Thompson and Davidson You might find it helpful. I contains several recipes and ideas on what to eat after surgery Grilled Marinated Tuna with Lime Herbed Beef Patties Turkey Meatballs Seafood salad chicken Salad
  9. Malaika

    Dreamy cheesy crockpot chicken

    Chancie - sounds delish - I printed it out and will make it sometime later this week - I'm going to try the salmon recipe this week too.
  10. Malaika

    Where I've been and whats been goin' on

    Glad you're okay Chancie - the deer could have done a lot more damage to your car and you - thank God that didn't happen.
  11. Malaika


    I feel your pain Chancie - I feel the same way too! We will all make it - hopefully all of us by Susan's birthday - wouldn't that be cool?!
  12. Malaika

    Band-to-Sleeve...my story..

    ASBrown -welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story - I'm sorry you had to go through all of that - I was not a revision, so can't even imagine the hassle with the band, and then to be in an auto accident on top of it, had to really suck. Glad you're on the road to recovery!
  13. I have not been taking any calcium supplments since surgery - I have a hard enough time getting down the meds I am already taking - and my labs came back perfect regarding my calcium levels, so I'm not too worried about it at this time - I take a multivitamin everyday and eat cheese, so hoping I get enough calcium that route - as it gets easier to swallow larger pills, I may incorporate it into my regimine.
  14. Malaika

    when do others notice?

    congrats Shanda - what's your fiance have to say? Is he making all types of comments about how good you're looking? Bearded is my biggest support and then my friend Sandy -- they really help to keep my self-esteem up! Keep up the good work and just keep on walking by all those guys and looking hot - give those hips a swing and really make them drool .... LOL
  15. Thanks for posting Jeff, I was wondering just yesterday how you were doing and how the surgery had gone. So glad to hear that it went well and you're on the road to recovery and HOME ... you will feel so much better once in your own house/bed. Stay away from those mashed potatoes and gravy though - lots of calories/carbs ... stick with something higher in protein and low in carbs! Keep us posted on your progress!
  16. Malaika

    Egg Drop Soup

    I asked my OB/GYN about the effects of soy and he said if I ate an all soy diet I might have to be concerned, but if I have it every now and again there's nothing to worry about.
  17. Malaika

    Not wanting to eat

    How are things going for you now Bob?
  18. Malaika

    Egg Drop Soup

    Thank you Alena, glad you and your family enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty tasty.
  19. Kteacher -welcome to the VST Family, we're happy to have another soon-to-be sleeve sister. Congratulations on your surgery date, too. Keep us posted on how you're doing - and put your surgery date on the calendar.
  20. Malaika

    Whatcha' Eating?

    B - let me guess .... hmmmm.... Starbucks? (Just taking a stab in the dark here)... D - bummer that your dog chewed up your Happy Meal toy -- I so hate it when that happens!:001_tt2:
  21. Malaika


    Hi Lan - Go to User CP - on the left hand side go to friends & contacts ... on the right hand side there is a place that reads something like "add friends or invite friends" (or maybe find friends?) ... start to type in the name of the person you want to request friends with - like vegas...and it should bring up a list of members with the first part of their name being vegas ... find the one you want to send a friend request to, click on it and then click send request. Hope this helps.
  22. You can really tell a difference already.
  23. Malaika


    Me either ... and they can last a few days to a few weeks ... the best thing to do is just not weigh everyday because when the scale doesn't move it gets very frustrating ... I'm in another stall right now and I'm so close to onederland it's really ticking me off - :svengo:
  24. That's great Cajun - keep on trekking
  25. Malaika

    I'm finally doing it!

    Each day gets better and better - walk, walk, walk and sip, sip, sip!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
