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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Okay, I went to My Fitness Pal yesterday and plugged in all the information for my height, weight, etc. According to them, if I want to lose 2 lbs. a week I should be eating the following per day: 1200 calories 165 carbs 40 fat 45 Protein Does this sound right??? I ate yesterday, tracking EVERYTHING I put in my mouth - I was totally satisfied and I only got in the following: 807 Calories 106 carbs 31 fats 40 protein I know I need to up my protein - but should I keep it at 45 or strive for the 70-80 gms recommended by Dr. Aceves? Or was that just the first few months post-op? Whenever I've dieted, I've always counted either carbs or fats, so counting everything is new -- Plus, I don't want this to be a diet - I want it to be a new way of life - suggestions, comments, help, PLEASE!
  2. Malaika

    Food quantity

    I do have a food scale; however, I never weigh my food before eating -- I eyeball it too -- getting better at getting the portion sizes right - but like you, generally just eat until I'm comfortably full.
  3. I took the Mango Naked Protein to work today. This afternoon, since I'd only had a salad for lunch and wasn't able to eat all that much, I decided I'd try the drink. Well, I took one swallow and let me tell you - it tasted HORRIBLE. I didn't drink anymore - but within 10 minutes my stomach started hurting and hurt for about 3 hours. I don't think I'll be drinking anymore of that!
  4. Andre - welcome to VST and congratulations on your revision surgery. You might want to check out a thread entitled "Dr. Aceves Information" - he was my surgeon and I posted his post-op diet and suggestions of what to eat/drink - it may help you in the coming weeks.
  5. Petepotamus - I can't help you with any information regarding a revision from band to sleeve. I did, however, want to welcome you to the forum and I am sure you will find a lot of information here that will help you make your decision. Good luck.
  6. Malaika


    Lolalucy - welcome to the forums and congratulations on your upcoming surgery. Thanks for be willing to participate in the "recycling"!
  7. Malaika

    12 days post op, can i eat?

    No problem at all -- I am glad it will help you out - that's what we're all here for to help one another!
  8. No, I went back at 1 month when Bearded had his surgery and that is when he found my spasms. I had my PCP do my 3 month bloodwork - we may be going back eventually though.
  9. Possum - congratulations, glad you're adjusting and enjoying.
  10. Okalani, First, let me welcome you to the VST family. We're happy to have you join us and hope to see you here often. Secondly, I am so sorry for the death of your friend. I don't know much about blood clots; however, I am sure your surgeon will be able to give you information, as well as some of the nurses on this site. I do know that Dr. Aceves gives blood thinners to his patients before surgery, sometimes after as needed, and puts compression stockings on their legs to help prevent surgery. He also encourages you to get up and walk as soon after surgery as possible. Let us know what your surgeon has to say when you see him.
  11. This sounds delicious, but not very low calorie/low carb/low fat - do you know the stats?
  12. Malaika

    Another one gets in the boat!

    Wishing - welcome to VST and we'll be happy to have you around a lot more and will be happy to answer any questions you have ... we're here for you anytime you need us! Be sure and let us know what they say about WW.
  13. Best wishes for a speed recovery manatee - we'll be looking forward to hearing from you when you're feeling up to it.
  14. Thanks Chancie for the compliment - I intend to continue working on and losing my last 50 -- I don't think I'll make it to onederland by Susan's birthday-hopefully soon therafter though! Thanks all for the suggestions of tracking -- I think I will check them out and see which one I like the best -- I don't have an iPhone and don't intend to get one, so I need something I can pull up at work and at home. I'm sure posting everything will help -- I haven't done it before because I just felt that I wasn't eating enough that I needed to track - however, I think now that I'm at a stall I need to start keeping track and staying honest! Stalls SUCK
  15. Malaika

    Where I've been and whats been goin' on

    That's GREAT news Chancie - just don't let them total it out - unless they are going to give you a fair price for it - sometimes ins. cos. don't like to do that - so fight for it if it becomes necessary!
  16. JoAnne - I think it is a very positive sign that your surgeon is so willing to do all he can to help you - I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and will be anxious to hear what the ins. co. will say.
  17. Malaika

    I'm Baaack from Mexico, OLE!

    Carolyn - Thank you for sharing your story. I am glad you had a positive experience and that you are home. I didn't have the swelling problem you seem to be having - I did purchase low sodium soup; however it was still way too salty for me. I ended up making some egg drop soup with tofu using low sodium chicken broth. I hope the swelling goes down soon and that you find something good to eat. You're lucky that sweet tastes good to you -- I still can't stand to eat much of anything that is the least bit sweet - especially Protein drinks!
  18. Kirasoma - Yep, we've adopted you - you are now our sleeve sister-to-be. We do understand your disappointment and pain - we are here for you and aren't going anywhere ... I will say a prayer for you this evening and will look forward to hearing what your dun dun dun liver doctor has to say ... stay positive!
  19. Malaika

    Surgery date!!

    Mona - Welcome to VST and congratulations on getting your surgery date. I think men are much more insecure than they let on to be. my man, Bearded (who posts here occassionally) solved the problem of me getting skinny and possibly leaving him ... he had the sleeve 1 month after me and now we're getting skinny together. He just said tonight he's so glad we did/are doing this together and so am I. He loves it when men look at me and he can show I "belong" to him ... continue to assure your husband, as Tiff has done, that your outer body will change, but inside you're still the same woman.
  20. Malaika

    Had a GOOD day today :))

    Good going Chancie and Wing - I didn't have a good day - not sure what got into me, but I didn't do as good as I could have... I plan on turning that around tomorrow ... will be working out tomorrow night and eating health(ier) than I did today. Sometimes I swear I just self-sabotage myself - what's up with that!!
  21. Backtonew - I have found a chicken tamale that is really good and digests very well - it is 230 cals., 19 g carbs, 14 g protein, 3.5 g sat. fat and 3 g fiber. I put a little 2% shredded cheese and a dollop of sour cream on it and it is quite filling -- generally I am not even able to eat it all - they are about 4 oz. Makes a great lunch or dinner.
  22. I bought 2 different bottles of the Naked High Protein tonight at Von's - one is berry berry flavor and the other is Mango. When I got home, I noticed that a serving is 1/2 the bottle which is 220 calories, 16 gms protein, 35 gms carbs, 2 gms fat. So if you drink the entire bottle, that is 440 calories, 32 gms protein, 70 gms carbs and 4 gms of fat. To me, that is a lot. Plus they were like $3.99 a bottle. I think it is a better bet for ME to stick with protein I can chew that is lower in carbs.
  23. Thanks Steve - I'll be watching this thread closely - always good to have some quick things to fall back on when nothing is planned for dinner! Thank you~!
  24. You're doing great Norma and will be well prepared for the entire experience. I didn't use hypnosis, but then I have a very high pain threshold but found the pain minimal considering it was my first major surgery. As for massage - that's good for relaxation anytime!
  25. Thanks so much guys ... attitude, the dress is yours when the time comes -- and I don't think that will be far off ... pm me your address!

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