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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    1 month out - feels like day 5 again...

    Barefoot - I am SO sorry to hear that you are in the hospital; however, if there is an infection, then you are in the right place and I am sure the antibiotics will take care of the infection and hopefully you won't require more surgery. Please keep us posted. Xbander - did your surgeon do any type of leak test following your surgery? I had 3 - one in the OR, one the next day and another the following day.
  2. Malaika

    Seeking a surgeon

    Hi Alley, welcome to VST. We're so happy to have you here. Are you a self-pay or will your insurance cover your surgery? I was a self-pay and opted to go to Dr. Aceves in Mexicali Mexico. Lots of us on here have had our surgery with him and he's top-notched and AWESOME. They will pick you up in San Diego, drive you to the hospital for your pre-op tests, drive you to the resort for the evening, pick you up the next morning, back to the hospital for your surgery where you will spend 3 nights/4 days in the hospital and then drive you back to San Diego. If you're insurance will pay, I have heard that Dr. Cirangle in San Franciso is totally awesome too. I am sure others will have suggestions for you too -- you need to research, research, research and be comfortable with your decision. You want a surgeon that has performed over 300 sleeves with very small % of complications. I know that Dr. Aceves has performed over 700 with no complications and that he is FACS certified.
  3. I started drinking coffee again about 6 weeks out- I've never been a big coffee drinker - generally 1 cup every morning, never more than 2. When I started after my surgery, I was only able to drink about 1/2 cup, now 4.5 months out, I am up to a full cup of coffee. It's a good thing, as I still can't eat anything until about 11 and have to drink warm beverages in the morning, so I drink my coffee at home, and then when I get to work, I drink hot tea until lunch time.
  4. Malaika

    the gas is....

    Are you talking gas from the surgery or are you talking gas (flatulence) after you eat? Everything I eat these days seems to give me gas, doesn't seem to matter what I do. I just figured it was like the excess acid in the stomach and that it, too, will pass. Otherwise, when I get married next year, they may give me Bearded's old nickname of "Farty McCarty" and I DEFINITELY don't want that!!!!
  5. Malaika

    Broke into the two-fers

    WOW Bob you can definitely tell a difference - it's got to feel so GREAT. I feel great and I've "only" lost 51 - can't imagine hitting 87!
  6. Malaika

    This is Las Vegas, 3 months post-op, Oct. 2009

    Dang girl you sure are - you're looking great - WOW!!!
  7. Yep, I had that problem early on - drink, gurgle, burp, drink, gurgle, burb. I still have it sometimes and I'm 4.5 months out. I, too, like Tiffy have a "ritual" in the morning when taking my prilosec 0 quite similar, but not exact. Tried the puddle in the back of the throat thing and nearly choked to death! It's normal and will get better with time - it might help you to suck on ice chips and SF popsicles to get in your fluid.
  8. Bluecats and Barbann - welcome to the VST famiy -- we're happy to have you join us - it will be great the two of you can go through this together - there's a certain bond when that happens -- and since Linda had the same surgeon, it will be good for you to have someone answer questions with regard to that specific surgeon. Keep us posted on how the seminar goes and with any questions you might have afterwards.
  9. Okay - don't know if any of you are familiar with Carolyn Strauss' line of clothing (she's a plus size model who has a line that is sold on HSN) - anyway, I have LOTS of pants and sleeveless shells that are now too big on me. These are great clothes for summer or winter, easy care - no ironing required, great for travelling too ... if interested, pm me. Oh yeah, by the way, the majority of them are size 1x, might have a few 2x, but not many.
  10. Malaika


    Congrats Ruby. Suggestions - read others' posts where they have shared. Also, if you're wondering what to take to the hospital, read the thread on Dr. Aceves' information - even if Dr. A isn't doing your surgery, it's a good list and gives you ideas on what to take with you. It also has a good post-op diet if your doctor doesn't give you one (although I am sure he will). Hang in there and we'll look forward to hearing about your journey onto the losing side.
  11. Malaika

    Broke into the two-fers

    That is so flippin' awesome Bob. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you -- I bet you feel like you're walking on a cloud. Keep up the good work - I bet you look awesome. Have you posted new pics? I know Bearded does - he's down from 48 to 40 and in XL and damn he looks good!
  12. Guess I'll go back to the <800 calories and 70 gms of Protein and <30 net carbs I hate tracking - makes me feel like I'm back on yet another diet :001_smile:
  13. Malaika

    chickened out

    TRUST ME Pattan - It is NOT a hoax! I had my surgery with Dr. Aceves on 6/12 - so did Ruthi, CYates, and Eyfura (right around there - we were all at the hospital at the same time). Then we went back 1 month later and my fiance, Bearded, had his surgery, along with Eyfura's sister, Roseyandhermusic, SoontobeSkinny and another gal who isn't on this forum. LOTS of others on this forum have also had their surgery by Dr. Aceves. If I lived closer to Mexicali, I would see Dr. Aceves for everything - he and his staff are TOP NOTCH and so is Almater hospital - you couldn't be in a cleaner hospital with nicer people and a better surgeon/staff. I didn't even send a money order - I sent a personal check - it arrived safe and sound -- it's a US address (because mail in MX totally sucks). If you have doubts, call and talk to Nina, Gaby, Renee, Yolanda, Lucy - heck talk to Dr. Campos (Dr. A's assistant) - it's not a HOAX - promise. (And I'm a real person, not a PAID promoter.) (If you want more info, PM me and I'll give you my phone number and you can call and chat with me)
  14. We were at the mall last night and they have a HUGE GNC (the guy told me largest on in this part of the country [west]). I picked up an Oh Yeah Protein drink (Cookies & cream) - haven't tried it - will do that today. Also got several Protein Bars - one in each flavor of Oh Yeah. He also suggested Supreme Protein, so I got some of them, too. They were having a sale (through 10/29) - buy one - get one 1/2 off. Bearded and I shared one last night - one of the Supreme Protein - they're BIG. It was Caramel Nut chocolate and it was FANTASTIC!!! Stats: 30 g protein 6 net carbs 360 calories 16 g total fat 5 g sat fat 20 mg cholesterol 300 mg sodium 65 mg potassium and lots of Vitamins. 1/2 of the bar filled me up and ended up being my dinner. I'll post more on each bar as we get through them.
  15. Malaika

    Surgery date!!

    I'd have gone totally stir-crazy if I had been off two weeks ... I was that way after 1 week - I had surgery on Friday and planned to go back on Wed., but ended up taking Wed/Thurs off and going back on Friday. That gave me the opportunity to get my desk cleaned off and then the weekend to rest - I was fine by Monday - but as you said, tired by the end of the day. Everyone is different.
  16. Malaika

    Does it Ever Stop

    I've noticed that I get cold easier since I've lost weight, and haven't noticed that I'm hot all the time - but just attributed that to the fact that it's cooled down in Las Vegas.
  17. I had esophogeal spasms (still do; however, they're not as bad as they were early on) and so Dr. Aceves suggested a barium swallow and since I was going to be there with Bearded, I had it done there. It was pretty cool to see it - although it's not much fun to live with - I've learned to deal with it and they aren't as frequent as before. Dr. Aceves said they should dissipate by 6 months out. I didn't have the Upper GI; but did have all the labs done (9 different tests) and all my lab work came back totally within normal range. I probably do still need to have the Upper GI; however, Bearded and I may be making a trip to Mexicali in December for another matter and I may just "drop" in and see if Dr. Aceves will do it for me.
  18. So do you need less if you're taller then? My fitness pal says 40 gms and I don't know that that is quite enough.
  19. Malaika

    December surgery

    The pre-op diet for Dr. Aceves isn't that bad at all - at least I didn't think so - it sure beats being on a liquid diet - there's lots of protein options out there!
  20. Malaika

    Surgery date!!

    Oh yes, I would think 9 days off would be plenty of time, but everyone is different - however, if they allow you to sit, then you should be fine. You might be a little tired, however you should be able to make it through the day.
  21. I agree with Tiffany - speak up and keep speaking up until someone listens and does something - if the results show nothing is wrong, at least you'll know it and feel calmer about it hopefully. Keep us posted. Welcome to the VST family, too, we're happy that you decided to join us!
  22. Malaika

    Just got back from my consult!

    That's AWESOME Judy - congratulations - will be here before you know it ... now it will be even more important to get that tattoo design figured out!
  23. Malaika

    Surgery date!!

    What time of job do you have? I have a desk job mainly and was off for a week, although could have gone back sooner except for intestinal issues that made me feel as though I should stay close to home (and the bathroom).
  24. I haven't added any calcium supplments to my diet and my labs showed my calcium was normal, so I am guessing that between my diet and my multi-vitamins, I'm getting enough calcium at this time.
  25. Malaika

    Stall or Not?

    Welcome to the first stall -- don't be surprised if it lasts for a couple weeks - lots of us have gone through it - it will start to move again -- I am 4.5 months out and have lost 51 lbs and am at a stall again this week -- maybe it's the change in the weather?? LOL ... It's frustrating; however, I know from past experience that this too shall pass. Hang in there and keep doing what you're doing - the scale will start moving downward again, promise!

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