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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    NSV at Old Navy!

    Linda - that is funny - I am sure I would have had the same reaction. I went to try on some long-sleeved tops yesterday at Kohl's - I'm in between and XL and an L -- I'm like you - I can't remember the last time I was in an L. Since I couldn't decide which fit I liked the best, I just didn't buy any - which is saying something for me because before I would have bought the looser one!
  2. Malaika

    NSV shout outs

    AWWWWW that is so sweet Linda and you are right by far the BEST NSV one could have!
  3. Malaika

    It is official

    Judy - well at least you know and you know what needs to be done. I still believe everything happens for a reason and you'll be much better off having your BP under control BEFORE surgery -- and once you get the surgery and the weight starts coming off, you won't even need that BP medication, so think of it as a short term medication!
  4. Malaika

    NSV at Old Navy!

    That's AWESOME Linda - I'm going to try and get by Old Navy on Wednesday and see if they have anything I can fit into!
  5. Kym & Ruby - God be with you and your surgeon today as you begin your first step of your new healthier life.
  6. Stoongal - That is so totally awesome, you are doing so wonderful since your surgery - you're truly an inspiration for us all.
  7. Malaika

    Insulin Pumpers having VSG?

    Hi Lynnette and welcome to VST. I can't answer your questions about the diabetes and insulin pumps; however, I did want to welcome you to the forum.
  8. Malaika

    Norma's sleeved

    Glad your surgery and your stay in Mexicali went so well - you're so right about Drs. Aceves and Campos and the entire team! We'll look forward to hearing from you on your progress!
  9. Malaika

    when do others notice?

    The weird thing - it was ONLY on this post - none of the others -- maybe my eyes are failing me ... LOL
  10. We will be awaiting your response - either way - since you have a back-up plan - you're going to get your surgery and your life back - it's a win-win situation in the long run.
  11. Malaika


    I'd dump his dumbass so quick - he is not supporting you - he is not encouraging you - for someone who allegedly loves you to tell you you are so lazy, blah, blah, blah, I think you need to reevaluate your relationship. And, if he thinks surgery is the EASY way out - he's NUTS. This surgery is a TOOL and that is all it is - you still have to WORK the tool to get your weight off and to keep it off. I would tell him to go take a long walk off a short pier! You don't NEED that kind of support - sounds like he may be one of the reasons you're gaining weight - you're unhappy so you eat. I can't say that for sure; however, I think you really need to re-evaluate this relationship and what it is YOU want for your future - NOT what he wants you to have.
  12. Malaika

    November Sleevers

    Paula - you will find all kinds of support and information here. Check out various posts - like the recipe section, the rate your protein, etc. Also, check out the thread entitled Dr. Aceves' Information -- even if you're not using Dr. Aceves for your surgery, it gives a good idea of what to take to the hospital and what to eat following surgery -- broken down by days out from surgery - it's quite helpful. Any questions, just ASK!
  13. Malaika

    NSV at Old Navy!

    LOL -- Mine is in purple, yes -- but not 4x larger than your's - maybe one size larger -- and all your text in the last 2 posts were the exact same size -- you can go into your user CP and at the very bottom left change your default so it will be the same for every post and you don't have to change it with each post. I think I have mine set on a 3.
  14. Well, what sticks out in my mind from the initial read of this article is that this is with regard to surgery in Europe, not North America. Also, even though they say up to 9%, if you take the % from there study, 1123 patients, 29 with complications - that is only .0258%. We all know there is risk associated with major surgery and we all know that the risk is higher in revisions. However, what are the risks if you don't do anything about your weight and continue to gain or develop additional co-morbidities. To me, surgery is a risk I was willing to take and knowing there are solutions to fixing leaks is good to know. I am also with Cajun in regard to Dr. Aceves' skill and abilities - it is not something that even entered my mind as I trusted him and his skills totally and knew I was in the best hands possible for this surgery.
  15. Malaika

    Happy Birthday "Susan"!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN - hope it is/was a GREAT ONE!!!
  16. Malaika


    Welcome Paula - seems like you've got the posting part figured out - just keep "exploring" the site and testing things - it's not like you're going to really ruin anything - just play around and you'll learn the ins and outs! Congratulations on your surgery date!
  17. Malaika

    NSV at Old Navy!

    And to me they are all the same size! Isn't that odd?
  18. Malaika

    Any update?

    There are several individuals who haven't posted lately and I'm wondering how they are doing. That is the difficult part of "meeting" online - if anything happens to another party, generally, you never know - it's difficult not knowing. We need to pray for Hefty and her family and the others and trust that God is keeping care of them.
  19. Malaika

    Whatcha' Eating?

    I LOVE artichoke hearts ... and dip - yum, yum, yummy!
  20. Malaika

    when do others notice?

    Chancie - is it my eyes or is your font smaller these days?
  21. Malaika


    Chezzychee - First of all, let me welcome you to our site - you've found a great place to be for answers and support. Now, as for your boyfriend, it's not his life - it's your's - and you have to do what you need to do for yourself. It sounds as though if you don't do the surgery and lose weight, he's going to lose you anyway - permanently - to death. I think when he says he's afraid of losing you, he's afraid when you lose your weight, that you're going to leave him and move on. He's apparently insecure. I would have been LIVID if my fiance had thrown away anything of mine that I wanted to do and to check out - that is NOT his right. Find another seminar to attend, keep the paperwork at work where he can't get to it - tell him about it and ask him to attend with you. Also, have him read the posts on this forum (maybe not this one since I'm trashing him) and he'll see that the complication risks are low - not non-existent, but low % wise. If your insurance doesn't pay for WLS, check out Dr. Aceves in Mexicali - many of us on this forum have used him and he is so totally awesome. There are other surgeons around as well. Keep us posted on your progress and don't be afraid - you can either live in your fear and continue to gain weight and suffer the consequences of the weight gain or take control of your life NOW and begin a path to a healther life. The choice is YOUR's and NO ONE ELSE!
  22. Deb, with regard to the heartburn, I responded to you on another thread, I believe. I am 51 and have lost 51 lbs thus far. I work out 3-4x a week and so far I don't really have too much extra skin. My arms were never big to begin with, so what is there is just what comes with age more or less - it's not bad or noticeable. Probably the extra skin I do have at this point is at the very top of my legs on the inside where I have, what I call, "pillows." Those are getting smaller but the skin is still there. So far the skin on my stomach has "retracted" with my stomach as it has gotten smaller -- I still have a way to go so I don't know what's going to happen. Also I have heard and read that once you lose weight you should give yourself a year for the skin to shrink back. I think mine has been stretched for so long, though, that it's lost it's memory - we'll see - so far, I am not stressed or distressed over the way my body looks as I am losing weight - we'll see how I look and feel at 75 and 100 lbs.
  23. Malaika

    Vitamin Question??

    The jar tells you how many to take - I believe it says 2 - I have those same vitamins and that is what it says -- sometimes I take 2, sometimes I take 3. I figure an extra one now and again won't hurt.
  24. Malaika

    4thday post operative

    Sweetie333 - congratulations on your surgery. I can't believe they gave you your stomach in a jar! As for the eating, it isn't that bad and not everyone has problems - just take it easy and work the stages - liquids, full liquids, mushies, soft solids and you'll do great! Welcome to VST!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
