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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    2 weeks post op

    Janet - Congratulations on your surgery and welcome to our VST family - we're happy you joined us and we hope you find answers, support and friendship here - if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask - someone will always have an answer for you. Just take it slow and easy with your new stomach and even though the liquid phase is difficult, it's worth it - and what's even more wonderful is that it doesn't last forever and soon you'll be eating like a normal person - a normal thin person!
  2. Malaika

    It's a date!

    Congrats Anna and Thin - it's so great to at least have a date - and what a great Christmas and New Year's gift for each of you.
  3. Malaika

    Home after VSG

    Mona - glad to hear your surgery went well and that you are progressing normally - keep walking and sipping and you'll feel better each day.
  4. Malaika

    A Message from Chancie

    Hi all - Chancie asked me to let you all know the following: "I just spent almost 2 hours trying to reply to threads... and only answered probably 4. My computer bit the dust.... and I'm on an old one of my sons ( windows 98 ) and my broad band isn't compatable with it.... I live in the country and all we have is dial up, but I finnally got verizon broad band that was working soooo good!" "Would you let the everyone know that I'm not ignoring the posts... and all the new people.. I'm really amazed at how many there are! Plus working in retail.. the next 2 weeks ( or more ) are gonna be crazy- and I can't spend hours on here tyring to post- ( pisses me off LOL when its soooooo slow ) I FINNALLY found a place that I can relate to, and I love this site- and don't want to feel like I'm ignoring things. Hoping I can find a computer on sale with the holidays coming.... sighhhhhhh when it rains it pours!"
  5. Malaika

    Self Pay

    Yeah - what Norma and Tracy said - I love Dr. Aceves to death and wouldn't hesitate to recommend anyone to him or to go back to him for anything! He's totally AWESOME
  6. Malaika

    My future babies

    Ange - Wow - and congratulations. I wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy. Keep us posted on your journey ... I know there are others on the forum (Rosey, Tiffy) that want to have babies and they'll be interested to read your journey, I am sure. I would say at this point in the game, eat whatever you can get down - try to make health choices; however, if you can't get anything down that isn't healthy, you still need to get in calories as the baby will take what it needs and you don't want to be malnourished. Keep up your fluids too.
  7. Judy - that is so AWESOME! Congratulations. I have 7 lbs. to go to get there and I can't seem to make it - for some reason I am self-sabotaging myself ... plus I haven't been able to work out this week which I know makes a huge difference with me. Celebrate Girl and yep, set a new goal - I'm so happy and proud of you!
  8. ML - great ways you are dealing with the challenges of the pre-op diet - thanks for posting and hopefully it well help dalite.
  9. Joon - yes, I believe it is a mom thing not being able to ignore a baby (of any type) that cries. Frustrating, I know. We were puppy sitting for a while and he would whine - Bearded slept right through it, and me, I was awake listening to him! As for the surgery failing - everyone has those thoughts - it won't happen -- you have stalls because your body needs time to readjust to all the changes it is going through - hormonal, major surgery, drastic decrease in calories -- eventually it catches up and you're on the road to weight loss. We're glad you found us, too! Read all the posts -have you seen anyone who the sleeve isn't working for? You aren't going to be the first one - relax and look forward to a new, healthier, happier YOU.
  10. Malaika

    Fitness Goals

    I take Ibuprofen 800 - not 4x a day or not even every day, but if I have pain in my knees (I'm pretty much bone-on-bone) I will take an Ibuprofen at bedtime to help me sleep - I have not had any side effects from it whatsoever.
  11. Malaika

    Screeeeeeching Halt

    Congrats Bug's Mom - we told you the stall would pass -- hope Bug is feeling better -- and that you're able to join us for our next Vegas VST Sleevers Lunch
  12. Malaika

    Spin classes

    Tiffy - you will definitely see results in 8 weeks -
  13. Newmom-CONGRATS - I'm so happy you found something that will work for you - I hope it is good in "real time" as it is on paper. If so, be sure to let everyone know as there are others that have the same allergies as you and will be happy you did all the research for them. Mail the sample whenever you have time, I know with your surgery and the holidays time runs out fast ... I run out of day before I run out of chores that need to be done ...
  14. Malaika

    Mushie food ideas?

    Tracy - sounds delicious!
  15. Welcome to VST and congratulations on getting your surgery - whichever you decide to have. I chose the sleeve over the RNY as I didn't want to have my insides rearranged, the dumping, and the malabsorption. Everyone's choice is different, it's a personal choice. Good luck on whatever choise you make.
  16. Have fun at Disneyland - relax and ENJOY yourself - don't think about what's coming around the bend - and if you're sure this what you want to do and you like your doctor, then there's no reason to be nervous! Tiff, even if she's on Clear Liquids, you can still meet - someplace is bound to have chicken noodle Soup or something along those lines! The fun part will be the MEETING!!!
  17. Malaika

    Hubby gone

    Let us know when you'll be on What Not To Wear so we can be sure and watch!
  18. Malaika

    Does anyone else do this???????

    I can totally relate Chancie -- I'm not sure what is going on with me -- it seems the bad things go down easy and the good things seem to make me gag. I did terrible today - probably one of the worst days I have had -- I started out good - actually ate some Breakfast - an egg casserole that Ruthi gave me the recipe for - it's YUMMY. BUT then ... someone brought me a piece of red velvet cake (a small sliver) and I ate it. Then someone else brought in some of those pizelles (?) (italian Cookies that taste like licorice) and I ate 2 of them. What the heck is up with that. Then when I got home this evening I tried to eat a salad and was only able to get down about 3 bites. And I wonder why I'm not losing?? I'm not gaining, either, but I have 7 lbs to onederland and I seem to be self-sabotaging myself and I don't know why! Bearded is having the same problem; so we've decided to do the 5-day pouch test Sat-Wed and see if that helps us get back on task. But then ... there's Thanksgiving... so I don't know how that's going to work ... it's frustrating!
  19. JoAnne - I am SO HAPPY to hear that you are home and feeling well. You make me laugh about the "wings" but I know exactly what you mean - you don't want to chance making the "wrong" decision (thinking it was gas when it wasn't.) The baby spoons and little dishes really help, in my opinion, to help you eat smaller bites and smaller portions. Keep us posted on your progress.
  20. Malaika

    H1N1- positive

    KyHen - I hate STREP - I have had it a few times and had it so bad, that I spit in order to avoid swallowing. I think the surgery might have weakened our immune system, as I have been sick more this year than I have been in the last 10. Load up on your Vitamin C and Echinachea (sp?). Also, I take airborne - It's loaded with extra Vitamins. Hope you get between soon!!! You too Steph! I know what you mean about the work never stopping because of electronics - they put you in a catch 22 sometimes -
  21. Malaika

    NSV shout outs

    Well I am sure she will come out of hiding when she feels more comfortable -- or needs to eat or use the litterbox.
  22. Malaika

    HOME after surgery

    Chandra - I can feel your pain - not from having to be in recovery for that long as I had a room before I even went to surgery - that would so suck. As for the pain in your chest - that is more than likely from the gas - I kept moving my heating pad from my left shoulder to the front, right over my breasts -- it really helped - walking will help, too. As for getting in 50+ oz of liquid, I didn't even try to get that - I knew there was no way that was going to happen. Drink what you can -- I found warm things went down easier than cold, especially the first few weeks. Also, if you want something cold, but it hurts to drink it, suck on ice cubes - you get the cold without the pain as the ice melts and trickles down your throat -- I still do that today because I can't drink anything iced cold without it giving me spasms. Hang in there; this too shall pass.
  23. Malaika

    feeling like I am failing

    Jenn - I couldn't do the Protein drinks after my surgery, either, and I didn't worry all that much about getting in my protein, especially while I was still on Clear Liquids -- I just focused on staying hydrated. Don't beat yourself up and you are NOT failing - this is the toughest part of the post-op diet. Drink warm liquids in the morning, that might help with the gagging. If you're really concerned about getting in your protein, email Gaby at Dr. Aceves office and let her know you're not able to do the protein drinks/shakes and see what she recommends. There are a lot of different protein options. Did you check out the egg drop Soup recipe I posted? It has lots of protein and is really tasty. I am almost 6 months out and still can't do the protein drinks and now my hair has started to fall out - thank goodness I have a LOT of hair so I'm hoping that it stops falling out before I lose it all.
  24. Malaika

    I am in the hosptial

    Daisy - glad you are home - you will feel better quicker being home and in your own bed, etc. I wish you a speedy recovery. KyHen - sorry to hear you're so sick - take care of yourself and try and get in some fluids so you don't become dehydrated. LoCal Gatorade or something to help increase your electrolytes is important. Keep us posted on how you're doing.
  25. Malaika

    Need some new lunch ideas

    Oregon Rose - The tamales I get are fresh - you can usually find them in the deli section of the grocery store - where the salads, etc. are. I get mine from Widner Farms (home delivery that I got myself into and am waiting to get out of) they have GREAT chicken tamales. Also, ask around in your area and see if there are any mexican stores/restaurants that sell them -- they would probably be the best tasting. When we were visiting Ruthi in So. Cal. she took us to this small hole in the wall place where they made them by hand - and MAN-O-MAN were they good - and big - we split it 3 ways and I was full. Check you local phone book for some mexican stores. If they're too bland for you, try some red or green sauce or some salsa and a bit of sour cream

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
