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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    All liquids

    Let me know how you like them. I haven't really purchased much of anything because everyone says your tastes change so much after surgery. I have a GNC right down the street, so figure I'll stop in there before I go back to work and sample some of their products and get the one(s) I like the best.
  2. Malaika

    All liquids

    This is what Nina suggested to me: Broth, chicken, Beef, Vegetable, or they have new products out (new to me) that are Chinese Soup broths in a carton that you simply heat. It would give you a bit of variety. Popsicles that are Water based, sugar free, and a variety of flavors. Ramen Noodles. While the noodles are not acceptable during the clear phase of the post op diet there is a packet of dry broth mix that many seem to like, it has a bit more kick than regular broth, I am told. Propel water, you can purchase this as bottled water or you can purchase individual packets of this product and put it in water and mix. The reason this product is good is because many are used to a high carbohydrate diet and when your body is used to many carbs, especially white carbs such as flour, Pasta, rice, potatoes, sugar; your pancreas tends to put out a bit too much insulin because of the carb load. When you remove carbs from your diet it can potentially be a drastic change and your pancreas is still putting out a bit too much insulin during the post op diet. This can cause low blood sugar, your stomach might feel nauseated, you might begin to perspire, feel like you are trembling. This does not happen to everyone but it does seem to happen more to older folks or those used to very high white carb diets. Propel water has a very small amount of sugar in it. Just enough to bring your blood sugar up but not enough to cause large blood sugar spikes. Power Aid Zero, it is a new product that is low carb but it has some electrolytes that are beneficial during the post op stage. Water, you need to get about 64oz of fluids in daily. Your broth and Popsicles count toward your 64oz of fluids daily. The key is to sip, sip, sip all day long. The first few days you may find that you cannot get your full 64oz of fluids in, try as hard as you can. You do not want to become dehydrated. If you enjoy tap water that is fine, if you don't then perhaps try bottled water and see if that goes down. Crystal Lite, Sugar Free Hawaiian Punch, pretty much any sugar free water flavorings are fine during the post op diet. Protein products, during days 1-5 you'll need a clear protein product such as Isopure clear bottled protein liquid or Unjury. You can find Isopure at General Nutrition Stores or a variety of Health food stores. Unjury must be ordered on line in advance of your surgery, www.unjury.com. They have an unflavored product that is nice because when you are done with clears it is versatile and you can add it to Jello, cooking, smoothies, etc. Please note, this is a whey protein product. All whey protein products have one issue in common and that is that they don't heat easily. If you add any whey protein product to a hot liquid it will clump. The key is to add it to a cold liquid and heat slowly, then it will not turn into lumps. A good source of protein products after the clear liquid phase (you can use these with water instead of milk starting day #5, and with milk starting day #11) can be purchased reasonably at: www.netrition.com Some excellent products are: Matrix 5.0 by Syntrax http://www25.netrition.com/syntrax_matrix_page.html The more popular flavors are chocolate and Cookies & Cream. You can spice up the Chocolate with Da Vinci Sugar Free Syrups: http://www25.netrition.com/cgi/prices.cgi?manu_id=121 Another very popular protein product if you like Chocolate and Peanut Butter is Whey Gourmet, Choco/Peanut butter: http://www25.netrition.com/pvl_whey_gourmet.html I suggest the above because you'll need to consume about 60-80gms of protein after surgery. During the post op diet this can be difficult to do. Adding protein supplements can make this much easier. I found the Special K water at Target (my favorite store) on clearance and bought 4-4 packs -- I bought the propel individual packets - the strawberry-kiwi is delicious -- of course they are almosts gone because my DF really likes them Hope this helps.
  3. Malaika

    New Addiction?

    I think the fact that you have ideas on what to replace our food desire with is a positive thing. I've always been told not to "borrow trouble" and not to put negative thoughts out - only positive - positive out, positive back. So think positive of all your options and how good it's going to be to get back into all those clothes ... I know I am excited to be able to shop at all the "fun" stores and not those for BBW!
  4. Malaika

    No Regrets

    I know on the list Nina sent me she said to bring immodium as diarrhea is quite common - and you'll want it while traveling. The dissolvable type. Loose fitting clothing to wear coming home is something else she recommends. My surgery is on the 12th so we'll miss one another by a day or so.
  5. Malaika

    No Regrets

    You were in Mexico - what the heck were you thinking eating Italian? They don't know Italian ... LOL ... silly girl ... I love mexican so will probably have that -- however, will avoid the frijoles as from what I am hearing, I'll have enough "gas" without the extra help. :juggle:
  6. Malaika

    Sleeved and Home Again

    Sure not a problem -- we can drop it off on our way back into town since you live that direction anyway ... you can pay me then - no worries. Most important thing is that you have your medicine.
  7. Malaika

    Sleeved and Home Again

    I've got some nexxium -- not sure how much, I can check, which I can "loan" you and then take your script and get it filled along with mine when I am down there for my surgery on the 12th. Then you can just "repay" me from your supply. Email me or give me a call later if you want to go that route and we'll figure out a place to meet and make the exchange. (Reading my post, I sound like a drug dealer -- LOL)
  8. Malaika

    New Addiction?

    I've thought about that too ... in fact, I've already told my DF that he better start saving $$$ to help me with a new wardrobe ... I've found that being on this forum has become my new addiction ... and I don't find that a bad thing ... it keeps my hands busy and keeps me out of the kitchen -- not that I could find anything bad to eat in there anyway ... it's pretty sterile.
  9. Hi Cassy - Check out the new Vertical Sleeve Talk website Alex set up and just released TODAY ... Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) Surgery Forum Also check out the VSG forum on LBT - you can read all about the sleeve and those who have had revisions from band to sleeve and the reasons why. I haven't had the sleeve yet; however, after all of the research I have done, I am 100% certain the band is not for me. The sleeve does involve cutting away and removing part of your stomach; however, it leaves the pilori portion so you get the full feeling and you don't have any malabsorption issues; plus you don't have any foreign objects in your body. All I can say is RESEARCH RESEARCH and then RESEARCH SOME MORE before you make the decision that you believe is right for you.
  10. WOW Natalie - that is a horrible ordeal you went through -- I am so glad the sleeve is working for you. After reading your story and so many others, I am so glad I found this site (well the VSG forum of LBT) before I finished my research and made a firm decision between the band and the sleeve.
  11. Malaika

    Sleeved and Home Again

    Rosebud - So glad you made it home safely, albeit not quite what you were hoping for ... it's infuriating when you could have driven home faster than you were able to fly ... it's bad when a 1 hour flight takes longer than the 5 hour drive between Las Vegas & San Diego would have. I'm glad we'll be driving ... well actually my DF will be driving, I'll be the co-pilot. Give me a call when you feel up to it. Thanks for posting.:juggle:
  12. Malaika

    June Sleevers

    GO FIGURE -- ME TOO -- JUNE 12TH ... :juggle:
  13. I don't go overe there anymore since I was told that no doctor in Las Vegas would touch me and I wouldn't be welcome at any support group once they found out I had my sleee surgery in Mexico by Dr. Aceves ... wasn't so much the doctor as the fact that it was in Mexico. Didn't feel that was a very warm welcome, so I just quit posting there. I did find another link - Gastric Sleeve Support - majority of the posters are from Austraila; however, they've been VERY friendly. I don't find it as easy a site to navigate as this one; however, I check in there now and again.
  14. I don't see why your PCP should have an issue with it -- it's not like he does them - right? My PCP was very supportive when I told him what I was having done and where ... he said he'd be happy to monitor my progress and would be very interested to learn more about the procedure, as he did not know much about the VSG. It shouldn't matter to your PCP where you had the surgery done ... he's still going to get your and your insurance $$$ if he treats you.
  15. How cool is that ... do you know when Alex will have it up and running or will there be an official notice? If not, will you please let us all know??? Thanks!
  16. Malaika

    Las Vegas Meetup mid June?

    Hey Cassy - Any word on when a meetup might happen? Just curious ... my surgery is still scheduled for June 12th - will be home on the 15th. Thanks again.
  17. Malaika

    Verizon Cell In Mexico

    I have Verizon and when I called about a plan, they said they had nothing available -- this was in December -- is it something new they've come out with or did I just get someone who didn't have a clue? They also didn't mention roaming charges to me (which I should have thought about, but didn't) so I had a rather nice size bill and it was just from texting - which was ten cents to receive and 25 cents to send ... I'll definitely be checking into the plan -- thanks for the head's up.
  18. Well, there is always the ER.
  19. Yep, her surgery was May 27th. They left out of Vegas on either the evening of the 25th or morning of the 26th - can't recall 100% ... regardless, she should be on her way to her new life.
  20. Susan, I am so so sorry to hear about your marital problems. I hope everything works out the best for you ... I strongly suggest counseling, it's done wonders for my relationship. I am not a nurse; however, I have suffered with GERD for years and I have found, when I am out of nexxium, that if I take 4 OTC Zantac, it wipes out the acid reflux. A pharmacist friend of mine said that 2 OTC Zantac = 1 RX ... so I've always taken 2 when the acid relux is minimal. If I let it get out of hand, then I take 4 and it seems to subside. Not sure what the RNs out there will think of that, I only know it works for me and I've been doing it for years, since OTC Zantac came out (in fact, I actually use the Sam's Club generic brand) Good luck to you with everything.
  21. Okay, this may be a stupid question; however, I am going to ask it anyway ... Nina told me for the pre-op diet to get in at least 60-70 g of protein and less than 30 g of carbs. She suggested protein drinks/bars ... however, I notice that although they are high in protein, they are also high in carbs ... is she talking total carbs or net carbs? And what exactly are net carbs? I don't have any trouble getting in the protein, and I cut out pasta and breads -- basically refined sugars and anything with flour -- out of my diet quiet awhile ago. So I am totally confused on what would be the best things for me to eat ... I love fresh fruit, however, a banana has like 27 g of carbs ... HELP!
  22. Malaika

    Confused - Need clarification

    Thanks Denise -- I went to the Atkins website last night and read up (I did the atkins diet years ago and was not very succesful with it -- and never thought I'd be able to eat another egg or red meat again). So now I believe I have it all straight in my head. For some reason, i was just having a hard time wrapping my brain around it all ... I have an apricot tree in my backyard and it is loaded with apricots ... at least they are only 3 carbs ... and the tree will be empty in another week or so ... Are the Atkins bars any good? I got the pure Protein Bars, they are great; however, although they have 20 g of protein, they are high in carbs as well (*probably why they taste so good)
  23. I think you should start a thread entitled "SOUPS" ... that way they'd all be in one place and easy to find and print out ... I've never been very good at "experimenting" with different ingredients so I'm happy to see that you are ... keep 'em coming!
  24. Malaika

    Oregondaisy's turn for sleeve surgery

    So glad he called you back, little miss worry-wart ... and glad to know there is a reason for the problem and a solution with an end in sight. Plus, now if I have the same issue, I'll know what to do about it. Hopefully you'll begin to feel better soon and so will your bum.
  25. Malaika

    Jumping With Joy!!!!!!!!!

    There is also medicare for people with low to no income through the welfare system. There are county hospitals where those who have no insurance can seek medical care (at least in the states in which I have lived) and no hospital can turn away anyone who is in medical distress -- they have to at least stabilze the person and then can have them transferred to the county hospital. It seems the individuals who are in the worst shape are those who do not yet qualify for medicaid or social security and make too much (by government standards) to qualify for medicare and who are self-employed and can't afford insurance - those individuals are generally the ones who suffer the most and pay the highest cost for insurance -- like OregonDaisy. I am EXTREMELY lucky in that my employer picks up the cost of my insurance and my co-pays are low. It's not a perfect system; however, I do believe it's better than a united health care program.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
