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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    Is there alcholol at all after the Sleeve?

    So glad I don't drink!
  2. Thanks for the reminder on the handiwipes -- I forgot about that. Don't need a blow dryer, just got a new "do" and it's wash and wear and I'm lovin' it. Medications are packed. Heating Pad, packed. Bathing suit, packed. Gotta find my book from my last trip. Thanks for the reminders
  3. Hi all -- well my surgery is on Friday, June 12th. We're going to head out of Las Vegas tonight and drive until we're (meaning Bob) is tired and then stop, get up and finish the drive to Calexico tomorrow morning (it's only a 5 hour drive; however, he insists on leaving tonight!). :cool0: Anyway - pre-op is on the 11th and surgery on the 12th. I've got the list Nina sent me of things to bring ... is there anything you didn't bring you wished you had? Anything you did bring you wish you hadn't? We weren't able to get the verizon mexico plan because apparently all they have on the phone are people who don't have a clue ... we gave up out of frustration. So I won't be using my phone while in Mexicali; however, will have my laptop and will post as soon as I feel up to it. So suggest away -- I'm all "ears" :car: (or should that be "eyes")? :car:
  4. Alex - my multi-quote doesn't appear to be working ... any suggestions? Or am I doing something wrong? Are others having any trouble or is it "operator error"
  5. Malaika

    Ok so here's my story.

    Welcome Tiff -- you'll love this site ... and the people.
  6. Malaika

    Relief of Post-op Gas

    I've found a heating pad on the belly helps a great deal too ... mine is packed and going with me!
  7. Thanks, I will pass the message along to Bob and we'll give it the ole college try.
  8. Did you pay roaming fees? There's really not one I will need to call, seeing as the only one close to me who knows I'm having the surgery is my fiance, and he'll be with me ... and, of course, everyone on VST ... and I'll have my laptop with me. Bob on the otherhand, receives a lot of texts/calls daily so we were going to do it for him ... he said he'll just bite the bullet and pay whatever extra costs there are ... we'll see how it goes. Thanks!
  9. Thanks WASa ... scared, nervous, happy, excited ... my stomach is a wreck ...what a combination of feelings ... I like the alien avatar ... however, I really liked the nurse one you had on LBT ... thought it was very appropriate!
  10. I've never had the dry roasted version -- is it any good Steve? Also you can buy it in like 8-pks at Sam's Club and costco. The frozen is very yummy; especially if you sprinkle just a tad of sea salt on it. FYI -- if you buy the frozen - you DON'T eat the pod, only the "peas" that are inside it ... basically put the pod in your mouth and slowly pull it out and pods will pop out the end into your mouth.
  11. Malaika

    June Sleevers

    I'm with you Ruthi ... I can't decide either. Talked to Eyfura today - she was on her way to the hospital for her pre-op work and was a nervous wreck ... apparently she can't stand the sight of needles (imagine that - and she's had 4 children!) ... I told her "well, then don't look at the needles -- stare at the ceiling ... I should have told her to have them bring in a really cute intern and she could stare at him instead! Road trip starts tomorrow ... :car::cool0::car:
  12. Malaika

    Body Image

    Don't you wish we all knew then what we know now? If I had known even 1/2 of what I know now, I don't think I would have had a weight problem ... as they say, hindsight is 20/20.
  13. Malaika

    Chat Room

    Woo hoo ... and here OregonDaisy is dealing with some unhappy moments right now and she was the most excited to have it up and going ... she'll be so happy when she's back home and able to be online for "real time" chatting.
  14. Malaika

    Artificial sweetners

    I don't care for the after taste of aspartame; plus all the bad things I have heard about it. If given a choice, I will use splenda or stevia or sweet-n-low. I'm glad to find more and more things being made with splenda instead of aspartame. And, since I haven't had soft drinks in over 20 years, I don't even worry about that.
  15. Malaika

    Roasted veggies

    And on top of that, it was all done outdoors on the grill so no heating up the kitchen, which in Las Vegas in the summer is a big deal believe me. Although I have to admit the weather has been totally awesome this week -- highs in the 80s which is wonderful ... would be happy to have that all summer long (yes, I am dreaming, the 110s will hit soon enough)
  16. Malaika

    Body Image

    You were tiny at 110 Mac ... and still are now -- DAMN!
  17. Malaika

    Body Image

    That sounds like me -- I thought I was so fat at 125 lbs. (I'm 5'8-1/2") and now when I look at those pics, I think the same thing --- what I wouldn't give to be that size now!. I've always said that weight didn't matter to me, it was more how my clothes fit; although I am sure I will be on the scale in the beginning.
  18. I love edamame; however, there are pros/cons on too much soy intake ... I think if you just use common sense and don't over do on anything - basically eat in moderation, that anything is okay for you. My head spins at all the findings out there and especially when one contradicts the other, as they all seem to do. Edamame is being served in several restaurants in Las Vegas. IMO it makes a great appetizers and takes the edge off any hunger so you tend to not overdo ... at least now before the sleeve that is how it works for me .. and it is very filling and stays with you for a long time, too.
  19. Malaika

    Brisbane hopeful via APRA

    Welcome. Although you may not have the in-person support you may be looking for on this site; you will have all the support you could possibly need otherwise. Everyone here thus far is great and the information you can get is unbelievable. The "veteran" sleevers are a wealth of information, knowledge and great suggestions.:confused1: So pull up a chair and join the group - Welcome to VST ... you're gonna love us.:001_wub: (PS Can relate to the having made a decision and wanting it NOW -- I am the same way. Luckily, my surgery is this Friday!) :biggrin0:
  20. What the heck is GOAT? :confused1:
  21. Malaika

    100+ Pound Club

    We have a terrier toy mix and a Shih Tzu. Our Chloe (the terrier) is the smartest dog I have ever owned, and I have owned dogs since I was 18. We rescued her from the SPCA when she was 4 months old and she continues to amaze me with what she can figure out on her own and how easy she is to train. My goal is to have her pass training and become a Rehab Dog. Riley, our Shih Tzu is also a rescue dog, from an individual and he was 11 months old when we got him. What I have discovered about Shih Tzu's is that they aren't as dumb as people, including me, think they are ... they are, however, extremely stubborn and sometimes that is construed as stupid. They definitely are a very laid-back breed that is for sure. I have always owned big dogs until Chloe and Riley came into my life. I never thought I could "like" little dogs ... however, I love these two dogs and to watch the interaction between the two of them is a constant source of enjoyment. Good luck on your choice WASa. I'd strongly suggest checking out the SPCA - they have lots of pure breds and with the foreclosure epdemic, people are leaving their animals behind when they leave their house ... lots of good dogs waiting to be loved.
  22. Malaika

    June Sleevers

    The exodus to Mexicali is beginning ... Eyfura's surgery on the 10th, Ruthi and I on the 12th, DebKing on the 17th (darn, we'll miss you by 2 days); who else is headed to Mexicali to see Dr. Aceves? I don't know if I'm excited or nervous ... maybe both? Looking forward to it being over and a new chapter in my life opening up.
  23. Malaika

    Roasted veggies

    Elizabeth -- I wanted to let you know that I took your idea and made roasted veggies last night when we had some friends over for dinner ... I cut up zucchini, yellow square, new potatoes, sliced sweet potatoes, and green, yellow, red and orange peppers. I lined a pan used for the grill with foil, sprayed it with Pam Olive Oil (thanks for that suggestion too) sprinkled with a little garlic powder, spread them out, sprayed more olive oil and layed asparagus over the top -- sealed it with foil and my fiance cooked it on the grill for about 15 minutes. I also fixed the tilapia with orange juice, salt and pepper and Bob fixed that on the grill as well (9 minutes on top rack). I also fixed a green salad. The meal was delicious and our guests raved about it. Keep the recipes coming ... I'm always looking for new ideas.
  24. Malaika

    Airlines/Nursing homes/ this and that

    Denise, I am so so so sorry to hear about the passing of your father. Time will heal the pain of losing him and soon you will be filled with all the happy times you shared and the knowledge that he was able to live 90 years and to see you grow into a wonderful daughter and mother. He may not be here in the physical person; however, he will always be in your heart and his spirit will be with you always. Hang in there!
  25. My doc does not have that. But I used the services of a guy on line that works with obese folks and he was fantastic, no charge. WASa ... I'd like this guys information if possible, please.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
