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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. I agree with you because for every study you can find an opposing view. I've always said we do the best we can do with what we know and when we know better, we do better.
  2. Malaika

    New Addiction?

    I agree with RB2 -- you'd find me in a corner somewhere going babababababa if I was in that position.:biggrin0:
  3. Malaika

    Eating Out!

    Cool - where can I do that? I'd like to have it to carry with me in case of an emergency. We don't eat out all that often, and if we do, we generally end up splitting it anyway, so no big deal on that.
  4. I had an epidura with my first pregnancy and I didn't like it either. I did have a spinal with the sleeve and I was able to move my legs in recovery with no problem and didn't even realize I'd had the spinal. The only side effect I had is that I itched - not bad and not all the time, just in spots and just now and again. Nothing like having poison ivy. I mentioned it to Dr. Aceves, because I thought it was because of the pink "stuff" I was covered with front and back boobs to butt ... he said it wasn't from the "pink stuff" at all, it was from the morphine in the spinal. It's my understanding that if they give you a spinal, they don't have to put you under as deep and you wake up faster in recovery. According to my fiance, my surgery lasted 1 hr and 7 minutes and I was in recovery for 2 hours - when I came back to the room, I felt awake and pain free - except for the pain in my left shoulder blade which I figured was from the CO2 gas. I have a fear of being put under and not coming out of it - as both my parents have that tendency, so anything they could use to keep me from having to be put under as deep was okay with me. I don't even remember them doing the spinal or even asking me to turn over so they could do it ... heck, I don't even remember being taken to the OR after the happy pill they gave me that morning. I'd say go for it - but everyone is different.
  5. Malaika

    My future babies

    I hope the same thing for both of you and can only say better you than me girlfriend! I'm with WASa on the furry 4-legged type babies -that's all I want anymore ... now grandbabies of the 2-legged variety would be ok too.
  6. Malaika

    Bougie size???

    Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn?t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
  7. Malaika

    Lap Band vs Sleeve

    Congratulations - that's great!
  8. Malaika

    Reflections from a Fat Chick

    As they say Mac, hindsight is 20/20. I'm right there with you. Well, not right there, but you know what I mean!
  9. Malaika

    I'm GAGGING Here!!!!

    When I was in GNC today I asked the man if he had any unflavored whey protein that was really unflavored ... he said not really ... so I was afraid to try it ... I'm calling some other places tomorrow to see if they have the whey nectar protein and if so will go and get it ... just not sure what flavor(s) to get ... the fuzzy navel sounds pretty good ... any suggestions on that? If I can't find it, then I'll go back and get the not really unflavored unflavored stuff and suffer through it I guess.
  10. Malaika

    My Weird Food

    What is that? It sounds good -- is it cheese??? I love cheese
  11. Malaika

    I'm GAGGING Here!!!!

    Clears have been an issue -- I've had chicken noodle Soup broth, beef soup in a cup broth, ramen noodle mix, went to GNC today and bought some Isopure... then went to Target and got some sugar-free drink additives and added it to the isopure -- it's tolerable that way - no funny powerdy aftertaste. Have 3 healthfood stores I'm going to call tomorrow to see if they carry the nectar Protein -- none of the GNCs around here carry it. I've also had some hot tea. Any other suggestions? I'm looking forward to SF Popsicles and SF Jello tomorrow (Dr. Aceves said I had to wait 5 days for those) ... I'm totally opened to suggestions as I'm already tired of broth. I've had a major headache everyday since my surgery and today I feel very lightheaded and I'm sure it's because I'm not getting in enough protein, so I need to find something I can tolerate and not get sick of in the next 15 days.
  12. Malaika

    Back to Exercising

    You could have just walked up and down the stairs to the second floor with the laptop to put the plastic chair on top of the matching plastic table several times a day ... that would have helped keep your legs toned. I find my calves are rock hard (about the only thing on my body that is) and I think that is because I wear mules all the time and you have to use your toes to keep them on and that tends to tighten your calve muscles ... and since it's warm enough ALMOST year round here in Vegas to wear them, I believe that is what has helped keep them toned.
  13. I'm sure they will ... LOL ... just teasin' ... I'm still learning all this stuff and appreciate all the "lingo"
  14. I also liked the idea posted by ... hmmm ... was it WASa or Elizabethsew ... about the "tricks" of skinny people and instead of eating an entire donut if you are craving it, cut out a portion and eat that ... then you have satisfied your desire. That has always worked for me thank goodness ... like in candy bars ... I buy the miniatures ... give away the ones I don't like ... which is most of them ... but keep the dark chocolate for when I have a craving that won't go away ... instead of eating something I don't really want I open one of the miniatures, break it into pieces and suck on them until they dissolve ... that takes care of my craving.
  15. Scared me a bit reading it and DEFINITELY glad we're on liquids for 20 days!!!
  16. Malaika

    Sleeve vs. Lap Band

    Waiting on WasA, Tiffykins, Ruthi, Elisabethsew and MacMadame ... if you have any questions after that, I can't even imagine what they would be. Welcome to VST!
  17. Malaika

    I'm GAGGING Here!!!!

    Oh thank GOD and the two of you ... I might actually make it through now to mushies ... I was beginning to wonder ... I will give it a try tomorrow morning ... and right after, I'm having my Crystal Light Popsicle ... it'll be 5 days and I'm entitled ... WOO HOO :lol0:
  18. Malaika

    Mexico surgery planning

    And if you do turn off your computer, your calls automatically go to voicemail and you get an email letting you know you have voicemail. It's a pretty cool thing...and you can pick the prefix from 3 different numbers I may end up cancelling my home phone service - @ $20/month in lieu of magicjack for $20/year ... plus I don't have long distance on my home phone - I use my cell.
  19. Malaika

    New Addiction?

    Well that's a positive thing in my opinion ... now if I can look at Golden Spoon Frozen Yogurt and feel that way ... I'll be happy too ... and keep my taste for dark chocolate.
  20. Malaika

    Eating Out!

    Well as for the comment about landing him, I'm afraid I would have had to say "Maybe because I'm not a bitch like you are and maybe because he sees what a good person I am on the inside and isn't as shallow as you." and gone right on eating my dinner ... Luckily, my dad married my stepmom when I was 4 ... my stepsister was also 4 (we're 3 weeks apart in age) ... there were 7 of us ... 1-1/2, 4, 4, 6, 9, 12 and 15. My dad had custody of all 4 of us as my mother abandoned us when I was 3. My mom had her 3 ... so we were about like the brady bunch +1 ... 4 boys, 3 girls. My parents have since divorced; however, my stepsister and I remain very close and my "mom" although not legally my mom will always be my mom...if that makes sense. Glad you and T are working things out - maybe she's finally seeing what a great person you are and all you have to offer ... and maybe she's seeing that your mom makes your dad HAPPY
  21. Malaika

    My Weird Food

    BARTENDER - Get this lady a rum and fresh lemonade ... and make it a double! :lol0:
  22. Malaika

    100+ Pound Club

    You've done FANTASTIC and I know it can be done too ... and now with the sleeve, I know it WILL be done ... and as I have said before, I think I'm right behind you on the bilateral knee replacements ... I'll be anxious to follow your progress on that too .. is there a reason they won't do them at the same time? It seems to me to be put under 2x in 1 week isn't very healthy ... of course that could be my fear of being put under anesthesia at all.
  23. Malaika

    My Weird Food

    OMG you are too funny ... and I thought I was bad ... :lol0:
  24. Malaika

    I'm GAGGING Here!!!!

    Dr. Campos wasn't around when I had my surgery - he was in Seattle for his sister's graudation ... he did come in the last night I was there and introduce himself, but that's about it ... I don't even have a phone number for him ... should I call or email Dr. Aceves?
  25. Malaika

    I'm GAGGING Here!!!!

    Is that allowable? My BP medicine isn't even the size of a baby aspirin and if I broke it in half or quarters it'd be really tiny ... the effexxor I can break up too if that is permissible at this stage of the game ... I'm really really struggling here.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
