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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    Clear Liquids Only Stage?

    :eek: Now, that my dear, is gross! (But I totally understand)
  2. Malaika

    Clear Liquids Only Stage?

    I would imagine by Monday you'd be happy to even have Isopuke...:laugh0: And I'm sure the 80 gms of protein is definitely keeping you going.
  3. Malaika

    In Your Opinion

    Oh I know I can find it online, I was trying to find it locally and was told GNC carries it - apparently NOT in Las Vegas. I will probably order some online tonight, I just wanted to get some ASAP to help me get in my Protein. Hopefully the new stuff I just bought will take care of that issue.
  4. The price includes your companion. The only place my fiance was not allowed was the recovery room -- however, Dr. Aceves came to our room - you get it BEFORE surgery and explained everything to him and apprised him how I was doing. He stayed at the resort with me and in the hospital room with me. The first night we were in a small room with a chair that pulled into a bed, the next day they moved us to a larger room, with a long couch which he said was very comfortable. As for extra costs - Dr. Aceves didn't even charge us for HIS medication -- he requested a sleeping pill two nights and it was freely given ... if I lived closer to Mexicali like WASa does, I would definitely consider finding a PCP there. I can't give Dr. Acves enough acolades - there just aren't. He is the most compassionate person I believe I have ever met and consider myself blessed for having him in my life.
  5. Malaika

    Surgery Date July 10!!!!!!

    If he's not impressed, then I will be amazed.
  6. Malaika

    Clear Liquids Only Stage?

    WOW really Tiff? Man, Dr. Aceves and his staff have been pushing the protein and that's the problems I've been having. I bought the Isopure - I can see why some call it Isopuke. I took the last bottle - some raspberry flavored and mixed it with raspberry Jello and made shooters -- they're setting up right now so I'll let you know how they turn out. Jello is allowed on Day 6, at least according to my Doc. As I posted in another thread, I bought some Protein powder today that can be mixed with Water and the woman who recommended it says she uses it daily that it tastes good. She told me others they carried had higher protein but tasted like crap. I bought the one she recommended, so I will let you know how that tastes, as well, later today. I know I'm not getting in the 70 gms they recommend, but at least I'm getting in something and hopefully these two new "discoveries" will help me get it all in in a day. I know that I sure run out of steam quick since surgery and can only rationalize that it's due to a drop in my protein intake.
  7. Shanda - I didn't tell anyone anything -- my fiance knew, our counselor knew, and I have found out a few of his friends knew -- other than that NO ONE knew ... I just told everyone we were going to SoCal for 5 days and that was that. Now that I am home, I basically sent an emal telling everyone that I was actually in SoCal to have a sliding hiatal hernia repaired (that is true, Dr. Aceves did fix it) and left it at that. My sister was PO'd, but then she thrives on drama/trauma. My dad wasn't PO'd just wanted to be sure I was okay now. Everyone else has just wished me well and that's been that. I don't know how to alleviate your fears about going to Mexico - it was never a fear of mine -- if it's any help - you can actually SEE the US border ... or at least the fence separating it from the hospital. I recommend Dr. Aceves highly and the hospital was the cleanest hospital I have ever been in and EVERYONE was wonderful and friendly. Dr. Aceves and his staff are SUPERB and he is there checking on you at least 3 times a day, as well as Lucy his coordinator and Sergio (not sure what his title was) ... I've never seen the type of service I received in any hospital in the US. I put another post to DebKing's "I'm having surgery tomorrow" if you want to read more. If you tell everyone you and DH are going away on vacation, be sure to tell them for 5 days because you're 1 day for pre-test; 3 days for surgery/recovery and might need a day or two for travel. As for your parents/inlaws -- let them read the RAVES here about Dr. Aceves ... heck for that matter, I'm sure several of us would be willing to talk to them directly if that would put there mind at ease - I know I would be willing to -- Best of luck - and as you say -- it's really no one's business as they aren't paying for it and it's YOUR body.
  8. Malaika

    New here

    DO either of you (or anyone else) know of a good surgeon in SoCal? The reason I ask is that I have told everyone that I had my sliding hiatal hernia repaired in SoCal because I don't trust the surgeons/hospitals in Las Vegas (which is very true). No one has questioned which doctor; however, I know my dad's wife is going to question me and I need to come up with a good surgeon in SoCal that I can give her. I hate lying; however, I prefer not to be judged for my decision. As soon as my dad found out I had surgery he was on medlineplus.com checking out the surgery and after asking me if I was okay ... he said "Well now you need to lose weight because obesity is one of the main causes." So any help would be appreciated ... not a bariatric surgeon - just a well established surgeon anywhere in SoCal - I never gave them a specific place. If I didn't think they'd check out the doctor's name, I'd give them the truth and name Dr. Aceves. *SHRUGS*
  9. Malaika

    Introducing myself

    Okay then ... the synonym dictionary says: synonyms tool (n.) aid, apparatus, appliance, cock, contrivance, creature, device, dick, gadget, implement, instrument, machine, pecker, peter, prick, puppet, putz, shaft, tools, utensil tool (n.) (figurative) instrument (figurative) I think maybe aid or device? even instrument... definitely not any of the ones that start with a "p" ... :eek: Should we put it up for a vote?
  10. Malaika

    New Addiction?

    :eek: SCARY THOUGHT! Although my mom always said (when I would ask her how she raised 7 kids when I couldn't seem to raise 2) she said, "after 3 you don't even notice." I love my mom, but I wasn't so sure I believed her at that point!
  11. Malaika

    Eating Out!

    Thanks Mac~
  12. Malaika


    That's fantastic Elisabeth. I had been able to control my GERD with diet and took the 40 mg Nexium and/or Zantac on an as needed basis. So far, I haven't had any heartburn since the surgery except 1 day when I drank the apple juice. I am taking the 20 mg Nexium as directed by Dr. A; however, I'm hoping that once I'm through the 3 months, I won't have to take it forever...my insurance doesn't cover it and it wasn't all that cheap in Mexico either.
  13. Malaika

    In Your Opinion

    I have the SpecialK water but at 5 grms I'd have to drink alot of it to get in my 70 gms. a day. I am drinking it (didn't know it came in packets) I have the Strawberry-Kiwi, which I like, and a berry - which is eh, okay. I stopped in Whole Foods today on my way home from the chiro (I have TMJ and when my jaw is out I have massive headaches and yep, it was out - got adjusted and now don't have the headache I've had since surgery) ... anyway ... there was a lady working in the supplement section and she recommended a product that she uses every day. It is MRM 100% All Natural whey Dutch chocolate. It has no artificial sweetners or flavors, hormone free, antibiotic free, BSE Free; 1000 mg L Glutamine added. 1 scoop is 85 calories; 1 g total fat (0 Sat.); 1.5 g carbs and 18 g protein and it's made in Oceanside, CA. She said it is great mixed with water - that is how she takes it every day. She was funny because she pointed out others that had more protein and then whispered "but they taste like crap" ... There were 36 servings and it was $29. So I'll give it a try and let you know.
  14. Yes, guess they must have made changes because Gaby sent me an email the day after I was released and said it was her job to follow-up with Dr. Aceves patients following surgery and had a big long email about what to do, what not to do, why to do it, why not to do it, what to eat when, ideas, etc. I don't recall receiving any booklet, all I received was my films, my blood tests and my operative report. I just received an email from a friend who wanted to remind me that wine is a clear liquid ... :laugh0: Now, if I could only drink wine - it gives me an instant headache ...
  15. NO - I didn't know that ...who makes them? I may have to check that out once I am on solids ... and one definitely does the trick.
  16. Malaika

    Surgery Date July 10!!!!!!

    You got that RIGHT!
  17. Malaika

    100+ Pound Club

    Well that makes total sense then. I'm afraid if I have one done, I'll never want to have the other ... I guess I'll wait and see how you come through it and how you feel about the entire thing. I know it's going to have to be done, it's just a matter of when.
  18. Malaika

    New Addiction?

    This is true -- my poor mom had 5 teenagers at once ... I'm not sure how she survived (or how we ended up living -- lol)
  19. That's a great way to explain it Elisabeth and so very true. I never had the band; however, I intend to make the sleeve work for me and as long as the scale keeps going down, I will be happy. I, too, am no longer young and if I can lose 2-3 lbs a week, I will be very happy with that loss. I don't have bread in my house either for the exact same reason ... given my choice between sweets and hot bread with butter I'll choose the bread and butter every time...especially if it's warm sourdough bread. I also prefer fruits over sweets, especially strawberries, bananas and watermelon - however, bananas have a ton of carbs and watermelon has a high glycemic count ... so even eating "healthy" too much of a good thing, can be a bad thing, if that makes sense.
  20. Malaika

    Surgery Date July 10!!!!!!

    Oh Rosey that is WONDERFUL about your surgery date and your dad. I agree with Elisabeth - I bet he changes his mind after the entire experience ... I did the low carb/high protein diet and found the atkins shakes and bars extremely helpful. I'm not a big egg person, although I can do scrambled eggs with 2% cheese and I ate that quite a bit during the week before (actually, I started on the diet a couple weeks before just because). Be sure to drink LOTS of Water with the shakes/bars, as I found them to slow things down in moving through my system, if you get my drift. Grilled tilapia and grilled veggies were something else I ate too - very filling and tasty. You can do it, it really isn't that difficult.
  21. I probably could do - but given my choice, I would much rather have cheese than tilapia -- I LOVE cheese ... hey ... what about tilapia with cheese melted on it? MMMMMMMMMMMM ... My theory is almost anything tastes better with cheese on it! LOL
  22. I think he may have changed that since you had your surgery, because he definitely told me 10 days clear; 10 days full and I received an email from Gaby yesterday outlining that same guideline with helpful ideas of what I can have during those times ... This is what her email said (synopsis) Day 1 thru 5 (Clear Liquids Only) Day 6-10 (thin liquids) Day 11 thru 20 (full liquids) Day 21 thru 30 (soft food) Day 31st and beyond (solid food)
  23. Malaika

    Will be sleeved tomorrow!

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers - put yourself in God's hands and pray for God to guide your surgeon - all will be well!
  24. Malaika

    Introducing myself

    I lost a lot of weight on Jenny Craig too however was sicker than a dog the entire time I was on it and come to find out I was allergic to the preservatives in their food - so I said great, I can be thin and sick or fat and healthy. So no more Jenny Craig -- although I am a lifetime member ... woo hoo. I've lost quite a bit of weight on Weight Watchers too ... however, I find too many ways of "justifying" my choices and end up gaining it back eventually. I figure over the past 26 years I've probably lost and regained "myself" several times. I know how to eat healthier now that I ever have and that is why I decided to go forward with the sleeve as a tool to help me get the weight off and keep it off. I have no visions of it being the "magic" answer to my weight coming off and know I have a lot of work in front of me.
  25. Malaika

    100+ Pound Club

    We are GREAT aren't we? And MODEST too! So glad you're feeling more comfortable and I think you're doing awesome!! Keep it up

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