YES!!!! I'm so glad someone finally got a thread like this going. I had a BMI of 29 when I got banded which was only 4 weeks ago. My story is much the same as everyone elses: my weight yo-yo-ed like it was going out of style and I really really struggled just to stay in the overweight category, although there may have been a few times in my life when my weight put me in the obese category. Maybe. Sandee, since I'm only 4 weeks post op, I feel like I can't give you a fully informed opinion. Although I will say, considering it's surgery, it was sure a breeze. Short down time and little pain. Also, my scars are really inconspicuous. From a distance, you can't even tell. And it's only been 4 weeks!!!
To all the low BMI veterans, I have a question. Did your fill docs ever give you a hard time about getting fills? Like, I went to Mexico to get the procdure and I have an appointment in a couple weeks with a local doctor that does fills and I have a sneeking suspicion that he'll take one look at me and say "you don't need a fill....your only 30 lbs from you ideal weight..." or something along those lines and either deny me a fill, deny me a second fill, barely put any saline solution into my port or something like that. Do I have any reason to be concerned??????
THANKS. And Sandee, I'll keep you posted, girl.