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Paradigm Star

Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Paradigm Star

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  • Birthday 02/07/1964

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    Geocaching and Letterboxing
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    Disabilty Rights Advocate
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  1. Greetings Coexister, i does seem that I am not a dumper either because I’ve tested this several times. I did get a bad reaction from drinking whole milk kefir. I got a stomachache. I wonder is this a form of dumping syndrome? When I drank low fat or non fat kefir, I absolutely had no problems with the kefir. However, when I had a frozen yogurt, I didn’t experience any sickness in my physical body. In terms of losing weight, for the last three weeks, I have stayed the same weight. I haven’t gained or loss weight. I guess that’s a good thing. You know something, Coexister? I have often wondered if my Bariatric Surgeon actually did the RYGB on me. My recovery is very similar to when I got the VGS in 2016. I control my snacking by putting everything I eat in my dietary journal. My dietitian gave me a calorie target and I rarely go above my calorie target. If there’s a particular snack I want to have, I budget for it within my calorie budget. I also read these forums for insight and inspiration as everyone that uses these forums have pearls of wisdom to offer each other. I have no regrets that I proceeded to revision to the RYGB because I my weight is coming down again and I have no more GERD & heartburn anymore. I also can’t risk get throat cancer from the hideous GERD I suffered from before I had my RYGB. 😃 I am six weeks post op and today was my first day back on solid food. I’m going back on solid food slowly - introducing each new food slowly back into my diet.
  2. Hi Tracyringo, My Bariatric Dietitian did warn me against eating cream of wheat, oatmeal and other cereals. When I was on the soft food eating plan after my VGS, I was able to eat my favourite cream of wheat and other soft cereals. As I am in the soft food eating plan for the RYGB when I saw the dietary restrictions about the cream of wheat, I had no idea why my Bariatric dietitian would restrict the grains, like cream of wheat and oatmeal. Your post to me about staying clear of cream of wheat really enlightened me. As I previous VGS person, I didn’t have to deal with dumping syndrome. On the RYGB, I might have to deal with dumping syndrome. Some other members of BariatricPal forum have indicated that around 30% of individuals who have gotten the RYGB have to deal with dumping syndrome. I have no idea as I progress with my post op dietary eating plan, if I will have to deal with dumping syndrome. I will most certainly follow my Bariatric dietitian recommendations about staying clear of grains like cream of wheat cereal and oatmeal. Thanks for your enlightening post, Tracyringo.
  3. Hi Nessie, Thanks for checking in with how I am doing currently. I am now 12 days post op and I getting bored with my full liquid diet. Happily, on 15 days post up, I get to try soft food. I’m going to have to “think outside the box” in terms of being creative on the soft food diet. My medical dietitian tells me to stay clear of grains. Like things like cream of wheat cereal, oatmeal, and other grains. However, after my VGS, I remember that when I started the soft food stage, I could do hot cereals like cream of wheat and oatmeal. I guess that with the RYGB, the medical dietitian opinion is stay clear of grains. Also, looking my post op dietary eating plan, I discovered I can’t even have a fruit smoothie in the soft food eating stage. The dietitian told me I can have food like applesauce and cottage cheese in the soft food eating plan. Does anyone have any recommendations on what I can eat during the 14 days I’m eating the soft food eating plan (that starts on April 6)? I would greatly appreciate any suggestions anybody can provide me.
  4. Greetings Mae7365, I certainly don’t feel like a “virgin” RYGB individual. As you said in your post, “We’ve been there, done that”. We’ve gone from our VSG into a RYGB revision to tackle difficult health issues. Ever since the RYGB and hiatal hernia surgeries, I haven’t had any amount of GERD. My lower belly abdominal pains are gone. My erosive esophagitis is now healing. This amazing RYGB surgery has done wonders for tackling any medical conditions I had going into the RYGB revision surgery. I just figured out that I will be on full liquid diet for another 10 days. I bought on Amazon a good book on getting the most from the full liquid diet BEGINNERS GUIDE TO FULL LIQUID DIET FOR WEIGHT LOSS: BEGINNERS FRIENDLY GUIDE TO FULL LIQUID DIET FOR WEIGHT LOSS & HEALTHY LIFESTYLE . It’s a very good guide.
  5. Greetings Mae7365, I’m am definitely glad that I didn’t allow the fear of the actual RYGB surgery or the fear of getting the dumping syndrome get the better of me. I went into the hospital very early on Monday, March 22. I am now three days post op. I am assuming that my own recovery will be similar to that of the VSG - but will be different for the RYGB because it’s a different surgery. Actually, for the VSG I had more vomiting than do I have had with the RYGB thus far. I’m hoping that processes with no vomiting. In this phase of my recovery, I don’t see restriction because as I sip, sip, sip my water, I can drink a lot. Not at the .same time I am not really hungry and I find that I am thirsty a lot. I appreciate your advice about how your own RYGB recovery has progressed. We all have similar stories to tell - but each individual is unique.
  6. Greetings Nessie, I deeply appreciate your support as I go through the RYGB eating plan again (just like when I had my VSG). I kinda cautious about the dumping syndrome, I’m planning on taking each food step slowly. Once I get to the puréed stage (where you are now), I will start using my NutriBullet blender to get some delicious food. I don’t know how much weight I’ve lost already because I don’t have a scale at my parents house. When I get home to my house, I’ll have to do a spring cleaning of my pantry because there is a lot of junk food in my house prior to the surgery. I did the pre-op clear liquid diet right before the surgery. I am already thankful for having the RYGB surgery on March 22. The VSG to the RYGB is the right thing to do in this instance. Before the surgery, I had constant vomiting whenever I tried to eat anything. Now, (after the surgery), I can drink my full liquid diet with ease. No, vomiting whatsoever now. I’m so incredibly happy about that.
  7. Greetings Catwoman7, I’m currently three days post op and my eating plan has been clear diet in the hospital and when I was released back to my parents, full liquid diet. So, far I’ve had chicken and beef broth, and 1 premium shake. So, far so good. I’ll be interested in what other kinds of food can I eat as I progress in the VSG/RYGB meal plan.
  8. Greetings Catwoman7, I want to thank you for your detailed response to my post to the BariatricPal forum. I am happy to learn that only 30% of the people who get the RNY surgery get dumping syndrome. I’m hoping that when I get my RNY surgery on Monday, March 22 that I will not be in the minority that gets dumping syndrome. Thanks for sharing with me (if I am in the minority who is subjected to dumping syndrome) that I can control it by limiting my sugar and fat intake. Also, with the post op dietary eating plan . . . This will probably be easier the second time around because I’ve already been through the post op dietary eating plan with my VSG. I do believe that with the RNY that the stomach pouch will only be able to hold up to three tablespoons of food while when I had the I had the VSG, my stomach could hold a bit more than three tablespoons of food. I do know that I will have to introduce each new food one at a time and be patient with the food introduction process. When I have my RNY surgery less than 24 hours from now, I’ll post back to this particular BariatricPal forum to update everyone on my progress. I think I’ll probably be in the hospital for two days. After the hospital, I’ll be staying with my parents for a couple of weeks during the post op healing process.
  9. Greetings to everyone, On May 2, 2016, I received my VSG from my Bariatric Surgeon. Fast forward to February 2019, I start getting experiencing abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting that my general GI specialist couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. Diagnostic testing revealed a raw sore in my esophagus, a hiatal hernia, and the medical professionals couldn’t diagnose why I was experiencing abdominal pain in my gut. As time moved on, my aforementioned symptoms got worse and worse where I couldn’t keep down my food and medications. Now jump to March 10, 2021, I have my first surgical consultation with the Bariatric Surgeon that had put in my VSG in 2016. My Bariatric Surgeon recommended a revision from the VSG to RYGB to fix my hiatal hernia and the rest of my digestive symptoms. Dr. Chen has fast tracked my RYGB surgery to Monday, March 22, 2021. I have to admit to everyone that in 2016 when I the VSG, I was fine with it. However, now with the RYGB surgery within 48 hours of this posting in the BariatricPal forum, I’m getting nervous to having this surgery. One of the main reasons why I’m nervous is about having the RYGB surgery is the possibility of complications and after having surgery, and the dumping syndrome that seems to be common with a lot of individuals who get the RYGB surgery. Fortunately for me, while I was recovering from the VSG, I was not subjected to dumping syndrome. Can anybody share with me about your own experiences with getting the RYGB surgery? How was your recovery period? How was it going from a clear liquid diet to a full liquid diet to purée foods, etc. Share your thoughts and feedback. I would greatly appreciate that very much.
  10. Happy 49th Birthday keciaw!

  11. Happy 48th Birthday keciaw!

  12. Paradigm Star

    Hello from Quiche from Los Angeles, CA

    Hi Plain, Thanks for your reply to my Welcome post on Lapbandtalk. I want to thank you for your patience in awaiting a reply to your post to me. I have been in the hospital on a non-lop-band matter and I am now checking my email that notified me of your response. I will in the future, ask very specific questions on what it's like to get a lap band, so I will have the information that I need to make an "informed decision". Sorry about the confusion that my first post caused, Plain. I would seem to think that everyone Lapbandtalk are "a friendly bunch". Again, thanks for the warm welcome, Plain. Quiche :laugh:
  13. Greetings to all of the people who call this forum home: My nickname is Quiche and here is some of my history: About 3 months, I saw my doctor at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center. She told me that I had lost 10% of my body weight. When I started the medically supervised wt loss program, I was around 275 lbs. Now, I am about 233 lbs. I went to see the Registered Dietitian to get on my modified diet (that means that I am eating conventional food for at least one meal). I have been doing that with some degree of success. On February 6th, my mother and I met with Dr Nishi at Cedar Sinai Medical Center. Dr Nishi is my surgeon who will be doing the Lap Band surgery on me. I understand that Dr Nishi is the VERY BEST surgeon is can have to do the Lap Band on me. Dr Nishi gave me a Pre-OP work-up list to do before he will consider me for the Lap-Band surgery. I have done most of the following test on this list: Upper GI Series Abdominal Sonic gram Chest X-Ray Pneumonia shot Full Pre-Op physical with my internist full blood labs. Consult with their Social Worker (LCSW) I have to get all that in a period of 3 months because if I don't do all of my Pre-OP medical work up in a 90 day period, I will disqualify myself for the Lap Band surgery. I am almost at the end of my 3-month period and still don't know where I stand in the process of seeing the LCSW for a psych review and going to Pre-Op class at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center. Dr Nishi told my mother and I that he sees me getting the Lap Band surgery within 2 months time. Also, I have been told that since I have both Medicare and Medi-Cal, plus private insurance that I don't have to pay anything for the Lap Band surgery. Now as I wait for the Petient Care Coordinator to call me back to tell me what the next steps are toward getting my Lapband Surgery, I am in a high state of anxiety because I don't have all of the information to make an informed decision to get my Lapband surgery like my Mom wants. That is why I am glad that found this Lapband forum, so I can get the info I need. Any comments on what I have written would be appreciated. I am happy to be here with all of you! Quiche
  14. Paradigm Star

    Kecia's happy today

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