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About ousooner

  • Rank
    Bariatric Master
  • Birthday 12/15/1969

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  1. Happy 43rd Birthday ousooner!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday ousooner!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary ousooner!

  4. Wish I had an answer for you. As was stated, your age should help in your favor, but genetics play a big part in it too. Wish you the best on your journey. I wish I had had this opportunity at your age.
  5. ousooner

    not enough skin??

    I don't think she misunderstood your post. In our eyes, it's not cosmetic, but in the eyes of the insurance companies it is. It is very rare that they cover any type of plastic surgery unless there is a significant medical issue (ie: breast reconstruction after a mastecomy). If you are getting sever rashes, make sure you are going to the doctor for them even if you can treat them at home and make sure you and the doctor document and photograph everything. That is about the only way I have seen it covered is major skin rashes. Even then, they only cover the skin removal and not muscle repair that a full tummy tuck would cover. I wish you the best.
  6. ousooner

    Curious as to cost

    I am in Dallas. I had an extended Tummy Tuck and it cost arount $9,500.
  7. ousooner

    Dog Ear

    Yes, I had a revision because of dogear on one side and she also did a small tightening right in the middle. It was don in her office with my wife present. It was done with local. I was very please. It was easy and went back to work the next day.
  8. ousooner

    Tummy tuck scars... Forever?

    Well, 3 years out and my scar is still very visible. But, I would much rather have a scar than the flap that I had before. i guess its all about perspective.
  9. ousooner

    Plastic surgeons in DFW Texas area

    I highly recommend Dr Patty K Young in Plano. She did a great job on mine!
  10. ousooner

    Plastic Surgeon in DFW?

    From my understanding, the extended just goes a little further around. Most TT goes from hip to hip, mine goes around to the back side of my hip on both sides. I actually didn't loose weight because my eating habits got bad, I put on about 20 pounds post op (not all at once though). I am working hard to get that back off now. I had no lipo
  11. ousooner

    Plastic Surgeon in DFW?

    Haven't been on this board for some time, but I had an extended tummy tuck with Dr Patty K Young. I was very please and would highly recomend her. She is in Plano.
  12. Hey there, Sorry I just saw this message. I rarely come to this site any more. Glad to share my info if your still interested. I used Patty K Young in Plano. She was awesome and would recomend her to anyone. I had to have a revision (she wanted to take a little more off in front and had a dogear which is very common) She did them in her office under local for no charge! I was off work for 6 weeks and needed it. I might have been able to go back after 5, but was really tired. Hope that helps, let me know if you need any other info.

  13. Dear ousooner,


    Just wondering who you used for your PS. Are you happy with the results and what was your recovery time? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!

  14. Not sure about the number. I only had internal stitches and was glued together externally. Best of luck
  15. ousooner

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Hey buddy, hope all went well today.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
