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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Bling52

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/22/1957
  1. Happy 56th Birthday Bling52!

  2. Happy 55th Birthday Bling52!

  3. For some reason I was expecting him. Thank you sooooo very much for letting me know! Take Care and hopefully, 3rd times the charm??

  4. Hey you asked banded me first 2 times------Felix Spiegal

    Bling :)

  5. Bling52

    Dr. St. Laurent in Houston

    Well, I'm a newbie here, but thought I would start with my first post today :thumbup: Well, I was banded 4-7-09 by Dr. St. Laurent he is wonderful really seems to care and takes time with you, This is not my first rodeo this is my 3rd band, not by Dr. St. Laurent my first 2 where by another dr. that only cares about making the big bucks and not to see that his patients suceed, I had 2 slipped bands by him, I am very glad I found Dr. St. Laurent no other Dr. would touch me, he is very confident in his skills, not cocky, I like that :cool2: And not hard on the eyes

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