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Everything posted by epogi

  1. epogi

    One Year Out

    One year gone and took 87 pounds with it. Yupeee!!! I'm happy and sad. Happy that I feel good and have not had any complications. I feel energized with alot more self esteem and do feel like my life is in a new phase. Sad, because my goal was to loose 100 pounds in one year. It's getting much more harder now. I've caugt myself going into old bad habits. I feel like my body continues to fight me. Hunger is also against me. It's harder to loose the pounds. I stay in a range of 10 pounds. Loose 4 one week then two weeks later those same 4 or 5 are back. I have now decided to take things to another level. I enjoy walking and have put some jogging into my excercise. But feel I need the advice and encouragement of a physcial trainer. I have now looked into that and plan on starting soon. Mentally, there's been alot of confusion and alot of emotions. There's alot of ups and downs. Alot of my history has come out, for some reason. I need to continue seeing my pyschologist, who had previously warned me that many things in my head would awaken and I would have to face them. I trust that with his help and GODs presence I will work thru this. :smile2:
  2. epogi

    One Year Out

    One year gone and took 87 pounds with it. Yupeee!!! I'm happy and sad. Happy that I feel good and have not had any complications. I feel energized with alot more self esteem and do feel like my life is in a new phase. Sad, because my goal was to loose 100 pounds in one year. It's getting much more harder now. I've caugt myself going into old bad habits. I feel like my body continues to fight me. Hunger is also against me. It's harder to loose the pounds. I stay in a range of 10 pounds. Loose 4 one week then two weeks later those same 4 or 5 are back. I have now decided to take things to another level. I enjoy walking and have put some jogging into my excercise. But feel I need the advice and encouragement of a physcial trainer. I have now looked into that and plan on starting soon. Mentally, there's been alot of confusion and alot of emotions. There's alot of ups and downs. Alot of my history has come out, for some reason. I need to continue seeing my pyschologist, who had previously warned me that many things in my head would awaken and I would have to face them. I trust that with his help and GODs presence I will work thru this. :thumbup:
  3. epogi

    fight it

    Just looked at my weight journal. Lost only 10 pounds since last year. Alot of occasions have thrown me off of my path. I need to learn to stay on track and focus on my eating during special days. I easily see them as opportunities to get out of my health eating. Almost like treats that I deserve to splurge. But so many special days/occasions have really set me back. I made an appointed with Dr. T for a fill. But having second thoughts about it. I already feel the tightness when I eat beef or chicken. I'm afraid of ending up with too tight of a band and it being so uncomfortable. But my hunger has been incredible. I'm thinking about it constantly and planning my next meal. I've increased my excercise. I have decided to give it my whole and best effort to drop some pounds before my 1st year anniversary. Yet, I feel my body is working against me. Sometimes I wonder why. Why does it have to fight me now, just when I thought I was on a roll. Right before hitting my first year end. I'm going home to TX the first week of July. That will be my biggest appearance of my weight loss life. The new me. But now with this pause, I have to push it. Work extrememly hard. FIGHT THE BATTLE TO THE END. :thumbdown: 311/231/170
  4. epogi

    fight it

    Just looked at my weight journal. Lost only 10 pounds since last year. Alot of occasions have thrown me off of my path. I need to learn to stay on track and focus on my eating during special days. I easily see them as opportunities to get out of my health eating. Almost like treats that I deserve to splurge. But so many special days/occasions have really set me back. I made an appointed with Dr. T for a fill. But having second thoughts about it. I already feel the tightness when I eat beef or chicken. I'm afraid of ending up with too tight of a band and it being so uncomfortable. But my hunger has been incredible. I'm thinking about it constantly and planning my next meal. I've increased my excercise. I have decided to give it my whole and best effort to drop some pounds before my 1st year anniversary. Yet, I feel my body is working against me. Sometimes I wonder why. Why does it have to fight me now, just when I thought I was on a roll. Right before hitting my first year end. I'm going home to TX the first week of July. That will be my biggest appearance of my weight loss life. The new me. But now with this pause, I have to push it. Work extrememly hard. FIGHT THE BATTLE TO THE END. :thumbs_up: 311/231/170
  5. epogi

    i'm back

    It's my favorite month of May. I eventually did get my 3rd fill and doing good. The bad news is that my weight hasn't changed that much. My body is changing alot. How is that? My newest clothes in size 20 is starting to fit loose. I think my body is trying to catch up. My energy level is awesome. I go up and down stairs without SOB. I love my yoga. I walk at work 15-20 mins. At home 20-30 mins. I love all the new energy. I get boy attention. I am alot more involved in things than before. Sometimes the days seem too short to do everything I want to do. I continue to enjoy my tuna. My hair continues to thin out. My tummy is shrinking. I can now feel some bones. I can reach my back. I can polish my little toe nails. Even music sounds better. I'm very happy to be back on track to healthier new me. A bit more emotional than ever before, but learning through every phase of this journey. Thank you Lord for being with me. :crying: 311/230/170
  6. epogi

    i'm back

    It's my favorite month of May. I eventually did get my 3rd fill and doing good. The bad news is that my weight hasn't changed that much. My body is changing alot. How is that? My newest clothes in size 20 is starting to fit loose. I think my body is trying to catch up. My energy level is awesome. I go up and down stairs without SOB. I love my yoga. I walk at work 15-20 mins. At home 20-30 mins. I love all the new energy. I get boy attention. I am alot more involved in things than before. Sometimes the days seem too short to do everything I want to do. I continue to enjoy my tuna. My hair continues to thin out. My tummy is shrinking. I can now feel some bones. I can reach my back. I can polish my little toe nails. Even music sounds better. I'm very happy to be back on track to healthier new me. A bit more emotional than ever before, but learning through every phase of this journey. Thank you Lord for being with me. :rolleyes2: 311/230/170
  7. epogi

    To fill or not to fill?

    :confused:It's Feb and my weight has not continued to drop. I have been at 239/240 for the past 4 weeks. I believe it's time for a fill. I had planned on staying away from a fill as long as I could. I wanted to try it on my own. Last one was end of Nov. I had increased my excercise and kept good eating habits, but something is not working. My meals are larger. I am very hungry before it's time to eat. I do snack. On fruits. And intake as much water as possible. My routine at work has changed and maybe that has affected me. Like taking 15 min power walks, no longer there. And doing my yoga twice a week at work, slowing declining. But I thought that since I have increased my jogging, that I would be ok. Nope. I have 29 pounds to loose to meet my BIG goal. I have to be 211 by my Band anniversary date of July 13th. That would be 100 pounds lighter in one year! About 7 lbs per month need to shed off. I DO need a fill. I will make a call soon. Why have the band and not get it filled? :thumbup: H-311/C-340/G-170
  8. epogi

    To fill or not to fill?

    :confused:It's Feb and my weight has not continued to drop. I have been at 239/240 for the past 4 weeks. I believe it's time for a fill. I had planned on staying away from a fill as long as I could. I wanted to try it on my own. Last one was end of Nov. I had increased my excercise and kept good eating habits, but something is not working. My meals are larger. I am very hungry before it's time to eat. I do snack. On fruits. And intake as much water as possible. My routine at work has changed and maybe that has affected me. Like taking 15 min power walks, no longer there. And doing my yoga twice a week at work, slowing declining. But I thought that since I have increased my jogging, that I would be ok. Nope. I have 29 pounds to loose to meet my BIG goal. I have to be 211 by my Band anniversary date of July 13th. That would be 100 pounds lighter in one year! About 7 lbs per month need to shed off. I DO need a fill. I will make a call soon. Why have the band and not get it filled? H-311/C-340/G-170
  9. epogi

    entering the new year

    I'm past my first holidays with the band. It was a good experience, especially being back home to El Paso surrounded by memories of old habits. I loved the way it prevents me from overeating. I learned I can overcome the site of large amounts of food. And tasting my favorite things will statisfy the strong wants. I had a large amount of family support who understood what I was facing. Before flying back to texas I had lost 5 pounds. I was feeling awesome. Plus I had starting running. Me running? I should clarify that: Jogging. I have enjoyed walking on my treadmill. I get these little moments of anxiety where I feel I need to do something, so I go on the treadmill. With my music blasting I end up doing being 30-40 mins. Music helps me alot. Especially my parents and grandparents old mexican music. It gives me so much encouragement. Coming back home to Vegas I knew my muscles were weak. I did feel tired. I had gained 4 pounds. Even my yoga class was a bit difficult. But I knew that working out would get me back on track. And that's where I find myself. I have craved chips. My mind keeps thinking about them. chips, chips, chips. They're coming back to haunt me. I did treat myself with the traditional holiday foods. Like tamales, champurrado, menudo, bunuelos, biscochos, chile con queso and a few candies. All in moderation. Like telling my body. Here, have a little, you are not starving or being deprived of everything. I have increased my water intake. It had gotten really bad. I was so used to my regular routine at work and home. I need to shorten my vacations. Just for now, till I reach a controllable stage. H-311/C-244/G-170
  10. epogi

    entering the new year

    I'm past my first holidays with the band. It was a good experience, especially being back home to El Paso surrounded by memories of old habits. I loved the way it prevents me from overeating. I learned I can overcome the site of large amounts of food. And tasting my favorite things will statisfy the strong wants. I had a large amount of family support who understood what I was facing. Before flying back to texas I had lost 5 pounds. I was feeling awesome. Plus I had starting running. Me running? I should clarify that: Jogging. I have enjoyed walking on my treadmill. I get these little moments of anxiety where I feel I need to do something, so I go on the treadmill. With my music blasting I end up doing being 30-40 mins. Music helps me alot. Especially my parents and grandparents old mexican music. It gives me so much encouragement. Coming back home to Vegas I knew my muscles were weak. I did feel tired. I had gained 4 pounds. Even my yoga class was a bit difficult. But I knew that working out would get me back on track. And that's where I find myself. I have craved chips. My mind keeps thinking about them. chips, chips, chips. They're coming back to haunt me. I did treat myself with the traditional holiday foods. Like tamales, champurrado, menudo, bunuelos, biscochos, chile con queso and a few candies. All in moderation. Like telling my body. Here, have a little, you are not starving or being deprived of everything. I have increased my water intake. It had gotten really bad. I was so used to my regular routine at work and home. I need to shorten my vacations. Just for now, till I reach a controllable stage. :eek: H-311/C-244/G-170
  11. epogi

    over the big Thanksgiving

    It's been over a month without going into my journal. So here's my update: Finally had my second fill. Under flouro. Doc tried at the office, but not succesful. Then cancelled my next appointment at the hospital because of an emergency surgery he had to do. Finally got it done Nov. 14th. Felt good. Noticed harder time with chicken. I just have to chew alot more. Thanksgiving. Sort of glad that's over with. Visiting my brother in Dallas. Overate that day and ended up in pain. Experienced my first throw up with the band. Too much turkey felt stuck; not going thru. I tried drinking sips of water and made it worse. Became nauseous and threw up a little. Then everything was ok. Went on shopping and continued with light foods. I don't want to do that Again. I felt like I hurt myself. My stomach was a bit sensitive after that. Also wonder if I stretched my pouch? My first holidays. I will have to take it easy and slow. Learn. After my little 4 day vacation, I'm putting myself back on track. I have continued with tuna. Love that stuff. I have continued my walking. Enjoying. Forcing the water in. Mainly at work. It's easier. I noticed that I lose my weight with excercise. The harder I work the faster it comes off. And not one pound at a time. It comes off in groups. 3 - 5 pounds at once. I'll stay at a certain weight for several weeks then all of a sudden a big drop. (big for me it seems) I love that feeling. H-311 C-243 G-170
  12. epogi

    over the big Thanksgiving

    It's been over a month without going into my journal. So here's my update: Finally had my second fill. Under flouro. Doc tried at the office, but not succesful. Then cancelled my next appointment at the hospital because of an emergency surgery he had to do. Finally got it done Nov. 14th. Felt good. Noticed harder time with chicken. I just have to chew alot more. Thanksgiving. Sort of glad that's over with. Visiting my brother in Dallas. Overate that day and ended up in pain. Experienced my first throw up with the band. Too much turkey felt stuck; not going thru. I tried drinking sips of water and made it worse. Became nauseous and threw up a little. Then everything was ok. Went on shopping and continued with light foods. I don't want to do that Again. I felt like I hurt myself. My stomach was a bit sensitive after that. Also wonder if I stretched my pouch? My first holidays. I will have to take it easy and slow. Learn. After my little 4 day vacation, I'm putting myself back on track. I have continued with tuna. Love that stuff. I have continued my walking. Enjoying. Forcing the water in. Mainly at work. It's easier. I noticed that I lose my weight with excercise. The harder I work the faster it comes off. And not one pound at a time. It comes off in groups. 3 - 5 pounds at once. I'll stay at a certain weight for several weeks then all of a sudden a big drop. (big for me it seems) I love that feeling. H-311 C-243 G-170
  13. epogi

    it moved ! ....finally

    Getting ready to head back home to EP next week. Already traveling? I feel up to it. I have energy, I'm flexable and my mind seems to be clearing up. I'm able to think a lot better at work now. Things also seem to be happier. I feel like a fresh onion after a few layers have been lifted off. I'm able to walk pretty good. Once I get started, I don't want to stop. The music pushes me to work harder. I can jog, maybe for about 3 mins. I love it. It makes me feel free. I can walk 40 mins. Plus incline 2%. I have really gotten into my yoga class. I look forward to breathing. Another, sensation of release and freedom. I go in this coming Monday for my second fill. I get very hungry between meals. I was afraid of confronting Dr. Teng before today. I had stayed at 255 for close to 4 weeks. So what I did, I increased my protein and exercise. Just yesterday I lost 4 lbs. I hope I'm over my plateu. I didn't like that. I got a bit worried that I was doing something wrong. Exercise really works. Plus patience is something I will have to deal with too. My hair continues to fall off. I havent cut it. But I want to. There are areas where I can see my scalp, more and more. My nails don't grow anylonger. But overall I feel very good. My clothes feel so comfortable. My leg muscles feel strong. I'm sleeping less and waking up with a lot of energy. I walk 4-5 times a week and do yoga on 2 days. Tuna is becoming my new best friend. I had a special treat this past week, after the scale moved. My friend invited me to Hooters. Had five hot wings. They were so yummy! I haven't had any candy lately. I'm trying to wait till Halloween. Hope that will be my reward if I continue losing. :girl_hug:
  14. epogi

    it moved ! ....finally

    Getting ready to head back home to EP next week. Already traveling? I feel up to it. I have energy, I'm flexable and my mind seems to be clearing up. I'm able to think a lot better at work now. Things also seem to be happier. I feel like a fresh onion after a few layers have been lifted off. I'm able to walk pretty good. Once I get started, I don't want to stop. The music pushes me to work harder. I can jog, maybe for about 3 mins. I love it. It makes me feel free. I can walk 40 mins. Plus incline 2%. I have really gotten into my yoga class. I look forward to breathing. Another, sensation of release and freedom. I go in this coming Monday for my second fill. I get very hungry between meals. I was afraid of confronting Dr. Teng before today. I had stayed at 255 for close to 4 weeks. So what I did, I increased my protein and exercise. Just yesterday I lost 4 lbs. I hope I'm over my plateu. I didn't like that. I got a bit worried that I was doing something wrong. Exercise really works. Plus patience is something I will have to deal with too. My hair continues to fall off. I havent cut it. But I want to. There are areas where I can see my scalp, more and more. My nails don't grow anylonger. But overall I feel very good. My clothes feel so comfortable. My leg muscles feel strong. I'm sleeping less and waking up with a lot of energy. I walk 4-5 times a week and do yoga on 2 days. Tuna is becoming my new best friend. I had a special treat this past week, after the scale moved. My friend invited me to Hooters. Had five hot wings. They were so yummy! I haven't had any candy lately. I'm trying to wait till Halloween. Hope that will be my reward if I continue losing. :confused:
  15. epogi

    scale stuck?

    It's been more than two weeks that I've stayed around the same weight. I go up 1-2 lbs, then I'll go down those same 1-2 lbs. (254-257) I'm thinking am at the platue area that people talk about. Although there is something major going on. My exercise has increased. I'm starting to like it. I love the energy level. I get a high when I'm at most strenous point of excersing. I'm able to walk 1.5 miles in 40 mins. (with an incline of 2%) I feel my muscles are getting stronger. Especially my legs. I walk 4-5 times a week and do yoga twice a week. After each workout I feel good. It's just hard to get started. There's always something pulling me back. (No not today. I'm too tired. My body hurts. There's no time) My mind always tries to convince me. I battle it. Even when I'm thinking I don't want to walk, I force myself to get on the tredmill. Will I always have to fight myself to excersice? I understand the long term benefits and I know how good I will feel afterwards. Why do I always try and get out of moving my body and waking up my muscles and using all my sweat glands? I can feel the oxygen running thru my veins and opening areas that have been shut for so long. My heart feels strong and sometimes I imagine it smiling at me because I have set it free and giving it freedom to pump. I felt that so much fat around it was constricting it. My goal is to speed walk 3 miles in 45 mins. I know I can do it. I've done it in the past. And man I still remember what a good feeling that used to be. Thanksgiving is coming soon. I have planned to work the day and consider it a normal day. Being that it's my first Thanksgiving with the band, I don't want to get into trouble. One big problem. My brother really wants me to join his family for the holiday. I haven't figured out how to meet this challenge. Christmas will be a bit easier if I stay in town. I feel I have more power over my self. I feel I'm ready for my second fill. It will be in exactly two weeks. I feel hungry majority of the time. I try and cover it with water. I will be strong. For some reason it feels like i'm fighting my own body all the time. It's mine so why shouldn't I be the one in control. Right now it's probably creating muscle and storing as much fat as it can cuz it's thinking I'm going to starve it. Guess what? I'm trying to take fat away from it. Let's see what happens. :confused:
  16. epogi

    scale stuck?

    It's been more than two weeks that I've stayed around the same weight. I go up 1-2 lbs, then I'll go down those same 1-2 lbs. (254-257) I'm thinking am at the platue area that people talk about. Although there is something major going on. My exercise has increased. I'm starting to like it. I love the energy level. I get a high when I'm at most strenous point of excersing. I'm able to walk 1.5 miles in 40 mins. (with an incline of 2%) I feel my muscles are getting stronger. Especially my legs. I walk 4-5 times a week and do yoga twice a week. After each workout I feel good. It's just hard to get started. There's always something pulling me back. (No not today. I'm too tired. My body hurts. There's no time) My mind always tries to convince me. I battle it. Even when I'm thinking I don't want to walk, I force myself to get on the tredmill. Will I always have to fight myself to excersice? I understand the long term benefits and I know how good I will feel afterwards. Why do I always try and get out of moving my body and waking up my muscles and using all my sweat glands? I can feel the oxygen running thru my veins and opening areas that have been shut for so long. My heart feels strong and sometimes I imagine it smiling at me because I have set it free and giving it freedom to pump. I felt that so much fat around it was constricting it. My goal is to speed walk 3 miles in 45 mins. I know I can do it. I've done it in the past. And man I still remember what a good feeling that used to be. Thanksgiving is coming soon. I have planned to work the day and consider it a normal day. Being that it's my first Thanksgiving with the band, I don't want to get into trouble. One big problem. My brother really wants me to join his family for the holiday. I haven't figured out how to meet this challenge. Christmas will be a bit easier if I stay in town. I feel I have more power over my self. I feel I'm ready for my second fill. It will be in exactly two weeks. I feel hungry majority of the time. I try and cover it with water. I will be strong. For some reason it feels like i'm fighting my own body all the time. It's mine so why shouldn't I be the one in control. Right now it's probably creating muscle and storing as much fat as it can cuz it's thinking I'm going to starve it. Guess what? I'm trying to take fat away from it. Let's see what happens. :confused:
  17. epogi

    back to reality

    It's almost October. Just passed my two months post surgery. Everything seems to be going along. I'm down to 254. I think that's what I was 7 yrs ago when I arrived in Vegas. Total loss= 57lbs. I'm eating just about everything now. Just a bit worried about my hair loss. It's starting to thin out. I'm enjoying the comfort of my clothes. Everything used to be tight and now stuff falls off. Even my skin looks better, no more colored spots. I feel alot of energy, yet I sleep less than before. It's always a mental battle during meals. I force myself to face the fullness and stop eating. I sometimes want to ignore it, but it's there yelling with pain, I'M FULL ! NO MORE! I really love water. It's like my best friend. Coming back to the office after my restroom break, I saw a new employee. "He" was wearing dark blue scrubs with a white lab coat. A piece of paper on hand and escorting a patient down the hall. His face is cute with little Asian eyes. He smiles and I smile back. I turn to open my dept door and he passes by. He keeps looking and turns back for a final smile. oh, I ask myself was he looking at me? He's just my type. I gotta hang out in the hallways alot more. The Big Loser, (84lbs to go) :mad:
  18. epogi

    back to reality

    It's almost October. Just passed my two months post surgery. Everything seems to be going along. I'm down to 254. I think that's what I was 7 yrs ago when I arrived in Vegas. Total loss= 57lbs. I'm eating just about everything now. Just a bit worried about my hair loss. It's starting to thin out. I'm enjoying the comfort of my clothes. Everything used to be tight and now stuff falls off. Even my skin looks better, no more colored spots. I feel alot of energy, yet I sleep less than before. It's always a mental battle during meals. I force myself to face the fullness and stop eating. I sometimes want to ignore it, but it's there yelling with pain, I'M FULL ! NO MORE! I really love water. It's like my best friend. Coming back to the office after my restroom break, I saw a new employee. "He" was wearing dark blue scrubs with a white lab coat. A piece of paper on hand and escorting a patient down the hall. His face is cute with little Asian eyes. He smiles and I smile back. I turn to open my dept door and he passes by. He keeps looking and turns back for a final smile. oh, I ask myself was he looking at me? He's just my type. I gotta hang out in the hallways alot more. The Big Loser, (84lbs to go) :car:
  19. epogi

    Two Months done

    Two months have pasted by so very quickly. My weight is at 255. I stayed at 260 for what seemed a very long time. My portions had increased and I was starting to snack in between meals. Last Monday I got my first fill. It was a bit unexpected. I thought I was going just for a regular follow-up. After speaking with the doctor and realizing that I didn't want to return back to his office in a few days, we decided to go for the 1/4 filling. No big deal. No pain and it was fast. Didn't feel a thing. The hardest thing was lifting my legs up in order to tighting my abdominal muscles so that the port was higher up and steady. I've been able to eat just about everything. Although, chicken has been a bit painful to pass thru. I really, really have to make sure it's 30+ chewed. Before I didn't have that problem. My parents are now gone and my house seems empty. I learned to appreciate their help. Like my mom said, now it's up to me to continue the healthy diet, excerise (or what she calls it "keeping busy") and she said something powerful to me: "Be Happy, Enjoy Your Life". With a hug and a kiss and she was gone after close to 3 months of being here in vegas with me. My focus and plans for the future have now changed. Alot of things are up in the air. So many things to think about. I need a year to learn my healthy lifestyle and move ahead. I feel like my life is about to change. :dance:By the way, I love how my clothes feel so loose. yuppy!
  20. epogi

    Two Months done

    Two months have pasted by so very quickly. My weight is at 255. I stayed at 260 for what seemed a very long time. My portions had increased and I was starting to snack in between meals. Last Monday I got my first fill. It was a bit unexpected. I thought I was going just for a regular follow-up. After speaking with the doctor and realizing that I didn't want to return back to his office in a few days, we decided to go for the 1/4 filling. No big deal. No pain and it was fast. Didn't feel a thing. The hardest thing was lifting my legs up in order to tighting my abdominal muscles so that the port was higher up and steady. I've been able to eat just about everything. Although, chicken has been a bit painful to pass thru. I really, really have to make sure it's 30+ chewed. Before I didn't have that problem. My parents are now gone and my house seems empty. I learned to appreciate their help. Like my mom said, now it's up to me to continue the healthy diet, excerise (or what she calls it "keeping busy") and she said something powerful to me: "Be Happy, Enjoy Your Life". With a hug and a kiss and she was gone after close to 3 months of being here in vegas with me. My focus and plans for the future have now changed. Alot of things are up in the air. So many things to think about. I need a year to learn my healthy lifestyle and move ahead. I feel like my life is about to change. :dance:By the way, I love how my clothes feel so loose. yuppy!
  21. Almost exactly 6 wks after surgery my problems begin. Two days with pain. Epigastric shooting onto my left side, all around into my back. What is that all about? It all started as I streched out to water my bamboo plants and I leaned my belly on the counter. Then I felt a horrible burning, flashing pain. Did I stretch too much that my band dislocated. Well the pain continued for two days until the nights were intolerable. Today, Friday I became nauseated at work and then fear sat in. "Something is not right," I tell my boss. "I need to go to the ER". So there I end up with a GI cocktail, a pain kill, anti-nausous med and several xrays. All negative. No gallstones, no obstructions and the band is in place. Thank God my band is fine. Everything is normal and so they notify my surgeon who in returns says to keep up with the Prevacid and to see him in the office. Well. I guess the scare is over and the pain is now less. Everything else is fine. I'm able to eat, drink, walk, and my energy is fine. What is this striking pain? I myself think it's my body adjust to the weight loss. Less fat around my chest. 262 is my weight. (But I would give back a few pounds to get rid of this pain) I'm also lucky that my parents are still here. Tomorrow, God willing, is a new day. Let's hope the pain is gone. I want to stay on trac.
  22. epogi

    BAD Week- SIX wks post op why now?

    Almost exactly 6 wks after surgery my problems begin. Two days with pain. Epigastric shooting onto my left side, all around into my back. What is that all about? It all started as I streched out to water my bamboo plants and I leaned my belly on the counter. Then I felt a horrible burning, flashing pain. Did I stretch too much that my band dislocated. Well the pain continued for two days until the nights were intolerable. Today, Friday I became nauseated at work and then fear sat in. "Something is not right," I tell my boss. "I need to go to the ER". So there I end up with a GI cocktail, a pain kill, anti-nausous med and several xrays. All negative. No gallstones, no obstructions and the band is in place. Thank God my band is fine. Everything is normal and so they notify my surgeon who in returns says to keep up with the Prevacid and to see him in the office. Well. I guess the scare is over and the pain is now less. Everything else is fine. I'm able to eat, drink, walk, and my energy is fine. What is this striking pain? I myself think it's my body adjust to the weight loss. Less fat around my chest. 262 is my weight. (But I would give back a few pounds to get rid of this pain) I'm also lucky that my parents are still here. Tomorrow, God willing, is a new day. Let's hope the pain is gone. I want to stay on trac. :car:
  23. epogi

    One Month Out

    It's been just about a month now. All sorts of mixed feelings. Getting ready to return to work this coming monday. Finally getting stronger. I cannot believe how weak I was post-op. I feel like my muscles have atrophied and are still regaining their strength. I'm still taking all the vitamins and have increased my protein by adding unflavored protein powder anywhere I can. I can still smell it. I seem to have distanced myself from any kind of protein shake. Just thinking of it, gives a bad feeling. I seem to concentrate on drinking lots of water. I'm always thinking about it. Remembering one hour after eating. With ice or no ice, glass or plastic, bottle or filter from faucet. My two good friends have stopped to say hi today. They both said that I looked different. My shoulders have lowered, one of them said. I missed talking to them. We chatted for about 4 hours. Drinking all sorts of juices and water. They ate a few snacks, but mentioned that they didn't want to eat in front of me. We talked about all sorts of things. They have been great supporters. I believe going back to work will be smooth with their help. Plus, having the privledge of going in half days will be a great positive in case I need it. One worry. My weight has stayed at 273 all last week and this week. What's going on? My hunger is slowing returning. I might be eating more. But no more than one cup. I need to keep ahead. I see my surgeon in about 4 weeks. One month! I better not gain.:hungry:
  24. epogi

    One Month Out

    It's been just about a month now. All sorts of mixed feelings. Getting ready to return to work this coming monday. Finally getting stronger. I cannot believe how weak I was post-op. I feel like my muscles have atrophied and are still regaining their strength. I'm still taking all the vitamins and have increased my protein by adding unflavored protein powder anywhere I can. I can still smell it. I seem to have distanced myself from any kind of protein shake. Just thinking of it, gives a bad feeling. I seem to concentrate on drinking lots of water. I'm always thinking about it. Remembering one hour after eating. With ice or no ice, glass or plastic, bottle or filter from faucet. My two good friends have stopped to say hi today. They both said that I looked different. My shoulders have lowered, one of them said. I missed talking to them. We chatted for about 4 hours. Drinking all sorts of juices and water. They ate a few snacks, but mentioned that they didn't want to eat in front of me. We talked about all sorts of things. They have been great supporters. I believe going back to work will be smooth with their help. Plus, having the privledge of going in half days will be a great positive in case I need it. One worry. My weight has stayed at 273 all last week and this week. What's going on? My hunger is slowing returning. I might be eating more. But no more than one cup. I need to keep ahead. I see my surgeon in about 4 weeks. One month! I better not gain.:hungry:
  25. epogi

    Sleeping on Stomach

    I've been struggling with sleeping on my back too. I've always been a stomach sleeper and this is something I didn't prepare for. I recently started putting pillows on the sides and leaning on them to help support my belly. Seems to help. I guess it will be awhile before I go to my normal sleeping position. :notagree

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