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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 740heatherm

  1. Just switched to UHC in early July. The insurance folks at Barix in Groveport submitted my information to UHC for approval. She said it usually takes 1-2 weeks before I hear something. I am keeping my fingers crossed!!! They didn't really tell her what the requirements were, which is kind of the way they were with me on the phone. They just said medically necessary..which I think is BMI > 35. Praying it all comes back for approval with no strings!!!!
  2. 740heatherm

    AETNA--Does BMI have to be over 40 for 2 years?

    I am just staring my process and I too have Aetna. My lap band doc wants to send me for a sleep study. I talked to the lady at the Barix Clinic, and she advised that I either had to show a 2 year BMI of 40 or above OR BMI of 35 or higher with a co morbidity and that co morbidity had to have been treated during the last two years. So in other words, I couldn't get the sleep study done tomorrow and come back that I have sleep apnea and use that as my co morbidity since I have not been treated for it during hte last 2 years. I am going to call Aetna tomorrow to confirm. It's all so confusing!!!

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