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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys. Today I’m exactly 2 months out and wanted to give you all an update! I’ve lost 43lbs. Since my revision to sleeve. And 23 inches all around. This is so much faster than I ever lost with my lapband. I still have an aversion to certain flavors and I can only drink my Protein Shake if its in coffee. On its own it sends me running to the bathroom. Which is weird. My dr told me to stop drinking the Protein Shakes anyway and that I should start getting my Proteins only from meals. I think I’ll be able to do that even though I can usually only fit about 4 ounces (we’ll see) the problem is that I’m not really a cook or kitchen person so I find myself eating the same things over and over and then making myself sick of them. This in turn means I’m quickly running out of choices.

    I weirdly can’t see the changes in my body but I know that they’re there because I’d definitely fit differently in my clothes and differently into seats and things like that. But the body dysmorphia is real y’all! I usually take pictures at every month anniversary and when I look back at what I looked like from the beginning to now, I still feel like I look the same—which again is weird because I thought that the pictures were supposed to show me that I actually am losing weight but oh well. Luckily I have a therapist, so I think I’m gonna bring this up at my therapy session tomorrow. I don’t come on here often, but I do read every single comment that gets posted so I really do appreciate people continuing to post here and talk about how they’re doing…it makes you feel a little less lonely, so thanks!
  2. Congrats!
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Doing well. Down 40 lbs already. From highest weight. 30 from day of surgery. Almost 2 months out. Feeling better every day! NSV yesterday, went to a football game and very comfortably fit in the seat. I was nervous the whole ride there!
  3. Like
    karakent reacted to SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    How are all my August buddies doing?
  4. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SHORTY_ in August surgery buddies!   
    Ladies, have any of you gotten your period since WLS. I think I’’m dying! Lol. I’m exaggerating of course but I am in sooooo much pain! I have not pain this bad since high school! I am taking Tylenol and using my heating pad but it does not feel like enough!
  5. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SHORTY_ in August surgery buddies!   
    Ladies, have any of you gotten your period since WLS. I think I’’m dying! Lol. I’m exaggerating of course but I am in sooooo much pain! I have not pain this bad since high school! I am taking Tylenol and using my heating pad but it does not feel like enough!
  6. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SHORTY_ in August surgery buddies!   
    Ladies, have any of you gotten your period since WLS. I think I’’m dying! Lol. I’m exaggerating of course but I am in sooooo much pain! I have not pain this bad since high school! I am taking Tylenol and using my heating pad but it does not feel like enough!
  7. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻
  8. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SHORTY_ in August surgery buddies!   
    Ladies, have any of you gotten your period since WLS. I think I’’m dying! Lol. I’m exaggerating of course but I am in sooooo much pain! I have not pain this bad since high school! I am taking Tylenol and using my heating pad but it does not feel like enough!
  9. Like
    karakent reacted to JAKE H in never been happier 2 years later....almost.   
    Coming up on 2 years post op and life has never been better. The gastric sleeve opened up a world to me that i thought would never exist. Ive learned so much about health, nutrition and exercise, that i wouldnt have if i didnt take the first step with the sleeve. I have a healthy relationship with foods now. I try to keep myself to the 80/20 rule. But i probably am closer to 90/10. Make good choices 80% of the time, and enjoy some of my favorite things the other times. Its funny tho, a lot of my favorites have no become healthy choices. So that makes life easier. I started this journey first just focusing on losing the weight. So for the first year i ran a lot and set a goal to run a half marathon. i completed that last may and then began to switch my focus to putting on muscle. This was hard because it meant i had to up my calories which for anyone in our situation, is a scary thing. So i bought a WHOOP strap and really dialed in how many calories i was burning and spoke with my nutritionist about a plan to get where i wanted to go. (whoop strap is apparently the most accurate fitness tracker out right now and ive found that my apple watch says i burn 800 more calories then the whoop says. just a heads up. IT wasnt easy but ive been doing it and got on a great routine. My lowest weight was 208. i now hover between 225-230. i weigh every few weeks but dont get too obsessed with the scale anymore. i know that if i stay within my calories that im fine. Its been a process and i had to learn a lot. it wasnt all easy but 110% worth it. This surgery opened a whole new life for me. I am extremely greatful.

  10. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻
  11. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻
  12. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻
  13. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻
  14. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻
  15. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻
  16. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻
  17. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻
  18. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻
  19. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻
  20. Like
    karakent got a reaction from SuziDavis in August surgery buddies!   
    Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻
  21. Like
    karakent got a reaction from I Am Enough! in August surgery buddies!   
    I looked it up because I haven’t had my follow up and it was one of the questions I meant to ask. Now I’m not a medical expert and I don’t believe in being an internet doctor but it might help you.

    Here’s what I found.

    “Can you take pills after gastric bypass?
    Capsule, chewable and liquid medications can be taken immediately after surgery, but tablet medications need to be broken up or crushed for the first three months. This prevents medications from getting stuck in the digestive tract or not being fully absorbed.”

    I think if you think you can tolerate it than you can probably take it. I took a 500mg Tylenol tablet last night and didn’t have an issue. (And I did not crush it because it was late at night and I didn’t even think about).
  22. Hugs
    karakent got a reaction from I Am Enough! in August surgery buddies!   
    Oh my goodness I was watching some TV and drinking a Protein Shake and I definitely over did it. Too much, too fast. It was soooo painful. And I think I experienced my first instance of dumping. I’m telling you guys my entire system rejected that shake. I really hope that never ever happens again!
  23. Like
    karakent reacted to suzecate in August surgery buddies!   
    Yep on the painful to yawn/breathe deeply and also random hiccups. I haven't had hiccups all day but far more than I usually do, and I wince.
  24. Like
    karakent reacted to LibbyAbby in August surgery buddies!   
    I had my rny and hiatal hernia repair on 8/19. The first couple of days were rough, but now I feel great. slight pain when I turn or move a certain way, but I feel fine. When I left the hospital I was told to hold a pillow or blanket over my belly when I get out of bed etc. At first I forgot, but then when I remembered what a world of difference. I also slept on my side with my belly resting on a pillow. that helped ease the pain tremendously. So remember, pillows are your belly's best friend after surgery!
  25. Like
    karakent got a reaction from Dogmom68 in August surgery buddies!   
    Good luck! Sending you good vibes! You’re going to do great!

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