Well i am 6 days post verical tummy tuck. I am fininaly starting to feel a little better. Everything went wonderful. No complications. The Dr removed 7lbs of skin. They binded me up in this binder of death it was so dam tight i could hardly breath and it made me black and blue form my breasts to my hips i wasn't aloud to take it off or shower until i seen the dr monday. It was a rough 4 days waiting to see what my bellie looked like. Well i went to the Dr's monday and the took all the bandages off it was so scary. It looked wonderful i almost cryied to see my bellie with no fat rolls for the first time in my life it was amazing (i been obese since i was a kid). The dr did such a wonderful job the lines were perfect, straight, and very thin. I was very upset at first when the dr said about doing a vertical tummy tuck because i didn't want an cut to go up my whole bellie but now seeing the results he would have never got my bellie to look this good without the vertical cut i had way too much skin above my bellie button. I am worried about having to go back to work on monday this was the worst pain i have ever experienced i wish i had more sick time to take but i will just have to deal with it.