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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Annie71

  1. Wish your wife all the best from me whether she has it done or not it still is hard either way. And like you said 60% band 40% head it does take a lot of work. The psychological side of things is weird thinking you can still fit in a big plate of food when you are hungry and when you get down to it you can't even get down a 1/4 of it...I think my band is just great...I'm loving me a little more every day...And that's got to be a good thing...

    Take care Annie

  2. LOL you found my page...I was thinking the same about photos but still feel a bit shy about it yet, maybe a little later lol...

    I always wondered about wether I would loose the weight with just my hb having it done as I was the hesitant one. My hb was getting it one way or another I think. I had a friend who had the lap band procedure about 8 or so years ago, and she went thru hell in the first few mths. It really put me off. But her surgery was with the origainal of all lap bands and there was a few issues with that one.I suppose they have really fine tuned them now and even again in another ten years they will have changed them again...Technology it's a fantastic thing sometimes.

  3. Oh if you click on my name you will be able to write on my board and I'll know you've written me a note...C ya..

  4. It's funny the difference there is in what each doctor recommends. We were on clear fluids for one week then mushies second week and now smalll portions of solid foods maily protein but still already solid food at 2wks. Weight loss has plateaued for a couple of days but all feels gr8. Now we are just looking forward to our fill. My hb is next Friday the 5th mine the following, so that will be interesting.

    Anyway it's lovely to chat with you please keep in touch if you like would love to hear how you are going...

    Take care Annie

  5. Hi again William, I know exactly what you mean by 1000 characters not being long enough LOL...Sounds like a great way to do it. Like I said hadn't heard of it before but will ask my doctor at my first check up on the 10th of June. Just for curiosity sake. All is good here my husband and I are both at that same point as you mentioned could eat anything, but it's so not worth doing it. I have to admit the fact that we did this together is wonderful especially for the support. Although it is amazing the differences we are noticing in how long the healing process is taking for us both. I have type II diabetes so my process is taking a little longer but the results already are amazing and I am off my injections...Woo Whoo I gotta be happy with that...

  6. Hi William,Annie here we chated on the thread yesterday about when do you feel normal.Just thought I'd say hi and I thought it was interesting when you mentioned the telemetric band.Sorry for my ignorance I had not heard of it before and thought that hey gastric banding was all the same.I researched it just quickly to get an idea of how it works and it certainly does sound like a gr8 option.Some1 said in a post that it was not in the US yet,I'm presuming it is the same for Aust.as I was banded on the 11/5 and my hb awk prior on the4th,the Drs only spoke of what they used so l like I said I hadn't even heard of it b4.We both had6entry sites with2of those being lg incisions,do you know if the op is similar to the standard gbing?How have u been going over all since you've had the procedure?We stayed in hosp.o/night and I couldn't imagine trying to have come home straight after the op the way that I have heard people do.I was totally out of it,not good.Hope to hear from you takecare Annie

  7. We certainly did have the gastric banding....Well that's what we were in for LOL. Here ( in WA,Australia) we don't have our fill until the 4th to 6th week after the op ( that is with Dr Watson). I think it certainly comes down to everyone individually. My husband was exercising like a crazed man by the third day after his op. Not that I recommend that but he felt well enough to do it and good on him I say. I myself had a longer recovery 11 days was for me, where I felt well enough to do much more. We all heal so much differently and we should allow our body's to do so in it's own time. I think it's great for those who do feel better so much quicker but for some of us well we need to be strong and time will heal.... All the best to you.
  8. Hang in there it will settle. I am 2 weeks post op today and I would say I started to feel normal again around the 11 day mark. Everyone is different my husband is 3 weeks post op today and he felt great by the 3 day post op. You can't pick it, but it will happen. Stay strong and good luck to you...
  9. Hi everyone my husband and I were both banded a week apart. He went first and then I went in a week later. We are both only in the early stages of our journey together, he at nearly 3 weeks post op and I nearly 2. I can't imagine doing it any other way than together we really have a great support team between us. It certainly is a different road that we both travel he is finding things really easy :lol:with very few problems I on the other hand am having to do things a little harder . But that's ok the results are already showing for both of us and we are their for each other no matter what. :laugh: I too would love to hear how other couples are doing also... We laugh about our matching scars and are so looking forward to a healthy and much longer life together... Good luck to you all....
  10. Hi Tegan How are you luv? I'm doing ok I'm now 9 days post op and still tired ad I've had a few issues with the sliming and a couple of sessions of gagging/vomiting. But overall everything is still travelling as smoothly as possible. I'm still trying hard to keep up fluids, I just don't have much urge for anything food or drink. I must say I do love the fact that food now does not rule my life...

    How is everything treating you? I hope you are well take care Annie

  11. Hi Tegan I'm still on the clear liquid side of things.I've no urge or want for food still at this point 3 days post op which is great. I'm just concerned at the moment with keeping up with my fluids and not getting dehydrated. I still have the gas issue which is at times painful and I am still very tired, and my throat is still sore from the tube. But when I have something other than water I've had jelly, custard and optifast shakes not that I can drink much. I had my meds this morn an by the time I had them I was to full for a Bfast so to speak lol...

    I was given a book on gastric lapband surgery and in that it had all of the time frames 4liquid and mushie and solid foods. Over a period of a mth I should be back to solids. But every1 is different and I'm not pushing my boundaries. I am scared to death of vomiting and don't want my band to slip so I'm taking it really slow.

    Anyway how is your weight loss travelling, did you do a preop diet etc? When do you go for your first fill?....

  12. Hi Tegan It would be great to keep in touch. Every little bit of support helps,contact me any time, I'm on everyday. I just think this site is great being able to read and ask how people get through the different aspects of lap banding. It sure is going to be an exciting ride...

  13. Hi Tegan, I'm Annie and I too am from Perth WA. I just had surgery on Monday the 11th of May with Dr Watson. Who was your surgeon? I'm still getting into the swing of things I came home yesterday and I've been pretty good, just tired and having a few problems not being able to burp. I noticed you had your birthday just prior to your surgery mine is tomorrow 3 days after lol... Happy Birthday to us...Anyways congrates to you and I hope things go well.


  14. Thanks Lellow,


    Thanks for that... I know I have problems with my iron levels so I will certainly look into the Clements Iron liquid. I've also been having Berocca . It's hard to find everything you need in just one product though.

    It's great that you are able to eat so well without restriction and still have the fantastic results you've had, good on you...

  15. Hi Nat how are you going? I have a question for you regarding multi vitamins, did you take tablet form or liquid and what brand etc did you find to work the best for you? I'm on the search at the moment before I go in for my op. I'm on Swisse women's multi but they are rather big and to be honest I'm just a little concerned to say the least that they could be a problem to swallow. But i haven't come across a liquid multi that covers all vitamins...What did/do you use?

    Thanks Annie

  16. Hi Lellow I just wanted to ask you about multi vitamins??? Did you have problems swallowing them after the op or did you turn to liquid multi vitamins?? Im taking womens swisse multi's at the moment but they are very big and I'm just curious about it. What vitamins-brand etc did you take? Any help here would be great...Thankyou Annie

  17. Thanks for your reply Nat. And I certainly have read and heard lots of great things about Dr Watson. Everything at the moment is running fast forward towards my op and I'm just trying to finalise an endocrinoligist to help me through with my meds, I'm on a few bits and pieces when it comes to my medication as well as insulin injections. This I am hoping will soon be a thing of the past once my surgery is done. I feel like my minds in a spin. I just want it done now...Does that make sense??

    It's fantastic to hear that you are off your meds and are feeling so healthy, congratulations...

    I too am looking forward to that feeling...

    Thanks again


  18. Hi Lellow, I just wanted to say you look great. I'm going in for surgery with Dr Watson on the 11th of May at SJOG's Murdoch an I really look forward to my journey. Who was your surgery performed by? You are an inspiration...Thankyou


  19. Hi Nat I'm Annie I noticed that you had your surgery performed by Dr Watson, my husband and I are also having the procedure performed by Dr Watson a wk apart in May my husband on the 4th and mine on the 11th at SJOG's hospital Murdoch. How did everything go for you and were you happy with Dr watson? We are both really excited and nervous of course, my husband has started his pre op diet and I have joined early with him in support, I thought it wouldn't hurt. If you have any advice towards any of our journey we would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for your time Annie...

  20. Hi Perthchick I'm Annie also living in perth...I'm about to be banded by Dr Watson on the 11th of May and noticed that he was written up in your stats... Did he do your band and how did you find going through the procedure with him? It's such a big thing to go through and I'm wanting to find out all that I can. How has everything been for you since having the band? Looking forward to hearing from you Annie ...

  21. Hi everyone my husband and I are both May bandsters. Hubby is in first on the 4th of May and I am a week later on the 11th of May.... Great to see we have such a great place to come and catch up. We too are also excited...Good luck to everyone
  22. Hi Katie, it's Annie you reponded to my thread about the type II diabetes,thankyou...Your achievments have been great I'm so happy for you. I know for me it has been the last straw for me with my diabetes and having to turn to insulin injections it made my decision to go forward with having the lap band.

    I am an Australian and I live in Perth WA. I could not see where you are from, and I am not far off my 38th birthday. My op is actually 3 days before my birthday.Happy Birthday to me lol.I'm just thinking well it's the first day to the rest of my life so that is a good thing even if my birthday is so close.I am Happily married and I have a 10 yr old son.

    I'm feeling quite nervous and would love to be able to share my experience with some one else who is travelling a similar road.

    I hope to chat to you again soon thankyou again. Take care and good luck.


  23. I am pre op and my surgery is scheduled for the 11th of May...I have type 2 diabetes and insulin dependant and I am curious as how others have coped with there surgery and what has happened with their diabetes...Do you still have to take insulin shots and how dramatically have your levels changed. I'm feeling nervous but excited but would love to hear what others have experienced with their diabetes... Looking forward to hearing from you... Thanks Annie

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