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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by brookeacomer

  1. Hi guys. I got banded on Friday...so it's been about 3 days. I started off slow..drinking broth and having an occassional popsicle. Yesterday, I started to feel a little more hungry so I introduced Ensure shakes and last night had some egg drop Soup. Today...I've been even hungrier...I've had two Ensure shakes and a little more of the egg drop soup with some hot sour soup as well. I just ate about 30 minutes ago, and I'm already hungry again!!! Should I just stick with the Ensure....or should I go ahead and start with some pureed black bean soup or something? I don't want to overdue it...I've had no problems with anything I've eaten so far....but I thought I'd see what most of you guys were eating 3 days after surgery. All the information I received seemed to be more for gastric bypass...which is a little bit longer recovery process. THANKS! Brooke

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