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Blog Entries posted by gonnabethinagain

  1. gonnabethinagain
    This is my first blog ever. I'll be lucking if I get anything posted.

    I'm 47 and started the pre-op diet at 284. I had my first visit with Dr K last week. My surgery is scheduled for 4/29. I've lost 4 pounds on the pre-op diet so far. I've been down this road many times and the weight just comes back. I hope this time is different.

    My wife and I just got back from a cruise. I was lucky to get my big but into those tiny airplane seats. Before we even started the cruise my feet were killing me. I could just barley keep up with my wife. That's when we both decided if we were to continue traveling I had to so something.

    So this is where my journey begins. Looking forward to surgery, but a little nervous. Dr K seams great and I hope all goes well.

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