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LAP-BAND Patients
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About tsjohnso1

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/14/1965
  1. Happy Birthday tsjohnso1!

  2. Happy 47th Birthday tsjohnso1!

  3. tsjohnso1

    lap band fill question

    Thanks for the information. I will be patient.....
  4. tsjohnso1

    Banded on 3/30/09

    I drink a protien water purchased from the gym I work out at. I too gag at the thought and taste of a protein dring however this water is phenomenal and has 40 grams of protein, no carbs, no sugars and reminds me of the tasts of tang. I love it! CYTOMAX PROTEIN DRINK www.cytomax.com
  5. I had a fill one week ago today. I have lost 115 pounds since my lab band placement, March 28th, 2007. I have been at a stand still with only 1 pound lost in the past 3 months, so I contacted my doctor and he scheduled me fo a fill. This is the 4th fill, my last on Dec 31, 2007. I'm beginning to think my band may be too tight now. I have no problem geting liquids and soft food down but it is more difficult. I have not experienced this before. Has anyone experienced their band being too tight, how did you feel? What advise can you give?

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