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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pnw

  1. Hi - On questions to ask 1. Going to the seminar first - that helped me to focus on what I really wanted to know. 2. I found that another site Obesityhelp.com had a great series of questions Questions to ask your surgeon While not all the questions worked for me - it was a great starting point. 3. The doctor will NOT persuade you to one surgery over another - that is for you to determine and for the doctor to confirm as a good route to take. While some facts are strong for lapband some are just as strong for gastric bypass. Know your facts. 4. Ask the doctor how many lapbands he/she has done and since when. How many have failed. How many have been replaced. Ask if they are using the NEWER band on the market. It's softer. 5. What type of support is offered after the surgery - and for how long.
  2. Seminar this week - learned much and revealed much to both my DH and me. Went to the social worker yesterday. Loved this lady. Real people - put into perspective what and who their nutritionist is all about. She is new to the team - I think she should go to their seminar. Well - here's the bottom line for me folks. I am recommended for RNY - Gastric Bypass - and I agree. While the lapband is a great tool for some - not all and I am in the not all group. I will continue to post to this thread because I think while our end result may not be the same our journey is and we can use all the tips and support as possible. Tip for the week for those in the 1st stages. Make a list for yourself and for later when you talk to your social worker and nutritionist. Research fad diets - look at this list and I bet you (like me) could pick 5 or more that you forgot you were ever on. Or maybe I blocked the memory of them. List your weights from the time you remember that match the diet and why you think that diet did not work - again. Bring your food intake journal for at least 2 weeks. Bring family photos Research the tests you may be given and really understand how 'stuff' plays a part in this process. Depression and Anxiety. Look up PHQ 9 and GAD 7 - these are the base tests to determine if you are functionally impaired (a good thing) and what you do to alleviate your stress and normal depression. Make copies of every thing you give them - track your progress and conversations. Make a list of why you feel you need this surgery Make a list of why diets in you were on in the past did not work and why you think this will. Make a plan for the new lifestyle you will be 'in' after your surgery. Once I started writing this down - I understood more and more why this is the right way to go. And I was more able to explain this to others. ****Today I told my kids - I was afraid to tell them before - I did not want judged. But they got it - probably better than me!!! If you need 'words' email me - I have a few you can toss out. I am certain - that once I get past all my required tests I will be on my way.
  3. Good luck ThinThin. Who is your insurance carrier? If I get denied I can't apply again for another calendar year. Which would fall correctly - since I probably won't have this done until Nov or Dec anyway given everything I have to do make it step by step. Seminar - tonight Social worker - tomorrow sleep Study - Aug Endoscopy - not yet scheduled
  4. I have weights for my bra but did not place them for fear I would be asked to strip to weigh. I guess I messed that one up. Questions * Do they weigh you each visit (surgeon)? * When does the surgeon report to the insurance? *I have 2 test to complete endoscopy (required) and sleep study (suggested). * 1 social worker visit Any suggestions on the social worker? * seminar is this week too. I know this a lot of questions but I really don't want to miss this opportunity!
  5. Had doctor apt this week. I am 2 point below 40 Bmi - that is 2 pounds too low. While the doc will recommend the surgery based on family history and past attempts of weight loss and keeping it off - the insurance may still deny. I have high cholerteral (ins co-morbid) I am getting tested for sleep apnea (another ins co-morbid). I am not sure if my weight will be checked each time I go to the doc. and when do they contact insurance for acceptance? That is key. 2 pounds is like - 1 meal away from qualifying. Next time - I will have my apt in the afternoon - after I have had at least 2 meals in me!!! feeling defeated.......
  6. No - I stopped taking it and gained 3 #s - better to get the stuff out. But I think I was over doing it thinking it would lower my cholesterol - it did not. I thinik the RD thought I had a gleten allergy and my bowel was over active. If was allergic to gluten products I should have lost weight once dropping the problem foods. The phyllium probably helped me eliminate stuff but maybe too much. The good news is - I won't be out of range when I weigh in!! You can take phyllium to help keep your colon clean but like everything else - moderation. Something (or the lack of something) that probably go me in this mess to begin with ~ Also you should know that if the typical dose is 1 tsp I was taking 1 scoop!!! Plus 2 caps every morning. I don't think I have an allergy.......
  7. Monday I meet the Dr. Don't know what other steps will have to be completed before we can make a date. Thinking I should make a bigger deal of my snoring - it's just that it's off and on -but I will have DH there to testify :thumbdown: We shall see. BTW - I am gluten free. No big deal - the better thing to eliminate was the psyllium husk - I doubled the dose. Don't know why.... So I have been doing this for 1 week now. Guess what. Gained 3#s. That my friends is why I am on this journey......
  8. Have dr. apt 6/15 Have seminary 6/18 social worker 6/19 So guess what! I figured out I had been taking about 4 x more psysillum husk than I should....so I stopped that. Gut has been happy since. Would love to hear others 'flag' type comments made by the providers and responses back. I think the more info we have the more we can be prepared for their off the wall comments. I admit by reading this site I was more prepared for the 'why do you want this' question. I was also asked - at what weight did I feel my best - better to go as low as possible on that one. Another trick question. If you are not low enough - they will recommend diet change before surgery. I picked the magic 100 pounds less than I am. Not by saying 100 but 'I felt great an this weight, and I felt good at this weight, then I knew I was in trouble at this weight. The goal is for them not to trick you but to make sure you are aware - fully aware - of what it is you are siging up for. Do your homework. OH - another thing that ticked me off. They brought up The Biggest Loser - 'try watching that show - it might insire you - if they can do it you can.' I said - are you kidding - they work out 8 hours a day 7 days a week burning 8000 cal a day! I am inspired when I watch that show - inspired to NOT let myself gain another 50 pounds. I am able now to stay on the workout machine for 15 min. More than that I will run late for work. I don't get enough sleep and even 15 min is a loss.
  9. !!! 5 2.5 (they left my shoes on :thumbup:) 215.5 BMI just under 40 with the .5 on my height. should have flattened my hair Went to nurtition vist. After tracking 6 mths of food intake - it was determined I DO NOT eat enough. They recommended I stop gluten foods to calm the gut down. Great more food to cut out. Then exercise for 1 hour a day to burn 500 cal. I can barely walk up stairs let alone work out that much. My knees will fall apart! So - I can do the diet (again). Try to get more activity in (again) Then they added - so what do you hope to accomplish with this surgery - you don't eat much now and afterwards you will be eating less. WOW! That caught my ear. What do I hope to accomplish....I said to not fall into my genetic pattern of obesity and not not wait until I am 50 more pounds overweight to be pro-activly seeking help to stop this weight gain. Does this scream 'You are not big enough to have this surgery' or worse - you could be thinner if you only.......ate more........worked out more..........tried more....... I have gained 50 pounds in 10 years. The more I carry the less I CAN do. I used to work out 4-5 x a week. I am really concerned this is going to backfire on me. See Dr. 6/15
  10. Hi - 5 2 and 216 today. I too am nervous I will get the 'you are not large enough speech'. I see nutritionist tomorrow. Have been keeping a diet diary for 6 mths now. I have co-morbids (2) and lots of family history. When I went to my moms funeral last year was my final straw. Saw my destiny that I was ignoring by moving away. Can't run from those genes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Yes - I am not 500 pounds over like my cousin was but hey - I don't want to wait until I am. Love the statement - I want to take care of my body now so I don't have to try to recover it later. Yes, that's the ticket - live well - live strong. We are obligated to take care of our lives and our health. I suppose when in the room and we are the smallest (in their eyes) we can always say ' I am here like the rest - to live better, healthier, longer' aren't we so lucky to have this opportunity our parents didn't?' Or - we could just lie and move on. Not their business - I mean - we don't ask 'wow - what do you weigh!' My apt are a bit backwards 6/8 - nutritionist 6/15 - Dr. 6/18 Seminar I have no clue beyond that!
  11. OK - now timeline questions. Just talked to the center. Seminar is June 18 1st Dr. apt. Sept 21 Then nutritionist Then counsel The final approval Then .... Best possible date of surgery - Jan 2010 What has been the typical time line for others? They said they take long because they want to teach people how to use this new tool. Good enough - but 9 months! And that is not counting the time from the initial insurance letter (applied for in March 09). So - this will take 1 year from start to finish. WOW. :smile:
  12. OK - I don't know how I did this but I got the date moved for my visit to June 8 - the nutritionist - June 15 the doctor. I have another question I qualified per insurance lost the 5% but maybe too much due to the flu. I am at 38% just about 4 pounds away from 40%. Can the doctor say no? I do have other factors. This is my story - like so many others I think. I can go up 5-10# in 1 week!! I guess I will not feel I am on my way until the surgery date is set. thanks for the good karma people. It worked.
  13. Hi Jose I am insurance. But I think this is the center that has odd time line. The insurance has already given the referral to start the process and follow what the center does from this point forward. My insurance only covers 4 centers. 2 are not in good distance for me. I have been keeping a food journal since Jan 09 since I knew they may require this down the road. It can be a bit frustrating when you make the move to make a difference in your life and road blocks are tossed in your way - in the spirit of 'getting your tools in order' My tool box is loaded down right now:frown:
  14. Hi. Well 2 months ago I took the step. I called insurance - got on the path and I'm on my way. I verified my weight and am 2 pounds away from my 5% loss before I can take the 3rd step. In fact - I probably could be there now - but it may be too soon - should I not report how fast I lost this? That would be crazy but in truth - all I had to do was cut out my sugar...done ....down 5 ounds! I will be sent to a center of excellence. I have selected 1 of 2 in my area. I am torn between lapband vs. gastric bypass. My biggest concern with labband is having a foreign body in my body (plastic). My second concern is sugar control - I crave sweets daily. That is my downfall. I fear the band will slip or cause other issues. I am 100 pounds over - will gastric be too much? Will lapband be too little...so many questions. I think the center will provide more answers. My case worker is not into so many questions - he makes a point of telling me when we talk - just how busy he is. I get that. sorry to go on - I am new at this - I know there are other issues to consider as I move forward. If I get the lapband - will I fail due to sugar issues? Will my food cravings be more in control. thanks for reading.
  15. Almost feel there should be a drum roll about now. I made by 5% loss for insurance. Now on to the center. I will relay all my concerns and rely on the Center to assist with my final answer. Of course both are huge steps. I consider this a life long journey. Everyday I have pro and cons for both. I have 2 choices - lapband or gastric bypass. FYI - insurance pays for fills.
  16. Victoria Secret Not having the clerk say 'we don't carry your size' without even asking or measuring me! !@#$ Not having my upper thighs rub Not having my back look like it has 3 more backs attached!
  17. Thank you - all your comments have been most helpful. Everyday I lean towards the band. I am now ready to verify my weight for the 2nd time (-5%). I will be referred to my center and good to go. Sweets note - I don't partake daily anymore - in fact I can walk away for weeks at a time but the days I do hit a cookie - I feel really bad (physically) - so I think I can walk all the way. I do get cold feet about this now and then. I feel bad guilty that I need this procedure. My family history is loaded with obesity and I fear that I am on that path no matter how hard I work at this. It all started with cholesterol numbers then my scale numbers then my liver started to yell at me then my gallbladder. How can I lose 5% of this weight and not more or keep it off? I work out daily and yet - the numbers do not go below 200. I am 5 2. See PCP today
  18. pnw


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