I was thinking last night about the band and what a trip this really is. I read so much stuff pre band, asked so many questions and thought I had a pretty good idea of what to expect. But truth be told, you have no concept of what this is like until you actually live it.
If you think about the entire process of what is going on it is pretty amazing. We are living with this foreign object in our body wrapped around our stomach, with a tube attached to it and another part attached again that we get injections with to make this object even tighter around our stomach every so often to make us not as hungry and we used to get.
Then all the stuff you read about getting stuck, slimming, pb'ing. Again, you think you understand but you really have no clue until you live it.
I also find it funny about the things we live with now. What your family and friends are used to when it comes to eating around you... We live with getting things stuck and kicking it out like it's normal! We live with not knowing if that chicken is going to go down today or not. You get to where you don't panic anymore you just deal with what comes your way that day... You family can look at you and just know you will be leaving the table for a minute, but you will be back. The ever dreaded business lunch! That is always good for some anxiety.
I laughed last night before I went to bed because I drank a few GULPS of milk and NOPE that wasn't going to work... Kicked it out real quick in the sink, brushed my teeth and off to bed I went. No big deal its just a part of life now. liquids seem to love to come back out to play. Not always just sometimes when I drink to fast. Silly little liquids!
I have the special treat of three banded people in my house so we have a lot of kicking out the stuck stuff going on... I never know who is going to tolerate what's for dinner. But we get by. There is always something else in the fridge to satisfy some hunger if what is on the table doesn't work that night.
All in all now that I am 5 1/2 months out. It's just a way of life, it's a different way of life, but the best part is without really trying the weight is falling off all three of us and now this way of life is our normal way...
So all you people that have a million questions of what it feels like, what to expect, how do you do this or that... we can tell you but you really wont get it until you get your band. Then you get to trip off the fact that you have an artificial buddy living inside you that is working it's hardest to get you happy and healthy... I love my band:thumbup: