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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DanBar

  1. I had the same problem and they wouldn't do sugery unless my blood sugar was under 170 for a lest a week and they took my blood sugar right before they rolled me into surgery... My surgeon was not going to do it because of the complications you can have. You don't heal properly with high blood sugar and they don't want to have to monitor it while you are in surgery... I just ate Protein for a month before surgery and they jacked me up on insulin... Never took it before as I never new I had diabetes until the testing started for my surgery...My levels were above 300 and got has high as 390 at one reading... No clue I had a problem and don't know how long I was walking around like this... Anyway, just eat pure protein and walk a lot... I got mine down into the 170's and got my sugery... I can tell you I have not had any insulin since the day after my surgery and my blood sugars have stayed below 150 ever since... Good luck to you!
  2. I had my third fill on Monday October 5th.. and as of today I have lost 8 pounds... but in those 13 days I have watched the scale go down eight pounds up five pounds and back down five pounds to the original eight I lost the three days after my fill while on liquids... It's frustrating and that is probably why I shouldn't get on the scale three times a day... I am obsessed with it but I can't stop... I understand your frustration...but just eating the correct portions and foods and it all works it's self out in the end. Good luck! :thumbdown:
  3. Anyone have any suggestions on how to keep the weight off after a fill... It seems that the weight goes down right after a fill and while on liquids for three days and then as soon as you go back on regular food... the weight starts inching back up... The first week after the fill always give me a good 5 to 8 pound drop... My last fill was my third and I had great restriction, even fluids were a little rough... It has loosened up a little but still full after about 1 cup of food... And once again, the scale is creeping up again.
  4. Go to the health food store and get D Mannose... it's the best thing ever for UTI's. Basically it is a type of sugar that when it is in your bladder the infection attaches to it because it eats it and you actually just pee out the infection... That is a non medical discription but I can tell you personally that it works great... I used to get them all the time and I don't anymore. You can even take it daily to just keep things moving... Give it a try, it can't hurt.
  5. DanBar

    Food Boredom

    I agree with the beans also...that is so satisfying and add some salsa or taco sauce and it gets rid of the spicy craving!
  6. DanBar

    Whopper JR.

    Im still jealous.... I have been craving a giant bacon cheeseburger! :thumbdown:
  7. My son has the band and drinks soda every now and then... My husband has the band and drinks a beer every now and then... Doesn't bother them at all and they are losing weight...about 10 pounds a month... They don't drink it every day but when in social situations or out at a restaurant they will... I tried a sip of a soda and it bothered my stomach, that bloated feelling... I tried a beer and the same thing so I just dont drink carbonation... I believe it is just how you feel when you drink it. If you feel bloated then it may be messing with your pouch, if you don't feel anything then it probably is not... From what I have read there is no proven evidence that it does anything to the band. I think it's just a precaution since it really does effect everyone so differently and it is one less thing to worry about. I do miss my seltzer water! But I am almost unable to burp anymore so that would be a real mistake for me
  8. What did he mean by "floating"? :scared2:
  9. DanBar

    Whopper JR.

    You're not the first and you won't be the last person that has done this so don't beat yourself up over it. And in reality it's probably less then what you would have eaten prior to surgery so you still ate less then your former normal! :wink2:(always look for a positive in any situation) There is still alot of will power involved in this game and even more so in the beginning. Now you know how much food you can still eat until you start getting fills so your will power is going to have to be strong right now...Welcome to bandster hell :w00t: I agree with cooley with the deprived feeling. But now you got your fix of junk food so back on track! I had to giggle about what you ate though... You hit everything I would have, sweet salty spicy and a burger. I'm jealous :scared2: Today is a new day! :eek:
  10. DanBar

    What do I do??

    Yes, please do update what they say... I get the same thing also.
  11. I was banded in June and when I bend over to tie my left shoe it still likes to remind me it's there. It actually has been bothering me a little more then normal again. I have the realize band and my husband and son have the lap band. They never feel anything and I know the ports are attached differently for each band. Dont know if that has something to do with it or not.
  12. My pre op appt was a week before and we just went over all my lab work and I asked a few questions. That was when he determined (based on my labs) that I was good to go the next week... I didn't have to do any pre op diet, just nothing eat or drink after midnight the night before... They gave me all my written instructions to follow for the day before and what I would need to have on hand for when I got home after surgery. Congrats on your approval. Enjoy the ride!
  13. Had my 3rd fill today... 7.5 cc in my 11 cc reaize band. I can tell more this time then the first two that I am tight. Feels great and can't wait until Thursday to see how food feels. I am on liquids for 3 days. Weird thing is I felt more restriction 1st fill then I did my 2nd fill... Doc said he may have mis filled on the 2nd one so this 3rd one may be a big jump...we will see... All I know is I want to feel like the day after surgery when a couple bits of Jello made me feel stuffed!
  14. Ok...my turn! Until you have the surgery you don't know what is going to happen. EVERYONE is different. If you can't control your eating now you won't control your eating after. I don't care how tight your band is, this is still a will power thing. You can get high calorie high fat foods in your stomach through the band if you want to. It still goes down to the basics that we all know and have heard one million times... Eat right and exercise. Period. You still have to chose good foods so you get proper nutrition and you still have to exercise to burn calories. I would start both now before you get banded and you will be so much ahead of the game. Stop doing the "last meal" thing. You can eat whatever you want afterwords. It might not be as much but you can still eat it... So end that mind game now. The one part of of the band process that I think is missing or being focused on by most of the bariatric doc's or centers is the psychological part. There needs to be more counseling with the process. They do your evaluation to say your are ok to have the surgery and then send you on your merry way. You can BS your way through that process. We are all over weight for a reason, nobody wants to be this way. food is an addiction just like drugs. Counceling needs to be more a part of this journey and included in your program cost. With all the books and blogs and forums that I read, I thought I had this thing figured out and was ready to go for surgery. WRONG!!!! Again...until you get the band you have know clue how you are going to respond. What is nice about people sharing their experiences is you find out that you are not the only one going through things as they come up in YOUR journey and that is what helpful. I have three people in my house that had the band done within a week of each other. It floors me how different this experience is for all of us. Now for the happy part... I LOVE MY BAND. I would do it again in a second and so would my family. My husband says he should have researched bypass a little more because he wanted the weight loss to be faster. He was told it wouldn't be as fast and he knew that. But just yesterday after his third fill he did take responsibility for his own actions and admits he could be trying harder and eating better... BUT the band has kept him from eating like he used to and has lost 40 pounds in the last three months. It has kept all three of us from eating as much as we used to. Not to mention the soda and beer that we were consuming is now gone. Would I want to have lost more then 30 pounds in three months??? Of course I would and many people do lose more then that, but when was the last time I lost 30 pounds in three months without feeling like I was dieting??? That would be NEVER... The more fills I get the easier it gets but the first 90 days has been a struggle and a learning experience... This is just me. Others hit the floor running and are losing 100+ pounds in less then a year... That is fricken awesome! So...go for it. Be honest with yourself, just know in your heart that it can be slow and steady with bumps in the road and a learning experience that is challenging but rewarding or you may be one of the superstars that buzz throught the process at record pace are are posting all your successful tips... Either way in the long run it works. Enjoy your journey! Ok...I'm done now! :smile:
  15. DanBar

    Yes!!! Sixty down!!!!

    Great Job!!!! Give us some advise on how you achieved your SIXTY POUND LOSS!!!!!!!!! :tongue2:
  16. Has anyone felt less restriction after their 2nd fill then they did after the 1st one? I actually feel like they took out some of the fill... My first one was 4 cc and then just last week I got 2 more cc's. This is really frustrating... I was so excited to get my 2nd fill thinking it was going to really make a difference and then nothing...
  17. It seems that as soon as you go off the liquids after a fill for three days and go back to food...the weight you lost while on liquids just comes back on... It's very frustrating. :biggrin: I don't know if they removed the first fill... I can tell you when I got my first one, Water girggled at lot...it was tight but it felt great again... this fill, I drank water and nothing, i was even able to take large sips and by the time I got back to work I was able to down a bottle of water in no time, just like before the band. Now you have me wondering if there is a leak... I will call the Dr. and see what they say. Thanks
  18. Welcome to your new life! :biggrin:
  19. I had the exact same feeling for awhile after surgery and drinking fluids... It went away so don't panic. I kept thinking it was my heart! Burping is the same problem... three months out and it is still hard sometimes. I have noticed if I stand up real straight, put my shoulders back and tilt my head back, sometimes that helps get a burp out... Not everytime but sometimes. Good Luck to you!
  20. Surgery - Thursday night and back to work on Monday morning.
  21. Call the office every hour until you get what you want. Watch how fast it get's done. :biggrin:
  22. My surgeon puts you on soft proteins and cooked vegis on day 4 of surgery and we have all done fine. Again all the surgeons seem to have their own set of rules... so call you dr and tell them what a hard time you are having and let them give you some other options to choose from to help you through the healing and that way you aren't eating mayo sandwiches and cheetos! You will be ok...and once you get the beloved restriction you will do just fine. Hang in there, everyone struggles!
  24. If it makes you feel anybetter, I told everyone and wish I didn't. I actually hate the constant comments (they are good) I just want to move on and let this happen without constantly being asked how much have you lost????? Or the being called "skinny minnie" DON'T CALL SOMEONE THAT NEEDS TO LOSE 160 POUNDS SKINNY MINNIE... I know it's being nice and just trying to make me know they are noticing, but its annoying. Especially when it's said in front of someone that does not know I have had the surgery... You know that person that doesn't know is thinking WTF??? So enjoy your pounds that are slipping away with the few people that do know... It's a lot easier!
  25. This is silly but it made my day! I was in circle k and some guy walked in... we made eye contact, I smiled as I always do to people... I paid for my stuff left and was getting back in the car with my 19 year old son... I looked look out my window when backing out and the same guy was standing next to his truck watching me, smiled and winked... I thought to myself did that guy just wink at me and as I was thnking that in my head my son said the same thing... I laughed and said I think he did... My son said "Mom, the band is working!" We laughed but it was also an ego boost and we all need those! My next one is yesterday I did 45 minutes on the tread mill. Never thought I could do that. I thought I was gonna die but it felt great! I love my band :sneaky:

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