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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DanBar

  1. I love the idea of cooking a bunch of chicken breast on the grill and having them ready during the week, but what I find is when i re-heat them they are so dry. Chicken breast can be pretty dry to begin with but the re-heating thing is even worse. Anybody have any good tricks on keeping them on the moist side? Thanks! Danise
  2. DanBar

    Realize Band

    I was banded June 18th... 11cc band. I am at 7.5 on my fourth fill last wednesday. Finally feeling like it is supposed to.
  3. DanBar

    Potato Chips

    Yummm tuna sandwich and lay's potatoe chips are the best combo!
  4. You and are in the same boat... I have the same number to lose... I am not missing anything. I pesonally have not thrown up once, I have not had anything stuck. That number is overwhelming and you can't do it by your self or you would have... Believe me I know:scared2: Again, don't be afraid, you will be much happier. I won't lie, it's rough in the beginning... I am almost 5 months out and it's easy now. The head hunger is still there, but that is why I am in this boat anyway. So if you can get working on that part you will be one step ahead of the game... Good Luck!
  5. DanBar

    I can trust him

    LOL, that was so cute! I think you and Bernard are going to have a beautiful relationship... I am jealous :smile2:
  6. DanBar

    what's up with gaining?!

    Your are doing fine. That is normal, frustrating but normal. Keep up what you are doing. Tell hubby you are twelve pounds sexier and that is all he can handle right now :smile2:
  7. P.S.... The picutre of me you see was taken on halloween this year... That is my wedding anniversary. I am sitting at Hooters in Las Vegas having a beer eating wings and fried pickles. I had surgury on 6/18/09... Here is the difference. I don't normally drink beer because it bothers me. My restriction was low so the carbination didn't bother me so I had two beers. I survived. The rest of my weekend I drank wine. I only had about 4 wings in stead of the 18 I probably would have eaten before... I had about 5 pickle slices compared to who knows how many I would have eatin in the past... I was happy, satisfied and didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. Is this normal for me...no. But it was Halloween, it was my anniversary and we were having a great weekend with our kids in Vegas, BEING NORMAL! FYI... the person taking the picture across the table from me is my husband that was also banded the same day... We have our one night out together every week maybe two weeks depending on how busy we are. We always did that in the past and will continue to do so. We have a couple glasses of wine and share an appetizer and enjoy each others company. I have lost 41 pounds since surgery he has 56. Not bad for two people that are trying to live life as it was in moderation. Our weight loss would probably be more if we never did anything or did our weekend trips here and there, but I refuse to give up living. We went to Vegas on 10-31 we came home on 11-3. We had a great time. We ate and drank what we wanted, just not as much because you physically can't and that is great! When I got home I instantly went on the scale to see how much damage I did and I lost a pound... We did a lot of walking. That was Tuesday night. I went in for a fill (already scheduled) on Wednesday morning and as of today 5 days later I have already lost another 6. I also went out this weekend and played darts with my husband at one of our local hang outs... Just like normal! I am just trying to make you see that YES you can live life normally afterwords. Just now it will be a healthier normal. Don't be afraid. :smile2:
  8. Here is my questions to you...How much weight do you have to lose?
  9. DanBar

    Fills and Gas

    I do the same thing... i can't burp after a fill. It drives me crazy and then the gas has to go somewhere so I get bad gas pains in my lower intenstinse. Sittin in an office all day is not easy as you have to "hold' it in and that just makes it worse... I think the best part of my day is when I hit the car afterwork and just let loose! TMI I always giggle to myself as I am driving down the road and think if that person at the stop light next to me knew what was happening that would be so embarrassing:blushing: But I have noticed as soon as I am able to burp again, I can eat more and need a fill again. It has been averaging 3 weeks of restriction and then it get lose again... Not sure what to do about the gas, but I understand. If you come up with something that helps let me know... The only thing I have not tried is Beano... Has anyone tried this?
  10. You will be able to eat whatever you want when you are back on foods...Don't stress out on it. The only change is how much and there may be a few things that give you problems when you have restriction... You are going to go through two months of a tough times with the before and after stage but after that it's just a learning game of what you can and can't get down... It will just be less and even "less" will not come until after you have had a couple fills. You will be amazed at how much food you can still get down once you have been banded...then that will be your next post. You will think something is wrong because your starving and can eat whatever you want! Hang in there you are doing the right thing. Life will be normal again before you know it. It's just a new normal and you will like this normal much better:thumbup:
  11. DanBar

    Major meltdown

    Why did you chicken out...
  12. DanBar

    Your Blog...

    I don't know if my husband reads mine. He knows where it is and I have told him he should blog... But I don't hold back. Also he knows my weight. He was the first person other then my doc's I have ever told. I then told my son. I remember that day because I cried because I was so ashamed... They just said let's fix it and that was it. They both are over weight and understood... It was the most liberating thing I have done... That was a few years ago and now we are all banded. Life is good!
  13. Completely normal and frustrating my banded friend... Just do the best you can, it's all about will power right now until you start your fills. It gets better and don't get down on yourself! :thumbup:
  14. DanBar

    Pity Party

    Look at that Heather...you came full circle via the magic of the thread you started... Don't forget to invite us to the next party we will all be there to make your day a little brighter!
  15. DanBar


    Bread didn't bother me until my 3rd fill so I understand what you are saying... It is just hit and miss with me. I haven't had rice since sugery in June now that I think about it... So not sure on that one... Pasta was a little slow to go down since my 3rd fill also... I have noticed that toast does not bother me at all... good luck and great job on the weight loss! wasn't it wonderful to hit the "2's" I am 18 pounds away! Never thought I would be happy to be 299!
  16. DanBar

    Pity Party

    Kegs here... this party has gotten way bigger then margarita's
  17. DanBar

    Lap Band vs. Realize Band?

    I have three people in my house with the band... I (female) have the realize, the other two (both male) have the lap band... Now we all have had three fills and about the same amount amount of cc's... We all had surgery withing a one week time span (June 11 and 18th) The boys get food stuck CONSTANTLY...Have trouble with meat and bread... I can't control their bite sizes or how much they are chewing but I can watch and it looks like they are doing "ok" with it... I have not had a stuck episode but have a a few times where the food is right at the band and is thinking about getting stuck... I can actuall feel the food pop through which makes me think that my realize band is a little forgiving then theirs... But, since Sept 18 the two boys have lost 20 pounds and I have only lost 8... (That is why I indicated male/female) We were in a competition, first one to 20 pounds got to get $200 in new clothes... But my point is, is it the band that is making a difference or is is the male vs. famale thing and of course what we are eating... I can only control what is for dinner, but I can tell you I can always finish my dinner and for them it's a matter of how many bites until they get stuck... Which would cause them to eat less... I would rather not get stuck and lose slower. I watch them and sometimes it seems so painful and annoying...and the whole foaming thing until the stuck item gets out is really gross.... So my choice is the realize band... We will see what happens after fill number 4 in November.
  18. I would agree with lady lap band...when I don't drink it I do feel better... my digestive tract just seems to work better and less gas and stomach aches, not bad ones just that not right feeling... so maybe it is harder on us now that we are banded because pre-band it didn't make any difference in how I felt with or with out it... Just another thing the band is helping out with on the train to healthy land!
  19. DanBar

    Banded Diabetics

    I was diagnosed with type II about 6 weeks before surgery... Had no idea that I had it and my fasting blood surger when I took it for part of my lab work for getting the surgery was 300...I worked on getting it down by diet, couldn't get it below 250 so they put me on insulin... I had surgery on 6-18 had my last dose of insulin on 6-19 and have not had blood surgers above 140 since...
  20. I had my first coffee three weeks after surgery... I think I was supposed to wait a month but I couldn't do it any longer... I will tell you that it made me fill hungry within minutes of drinking it and continues to do so now three months later... So I just no that if I drink it i will have that hungry feeling with full blown growling and have to deal with it if I want to drink it... AND I DO!
  21. If you ask the bandster police they will tell you to call your surgeon immediatly and confess your sins because your band is going to explode.:wink2: But I think you will be ok and please don't drink pickle juice that made me gag just thinking about it:scared2:
  22. DanBar

    Pity Party

    I love pity party's... I'll bring the margarita's... You will be eating with your family in no time so don't you worry... You are having buyers remorse... I had it also, and I had three people in my house have the band surgery within a week of each other... so don't dispare! Your next pity party will be that you can eat what ever you want, you are starving and why the hell did you do this if you are going to be starving and can eat what you want anyway! I will bring pina colada's for that party! That my friend is bandster hell...Then you will get your first fill and wonder if what your filling is correct, the restriction will last awhile and then you will need another fill and then you will start feeling like this thing is doing the what it is supposed to...You will have good and bad days, just go with the flow and don't beat yourself up... Best thing to keep your mood up that I have discovered is exercise... I guess it's that whole endorphine thing. So you just have your pity party's that is what we do and before you know you will be having a real pool party in your new bathing suit next summer! Hang in there sista...its all part of the ride. :thumbup: Promise it get's better. I was in the pity pool last week for about 4 days... Just start a blog and you can vent and whine and complain all you want!
  23. DanBar

    Hair loss!

    Is anyone using a Rogaine type product on top of everything else? I am able to see my scalp through the hair and really freaking out :cursing:... It all up in the front that I am getting the thinnest... I was also wondering if maybe it's hormonal changes also... I was banded in June so I am excactly at 4 months! Any thoughts on the this????
  24. DanBar

    Are Bananas bad?

    OMG...now bananas are bad? Will it ever stop. People can find something wrong with anything. Childhood obesity has just been solved, its the bananas... Sorry to be so sarcastic, but come on.
  25. Dr. Sprunger and Scottsdale Barriatrics... LOVE HIM LOVE HIM LOVE HIM... He did me and my husband the same day and one son a week earlier...:confused:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
