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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bunny106

  1. I'm so glad to hear that! you give me hope! My fill is the day after tomorrow. Im hoping I have the same results as you. Keep up the good work:)

  2. sounds relaxing! Im going to be home with a few family members coming over, first fill is day after tomorrow...I'm going to be concentrating on not overeating!! Have a happy thanksgiving
  3. Hey band twin! just checking in on you to see your fill was. Do you feel any difference? Hope youre doing well, Have a happy thanksgiving:)

  4. bunny106

    Thanksgiving Food

    One thing I read on here was to remember that its a "holiday" and not a "holiweek", Im having one reasonably sized plate and when the food on it is finished so am I. Just thinking about all the weight I used to gain over 1 day makes me cringe.
  5. bunny106

    Before & After

  6. bunny106

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Texasdream try not to get discouraged, I know how you feel but I read alot of people dont really start losing until restriction comes back into play. Just try to eat right and stay on course until it happens...this too shall pass:smile2:
  7. Thanks for adding me Janet, Im hoping I have the success you had, very inspiring. Congrats to your daughter!

  8. bunny106

    Outrageous Octobers

    we can and will!! I've told myself that failure isnt an option:thumbup:
  9. bunny106

    Outrageous Octobers

    exactly same feeling here! feels like I dont even have a lapband. My first fill is 11/26. Im reading that restriction doesnt come till about the 3rd fill:cursing: but as long as Im not starving, I'll take it! When's your first fill?
  10. bunny106

    Outrageous Octobers

    mn guest were band twins! I had surgery the same day as you and its good to know someone feels the same way, Im watching what I eat but can feel my appetite has returned. Hoping for even a small amount of restriction after the first fill.
  11. bunny106

    Another Gastric Bypass Friend has gained back 15 lbs!!!

    I have quite a few friends who have had GB, and some have gained a whole lot back and some have gained a little back. It really was a wake up call that no bariatric surgery is the final correct answer! thanks for the encouraging words of prayer:)
  12. I understand where you're coming from. Most of my weight loss is pre op, haven't seen much of a change since surgery. I keep reading that youre just supposed to concentrate on healing but thats so hard when it seems like so many people are dropping weight right after surgery...
  13. I had surgery on 10/29 as well and have barely lost anything post op, Im a little worried but Im trying to remain hopeful. I feel like I can eat anything if I didnt restict myself...cant wait for the first fill!
  14. OP, have you been eating sliders or is this just a case of not enough restriction? I had surgery on the 29th of October and went in for my post op today, I only lost 5.8 pds? the NP told me its very easy to gain weight during the mushy stage. If thats all I lost on liquids, whats it going to be like once I start eating solids? Im frustrated...
  15. it does! I was so hungry for the first 3 days and then it seemed to just subside. Stick with it and dont worry it gets better!
  16. bunny106

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    thanks for the suggestion, I have to remind myself that this is a temporary situation. Whenever I watch tv I find myself:drool: at all the food ads!
  17. bunny106

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Hi everyone! hope youre all doing well. I was wondering if anyone else is hungry as a horse? I was banded on 10/29 and about 3 days afterward my appetite came back, and since then its been increasing. Does anyone have any ideas about how to keep the hunger at bay?
  18. how are you grams? hope youre feeling better!

  19. bunny106

    How do I deal with my friend???

    I agree! I know surgeons who only do the sleeve OR lapband but who will not perform RNY, do whats right for you! If you decided on the lapband do your research and trust your desicion.
  20. bunny106

    Hungry and scared

    we had surgery on the same day:thumbup: Its not just you, Im starving too. I read on here that Protein helps, look in the recipe section and there are recipes for the liquid phase, sometimes you just need something different.
  21. I dont mean to sound preachy or anything but GB is a radical surgery. Rerouting your intestines is serious business, my rationale behind choosing the band is that if Im struck with an unforeseen illness or if something isnt working I can have it reversed and still have my organs intact...like the above poster said, please investigate his motivations, and then do what you feel is in your best interest
  22. bunny106

    Sick, but first NSV

    I'm lost...please fill me in as to what NSV means?
  23. bunny106

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    feeling depressed seems to be the norm, I think its hormonal. Something about surgery throws things out of whack. You've already come a long way and its going to get better! Im already sick of the liquids and hungry:cursing: I've read that more protein wards off hunger so I'll give it a try today. You're not alone in this:smile2:

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