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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fluffy420

  1. CONGRATS!!! I was just wondering if you were consistanly losing weight thru the two months. I lost 10lbs the week I did liquids and have not lost a single pound since. Im excersing and eating very little......I will be 3 weeks out on wed. and I will be getting my first fill then....did the fill jump start your weightloss?
  2. Fluffy420

    Up and Down...

    B9409- Im so glad you started this thread. I feel so much better after reading everything..... I like you am single (my boyfriend lives back home 12 hours away along with my family) Im in school in st. louis MO an they are in NC. So when I came back and was just in my place I felt so lonley and couldnt believe what a bad decision I made. I didnt tell anyone about the surgery but family so I had no one here. To top it off the week I got back I had National Boards for my profession and I was trying to balance stress, boards, new eating habits and no family to help me. My mom keeps calling me bc she is so worried bc I just went into depressed mode when I got back here. I just kept feeling like there was something wrong with me bc I was not extremly happy about my decision. Im so glad to hear this is normal. Not to mention the thing about eating a TON less and Im not lossing any weight. I actually even gained weight. Im eating less than 800 calories a day so I have been to say the least depressed. But after reading what ppl said Im SSSOO happy to hear that it is completley normal. I thought surley I would be one of those ppl who lost the weight so fast and had no mental issues along the way but now see that I will.... and lot my friend food too! So, its time to make new friends! Thanks again for your post!!!
  3. Everything is going well so far. Im dealing with eating mushie foods but ready for normal ones! Other than that Im doing good. I get my fill wed of next week and the nurse who does it says she likes t be aggressive on the first fill so Im hoping for some good results after that! I just got back to the gym yesteray and did ok with that so that made me happy that I could get back to exercising to hopefully speed the process up!!

  4. Hey I saw your story and it sounded like mine!! How have you been doing since the band? I got banded Sept. 2....I hit a stand still with weight loss after I came off the liquids... hopefully it gets better? :)

  5. I get my first fill on sept. 23! Im looking forward to it bc Im not sore and feeling bad anymore and mushie food is NO FUN. I also dont have any restriction so its getting hard. Not to mention dead stop in the weightloss. So that fill is going to be nice!

  6. I am currently looking for the right protien shake for me..... I have only tired one and it was TERRIBLE. So I thought I would ask you guys what you have found. I like the sweet stuff that makes me think Im drinking a milkshake. Im not much for choking down something that is nasty. Right now I am drinking slim fast and I love them but they only have 10 grams of protien rather than the 25 or so you get from a protien shake. What have you guys found? Banded Sept 2, 2009
  7. My mom is taking care of me right now before I have to go back to school tomorrow. She has to cook for me but also cook for my dad and brother at the same time. So she has been cooking two diff meals. Well tonight she cooked me a specail treat. Crock Pot- meat, carrots, potatoes, Onions, mushrooms and cream of mushroom Soup. She took the carrots potatos and mushrooms and put them in the blender. It was FANTASTIC. Tasted like I was eating mashed potatoes and gravy. I got full really quickly and it felts sssooo good to eat that instead of a slimfast!
  8. I thought I would chip in too! I was banded 6 days ago and I am just now kind of able to sleep on my side. I still cant handle sleeping on my stomach! But I SURE cant wait till I can!
  9. Fluffy420

    September 2009 Band Date

    great reciepe for full liquid ppl! I am at my moms recovering before I go back to school so she has to cook for me and then for my dad and brother. It has been hard on me to watch them eat so tonight she did something special for me. She put pork chops, carrots, potatos, onions and mushrooms and cream of mushroom soup in a crocpot. cooked it all day. Then she put a potato, some carrots and mushrooms from the stew in the blender for me and hit juice. IT WAS AWESOME! Tasted like mashed potatoes and gravy! I could only eat a little before I got full so it was AWESOME!!
  10. I hear ya about the pizza. Im sure I will be stuck in some situations like that when I get back to school and ppl are like why arent you eating. BC Im not telling ANYONE but mom dad and sister! I feel the same about dating too. I just want to work on getting skinny then think about a man. BC Im not excatly looking to explain on a date why I can only have a smoothie haha!
  11. Mango- Maybe you dont want someone who doesnt love you regaurdless! I know that sounds silly but it helps to think that! AND think that in a few months when he is salivating over you....then YOU can decide if he is as good as all the other men after you How many weeks are you post op that you ate the pizza...... I am STARVING and so far havent slipped bc Im scared to mess up the band but it is ssssooo hard. Did the pizza go down OK or make you feel bad?
  12. Im feeling great today. After I got past 3 days post op I was pretty good. Im finally getting hungry now and that is the hardest part is not eating much of anything. But it did make me realize I could eat way less than I have been my whole life!!

  13. Fluffy420

    September 2009 Band Date

    Coloroado- I am ssooo feeling you with the wine thing! My family likes big pasta meals with wine and BBQ with cold beer and boy am I missing that! I love drinking wine and something that worked for me this week was I found some no sugar apple juice and poured it in a wine glass. That gave me the filling that I was drinking and no one can tell the difference in white wine and apple juice so if you have ppl that you dont wanna explain why you are drinking too its perfect!! Good Luck at your BBQ! Congrats on the weight too!!!
  14. Things are going well so far! That whole thing of not havin an appetite after surgery was true UNTIL today. Ive been hungry ALL day but Ive been controlling it with sipping on water and protien shakes....... I just finished my week of clear liquid now Im on a week of "full liquid" soups and shake and such. THEN I go to pureed which is really no different than full luquid and its not till after that I can do mushies. So its gonna be a long road to real foods. But I must say it has been nice that Ive lost 10lbs in 6 days!!!

  15. WOW I just looked at your pics you look amazing! I just got banded on sept 2nd and one of the things I can wait to do is go horsebacking riding again! So I liked the pic of you on the horse.......any secrets or things that really helped you get thru it all?

  16. Fluffy420

    September 2009 Band Date

    Ivy! we were banded on the same day! Ive pretty much had the same things going on as you. The gas pains in my shoulders were terrible but I walked a lot and my mom rubbed my shoulders and that helped a lot. When do you get to go on mushies? Im looking forward to that! I saw you guys were going to puree steak....I dont know why but Im freaked about by the thought of pureed meat..... is it really not that bad and I need to get over it? :thumbup:
  17. Fluffy420

    Protien Shakes??

    Thanks! I didnt think about muscle milk! I also didnt think about the unflavored! Once I get to where I can drink smoothies again that would be prefect!!
  18. things are going good! Im still pretty sore! I ate some pudding today which helped me feel better bc I had only been eating popcicles and apple jucie and water.....how r u??

  19. Fluffy420

    September 2009 Band Date

    yeah that is weird that they gave you those pills. They made me get the liquid kind! But they may be bc they put a fill in during my surgery. We will see how that goes when I come off of clear liquids on sunday. I am feeling MUCH better today. had a hard time with the gas pains but like she said before it will be well worth it in the end. Ive lost 6lbs since tuesday and 18lbs total! So Im really happy about that!!!!
  20. Fluffy420

    September 2009 Band Date

    I GOT BANDED! I was banded yesterday the 2nd. Im pretty tired and pretty sore but really excited! Dont forget to tell your doc to remove the gas bc that is what really hurts!
  21. Fluffy420

    September 2009 Band Date

    Congrats everyone on getting everything going.....sounds like pretty much all of us are trying to lose weight before the surgery so I think we are in the RIGHT PLACE!!!! This time tomorrow I will be banded.... I dunno how I will sleep tonight Im ssssooo excited. I did have to do a clear liquid diet today but only one day so surley I can make it one day. My mom is doing the clear liquids with me today so I wont feel left out at dinner haha she is awesome!! IT OFFICALLY OUR MONTH!!!
  22. I just saw your bikini pic!!!!!!! you look awesome! Im so excited for you. I am getting banded in ONE day and your just reminded me why Im doing it.......so tell your secrets to making the band work? Im gonna need to advice!

  23. I agree that I would not take an I dont know answer from your PCP.....but your lap band doc is prob going to say it is gas pain. Your right it would be odd to have gas pain 2 weeks out but not impossible. Also it could be some sort of pain due to where your port is but if it is not near your port then you can rule that out as well. (the port should also be attached to your abdomen wall not your costocartilage (or muscles over your ribs bc they are thin muscles) Again not impossible for your doc to have done that for some reason. Refered pain from organs on the left is your spleen but unless you have had problems with that before you can rule that out as well...... Another avenue that is prob important to look at is a rib out of place. Question-does breathing make the pain more noticeable/worst/ or relieve it? Most people dont think of this because this is not what an M.D does. Bc of the surgery your body has been pushed around and the gas that your rib cage is not used to can push a rib ever so slightly out of place and cause an unbelievable pain. This can be relieved by a visit to a chiropractor usually with one adjustment with instant relief of pain. Just thought I would give you some things to think about!!
  24. Fluffy420

    St. Louis People

    Hey everyone! Im suprised too that there are not more people! Esp since stl is such a big city! So I have a thought and I wanted to see what kind of response I get to it. I am currently in school to be a Dr. of Chiropractic. I work in a clinic is South County. WELL..... I was thinking I would like to start a support group. That met like once a week or every two weeks. I mentioned about the clinic bc I think they would be happy to host us there in the evenings. And we would have a doctor on staff to answer any questions. He is not to familar with band surgery but he could be there for any other questions about the body and fitness and the way our bodies respond (I would be able to do the same). I think this would be a great way for us to get together share works and dont works stories and keep eachother motivated! I am already a part of a core excercise swiss ball class that happens there every other Wed. if anyone would be intrested in that maybe we could attach it to that class or something. Just brainstorming right now and looking for everyones feedback! Talk to yall soon!
  25. Fluffy420

    St. Louis People

    hey again chris! It did take about 4 months to get approved which is fast compaired to most. They denied me bc my weight wasnt high enough in 2005. Then I sent some pics in and they approved me a few weeks later! ( i was like oh man i must look worst than i thought haha) I am having the surgery done in North Carolina because that is where my family is. I only live in St. Louis to go to school. I go to Logan College of Chiropractic (you may have heard of it) but Im doing all my fills and post op stuff in St. louis. Im doing it with st. peters surgical weightloss center...so far they seem awesome!

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