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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by runningonempty

  1. Im eating alot of soups, some pasta noodles, especally when im going to work-out..Oatmeals, just really small doses.

  2. Me either. I have lost a total of 33lbs but it is so slow. Especally for the amount of working out I do. Im in the 23 hrs. a day 5 days a week and most of that is spent doing cardio... I don't understand...But we have to keep plugging on

  3. No Problem.. I was bummed today. It rained here so I couldn't do my walk. I'm a little discouraged with my weight loss. I was banded on Dec 23, 2008 and have lost 30lbs in 3 months, but I am so impatient. I workout so much but it seems the weight wants to stay with me..UGH!

  4. UGH! Im stuck at my weight. I think I have only lost another 3lbs in 4 weeks. I just keep working out harder..How about you

  5. WOW...U rock..A trainer. I wish I had the time. I go to the gym 5 days a week, but I also work full-time and im a full-time student so im at the gym at very weird hours. 66lbs Thats great.. How long since your surgery? Your doing a great job. I have 58lbs to go to my goal and they seem so far away. But closer than they were. Take care and i'll talk to you soon..

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