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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by runningonempty

  1. I have a 10cc band with 9cc's in it now and I am very restricted. Im still hungry all the time and take phendymetrazine to curbe that hunger. It is a prescription by another Dr. I had hoped I would not need it after surgery, but that doesnt seem to be the case.
  2. runningonempty

    Close up scar#1

    What surgery did you have?
  3. I also had a hernia removed during surgery. The pain your feeling is because during any surgery, they fill your body with a gas to help the intestines float so they can get around them eaiser. It will pass but it really can hurt.
  4. runningonempty


    30 min is the amount of time to wait before drinking. Congradulations
  5. WOW...U rock..A trainer. I wish I had the time. I go to the gym 5 days a week, but I also work full-time and im a full-time student so im at the gym at very weird hours. 66lbs Thats great.. How long since your surgery? Your doing a great job. I have 58lbs to go to my goal and they seem so far away. But closer than they were. Take care and i'll talk to you soon..

  6. UGH! Im stuck at my weight. I think I have only lost another 3lbs in 4 weeks. I just keep working out harder..How about you

  7. Me either. I have lost a total of 33lbs but it is so slow. Especally for the amount of working out I do. Im in the 23 hrs. a day 5 days a week and most of that is spent doing cardio... I don't understand...But we have to keep plugging on

  8. Im eating alot of soups, some pasta noodles, especally when im going to work-out..Oatmeals, just really small doses.

  9. No Problem.. I was bummed today. It rained here so I couldn't do my walk. I'm a little discouraged with my weight loss. I was banded on Dec 23, 2008 and have lost 30lbs in 3 months, but I am so impatient. I workout so much but it seems the weight wants to stay with me..UGH!

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