Hi my name is Albert Gonzalez and this is my first time posting on this website. Well my journey began in May 2008. I got on a scale and was weighing 480lbs. Being that I am 6 foot 3 I felt that I was carrying it well but I was definitely kidding myself.
At this time I decided to get help and started to look into options in losing weight. I went to Lancaster General Hospital in Lancaster, PA and saw Dr. Alan Brader from Lancaster General Bariatrics.
After meeting with him and completing all the requirements I ended up having my lap band surgery on November 4, 2008. Prior to surgery I was required by my medical insurance to lose 20 pounds but I entered losing about 35.
Since my surgery I have lost another 38 pounds and know am weighing 407 pounds. During this process it has not been easy since I have had to come to understand that I do have a lot of bad habits for which I am currently battling with.
But I am staying focused and I hope that with continued focus I can over come those bad habits that have placed me in the situation of being overweight.
People have asked me if I had the chance to do this all over would I do it. I say yes it has been a good experience and by doctor and his staff have been very supportive.
I have just begun my journey and do understand that I have a long way to go, however, I believe I will be a success.
So as you read my entry if you feel that you want to drop me a line feel free in doing so.
Soon I will provide pictures of my progress. Hope to hear from you all.