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Everything posted by Cally

  1. Cally

    Calling all SLEEVED People

    OMG I hear you about not wanting to have to buy another pair of fat pants!!! I am getting my sleeve on 4-29 and this morning my biggest dressy work pants were tight!! I can't wait to get up in the am and put pants on and have them loose and fall off!!!!!!!!! That is going to feel so good. Can't wait!!!
  2. Cally

    Calling all SLEEVED People

    This is my very first posting, so I am still catching on. I hope this is the right area to post a hello!! I will be getting the sleeve on 4-29!! I am so excited and this site has been a great place to read about the pre and post stuff!! I start my 2 week liquid diet on 4-15 and looking forward to getting a jump on my weight loss. I love reading everyones stories and I am so thankful there is a group on here.

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