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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rxmayer

  1. rxmayer

    Finaly had the surgery!

    Had my surgery on July 11th, 2009 in Mexico. I have to be honest i was pretty scared. However everything went great! It has been 3 weeks today and i feel great. I have amzaing support from my boyfriend. If it wasn`t for him i don`t think i would be doing so great!:biggrin: Now the beginning of my new life has just started and i am very excited for what is a head for me in my future:thumbup:.
  2. rxmayer

    Finaly had the surgery!

    Had my surgery on July 11th, 2009 in Mexico. I have to be honest i was pretty scared. However everything went great! It has been 3 weeks today and i feel great. I have amzaing support from my boyfriend. If it wasn`t for him i don`t think i would be doing so great!:sneaky: Now the beginning of my new life has just started and i am very excited for what is a head for me in my future:thumbup:.
  3. I am from Thunder bay also and i am going to get banded at the end of June,2009. Any advice? Pretty nervous! Roxanne

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