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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by eeyore10479

  1. Eeyore

    I don't mean to come off rude here but if you were eating healthy then you wouldn't be in the obese category where you would require the band. So you must be eating more than chicken and veggies.

    I hope I didn't come across rude in my first post. That is one thing I am not, I'm not rude. I maybe obese, but I'm not rude!

    I wasn't paying very close attention to what I was writing last night...I was watching Dancing With The Stars. What I didn't mention was I have Syndrome X, which most people do not know about (even doctors). It's called the "Silent Killer". PCOS, pre-Diabetes and many other health conditions are all included in Syndrome X. My endocrinologist actually recommended this procedure in hopes that it would help me lose weight.

    On top of Syndrome X, I also have Hypothyroidism which is another strike against me.

    I have grown up with my mom suffering from many metabalic disorders. My mom NEVER makes anything fried...it's always grilled or baked. An average dinner is 3-4 vegetables during a meal and an average of 4-5 ounces of meat and 1 cup of carbohydrates. I do not use butter on vegetables. I grew up not using it so I don't use it now. In fact, I don't even use margarine.

    I'm not trying to make excuses, but I want people to realize that food is not the only reason I am obese. I have medical problems also. I know I need help and I want to lose weight. I have been overweight my entire life. I'm so tired of watching people be able to eat whatever they want. I know I will never be one of those people.

    When it comes to exercising, I have not been doing much of it since I am banned from activities from tearing my ACL 6 months ago.

    I have done Weight Watchers many times. As soon as I stray the least bit from the 'diet' I gain weight back. It's sooo frustrating. :)

  2. Hi everyone!

    I am beginning to think about getting the lap band. I'm frustrated with being overweight and want to be "normal". I plan on going to an information session this Wed. 4/1/09 with a local doctor. What types of questions should I ask? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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