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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by alvin

  1. 13 more days to go are you getting excited?

  2. Thank you for your comment. Good luck with your last 27 lbs, thank you again.

  3. I was banded on feb 13 2009 in louisiana. some of my weight was two months before surgery. The Dr made me lose 20 lbs before he would do it. when are you having yours done.

  4. Thanks for adding me as a friend, not to many people to chat on here. Well thanks!!!!!!!!!!

  5. good luck i hope it works well 4 you

  6. Hay sexy how r u???????????????????

  7. Hay sexy how r you doing? What r u doing?

  8. alvin

    19 more pounds till goal!!!

    What a beautiful differance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Doing very well i have a trainer 5 days a week. I've lost 66lbs total but i gained more muscle mass. I Still eat like horse, all protein i know i need a fill. I have a 14cc band and only 8cc in it. I hope every thing turns around and starts getting better for you. have a good day thank you for writing. TTYL

  10. Hello nice to hear from you!!

  11. Hows it going with the weight loss?

  12. what r you eating? your average is 10 lbs a month that is good, wright me back please

  13. Im doing fine, cant wait to see you this summer in our new hot bods lol. dont forget to walk walk walk because i see 8lbs loss in your future dont take this the wrong way but i love talking to you about this later

  14. Im doing fine, just ate some sausage and a little beans I see you down 8lbs by monday so dont forget to walk walk walk o yea and call me. So have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont forget about me lol

  15. No one talks to us on here. So how r you?

  16. this is alvin from tanpa. I got that picture from a New Orleans Saints web sight i belive it was NOsaints.com!!!!!!!

  17. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. I saw your pictures all i could say is WOW!! BEAUTIFUL!!!

  20. On my first fill the Dr. put in 3cc 1 month and a half after surgery, is it normal to eat a whole chicken breast an a leg before being full?
  21. alvin

    135 pounds, March 2009

    I must say you look awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Thank you for the message that helps alot thank you

  23. Thank you that helps out alot thanks

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