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Posts posted by TR2

  1. This is my first post. I got my surgery date yesterday, May 26! I also started my pre-op diet today. Next week is the psych eval. I am a cash patient so this whole process of the ""million dollar work-up" is going fast. It was pretty amazing that yesterday was my last day of the old way of eating. I went through alot of ups and downs emotionally after making my final decision to have surgery. I am now so ready and enthusiastic.

    Does anyone else have the 26th as their surgery date?



  2. I am currently navigating the financing. I have Anthem Blue Cross PPO but unfortunately my employer did not purchase the plan that includes bariatric surgery. I am a nurse and my employer was willing to give me a professional discount for the hospital fees of 10% since I will be a cash patient. When I have my first surgeon visit I intend to ask for a professional discount. The cash price for everything without discount is $17000.

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